» Family & Relationships » And so it Goes, Chalen D. [romantic love story reading TXT] 📗

Book online «And so it Goes, Chalen D. [romantic love story reading TXT] 📗». Author Chalen D.

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I smiled, and blew out the candles. The front door flew open.
"Sorry I'm late!" Becky said, shutting the door.
She put my present on the coffee table with the others.
"Happy Birthday." She said, hugging me.
Nathan stuck his head through the door.
"Chicken's almost done. Happy birthday kid."
I just smiled, at the chef hat he wore and the apron that said kiss the cook. Nancy was standing by the grill. We ate cake, ice cream, and Chicken. We opened the presents, and Nathan drove Nancy, Becky, Crimson and Clover home.
"Mikey's just Mikey." Martie said, taking a hit from Drew's pipe.
Calvin bit a hole in a pink balloon and sucked in all the air.
"You have to let Mikey come to you. If you go after him then he'll run."
I told them the story, but switched roles.
"How can you give good advice, with that squeaky voice?" Rosalynn asked.
"Just awesome." Calvin said, voice back to normal.
"Check your phone maybe he texted." Drew said, taking the pipe.
I pulled out my phone, "Nothing." I said, setting it on the table.
"Birthday shots!" Rosalynn said, smacking her leg. "How could we forget!"
"Birthday shots?" I asked, as Drew took a hit.
"Everyone At the party gives the birthday girl a birthday shot." She said.
Drew got up off the floor, and covered my mouth with his. I inhaled the smoke. Everyone took a turn. We ate the rest of the cake, and the guys went home.
"I can't believe he didn't say happy birthday."
"Whatever." I shrugged cleaning up.
Rosalynn tossed the ice cream box into the trash.
"I'm going to talk to him."
"No don't. I don't care."
"Well I do." She said, opening the back door.
I watched her hurry across to Mikey's back door. She pushed it open, and disappeared. I went back to my room and got back into bed. I pulled up YouTube, and put on Runaway. The lyrics calmed me a little.
'And If we runaway runaway now, we won't ever look back.'
I heard the back door closed.
"Rosalynn, for the last time, I was going to say happy Birthday in person. I had a whole night planned, and of course you just had to ruin everything." Mikey said.
I tossed the covers off and bolted to the bathroom, and locked the doors.
"Well did she know that?"
"No. that's the point of a surprise Rosalynn."
"Stop calling me Rosalynn!"
"That's your name isn't it? Open Up Lola!" Mikey said, hitting the bathroom door.
"You don't call me Rosalynn unless your mad at me."
"I'm not-" He sighed, and hit the door again. "I'm not mad at you Rose. Lola open the damn door!"
I escaped through Rosalynn's room. I went to the front yard, and grabbed my key from under the flower pot. I got into my car.
The door was yanked open, just as I pushed the gas down. I didn't know where I was going. I just had to get away. There wasn't many places I could go, since I was bare foot. I pulled to the side of the road, where Martie was walking. I honked the horn, and he got in. We drove to the lake, and sat down.
"Where are your shoes?"
"I ran away."
"From where?"
"Who's that?"
"My therapist." I said, Putting my phone on the ground beside me.
"Want me to answer it?"
"Go for it."
"Marcus....No you got the wrong number...maybe you dialed wrong. Okay bye."
I smiled, and took my phone. It rang again and I looked down at it, then lay back.
"It's Rose, aren't you going to answer it?"
"She might worry."
I sighed and picked it up.
"Where are you?"
"i ran away."
"Cause I told you not to go-"
"Mikey stop!"
"Lola? Come home. don't be stupid."
I hung up the phone.
"Well, they're retarded."
"What else is knew?" he asked. "Hate to be a party pooper, but I really got to get home."
"Come on I'll drive you." I said, wiping my hands on my pants, to get the pebbles off.
I dropped him off at home and then went home myself.
"Lola!" Rosalynn said, hugging me. "here." She gave me a glass of orange juice.
I took the glass and took a drink.
"what the fuck?" i asked, looking at the cup.
"It has Vadka in it."
I shrugged and drowned the glass. Once I was drunk Mikey came over.
"Mikey!" I said throwing my arms around him.
"Your drunk. Where's Rosalynn?"
"Rosie! Rosie, where are you! uh-oh Rosie's gone."
"Sit down." Mikey said, bringing me to the couch.
He when to her room.
"Rosalynn's gone."
"Get in the car." He said, grabbing my jacket and car keys.
He put my jacket on, and dragged me to the car. We found Rosalynn at Calvins house drinking with him, Drew, and Martie.
We ran to each other, hugging.
"let's go." Mikey said, grabbing our arms.
"Don't be a party pooper!" Rosalynn said, taking her arm away from him.
"Here. Drink this. Where's the music!" I said, handing him a shot glass.
The Next morning I was in a room I didn't know. Rosalynn, Mikey, Martie, Calvin, and Drew where all over the place.
"Wake up."
Slowly they all woke up.
"Where the fuck are we?" Martie asked.
"I think we're in a hotel." Rosalynn said.
Calvin pulled back the curtains.
"How did we end up at a hotel?" Drew asked.
"Uh guys. You better come see this." Calvin said.
We all went to the window, seeing a beach, and palm trees. There was a sign saying welcome to Sunny Florida.
"Fuckin Florida." Mikey said.
"How the fuck did we end up in a different state?" I demanded.
We all looked at each other.
"Well how are we going to get home?" Rosalynn asked.
"I don't have any money." I said.
"Fork it up guys." Mikey said.
Him, Calvin, Drew, and Martie, began to pull sacks of weed out of thier pockets, and shoes.
"Must of been some night." Rosalynn muttered.
"I don't remember shit." I said.
"What's that?" Drew asked, pointing to my pants.
There was a plastic bag in my Pocket. Martie pulled it out.
"Pain killers." He said, tossing it onto the table, with the sacks of weed.
"Where the hell did you get pain Killers?" Mikey asked.
"Did you not just here me say, I don't remember shit?"
"Alright. We just got to get to the beach and sell this shit. Girls you stay here." Calvin said.
"Change of plans." Rosalynn said, picking up a black bag.
I walked over and peeked inside.
"Holy shit!" i said, pulling out a bundle of money and holding it up for the guys to see. "It's full of it."
They all came over.
"We robbed a bank." Mikey said.
"How do you know?" Rosalynn asked.
"look." He pointed to a bank logo.
"What did we rob it with Squirt guns?" Drew asked.
"With these." Martie said, pulling a drawer out of the night stand and dumping it onto the bed.
Six guns fell onto the bed, and bounced a little.
"Oh shit!" i said.
"We robbed a fucking bank. That's just fucking perfect." Drew said.
"Every one stay calm we can figure this out." Calvin said.
We all looked at each other. There was a knock on the door.
"Time to pay up!" A man called.
"Whoa what are you doing?" I asked, Drew as he grabbed a bundle.
"I'm going to give it to him."
"No, We have to give it back to the bank." Martie said.
"Then what do we do?" Mikey asked, looking at the door, as it was banged on.
"Everyone grab a gun, and strip the sheets." i said.
Everyone grabbed a gun, and Put it at the small of their backs. We tied the sheets together and then tied it on the balcony rail.
"Rosalynn your first. Your the smallest." I said.
Rosalynn went down.
"Don't toss the money down, until the last person." I said, swinging my leg over.
Calvin dropped the money bag and I caught it. Once he was down we made our way to the parking lot.
"Anybody got keys?" I asked.
They all looked at each other.
"Perfect." i said, on a sigh.
"Wait." Rosalynn said, pulling a key from her bra.
I drove, and Rosalynn got into the front, with the money bag. The boys got into the back, and Drew sat on the floor.
"Where's that bank at?" I asked.
"Wait a second. We return the money, and we get locked. I don't want o go to jail. Do you want to go to jail?" Rosalynn said, looking into the back seat.
The guys shook their heads.
"We would of got caught by now, if we where going to be." Drew said.
"Alright fine. we keep the money for now." I said.
" What do we do until then?" Calvin asked.
"I say we just get rid of the funkin bag all together." Martie said.
"I'm with Martie."
"That's what I'm sayin'." Martie said, bumping fists with Mikey.
"The bag has our finger prints on it. Right Lola?" Rosalynn said.
"Right. We got to get rid of the guns some how."
Everyone was quite as we drove into town.
"How the fuck are we going to get home? We can't ask, cause what if someone notices us?" Drew said.
"He's right." Mikey said.
"Of course he's right." i said.
"Okay, I'm feeling a little tension." Calvin said.
"We're fine." We said together.
"Damn." Rosalynn, Martie, Drew, and Calvin said together.
"Can somebody just think of a plan please?" i asked.
"Okay Confession." Rosalynn said.
"We're listening." Martie said.
"i'm scared." She said.
"Me too dudes." Calvin said.
"Yeah I'm creeped out to." Drew said.
"Right there with you." Mikey said.
"Don't worry guys I got this." I said.
"We hope so, cause we got nothing." Martie said.
"Okay, here's what we're going to do. Anyone got a cell phone?" I said.
They all said no. Rosalynn opened the glove box, and took out my cell phone.
"No juice." She said.
"Okay, here's whats up. We're going to drive three town's away then we'll get something to eat. We'll go from there. No matter what happens from here on out, We're all in this together, We stick together. Deal?"
They all nodded adding there deals. We drove three towns over and pulled into a dinner. We got something to eat, and got directions back home. We all took turns driving. After three more towns we got some clothes, and tooth brushes, and drove into a hotel. We got a sweet with three rooms. Martie and Drew shared a room, Mikey shared with Calvin and I shared with Rosalynn. Once she was sleeping I snuck out of the room, and went down to the ice room. I got a cup of ice and went back to the room. Mikey was sitting at the table, drinking some soda. I poured myself a cup and went back to my room.
"Can we talk Lola?" Mikey asked, as I touched the door knob.
"I'm scared."
"Don't be. we're going to get out of this." I said, sitting across from him.
"That's not what I'm talking about."
"I'm scared that I'll lose you."
I looked up at him from my soda cup. That was my fear too.
"What I said, about me marring you, that was a joke. I don't want you to run away. I love you, I don't want to lose you. I want you to say something."
"What do you want me to say?"
"I'm no good with my words."
I swallowed, as he stared at his cup. I watched the tears,
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