» Family & Relationships » Adrian Assistant, jewel crotan [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

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up to the front of the room and instantly switched into business mode – launching into a factor within the Kingston Corp Real Estate department that needed fixing due to low publicity and demands in that area, and the suggested ways to improve it efficiently and at a rapid pace to get it moving again.

“I don’t like any of the suggestions or offers I am getting in regards to the department, so I have called you all here today to come up with a suggestion that will help boost buyers,” Adrian explained. “Our target audience are families looking for bigger homes to buy and newlyweds. I want an informal proposal from you lot at the moment, and whoever I believe has the best suggestion will need to write up a plan and submit it over to the marketing department immediately.” After reclaiming his seat at the head of the table, he opened his palms up at everyone and said simply, “Go.”

“Why don’t we use sex appeal?” one of the women suggested, tossing a pointed look at Adrian. “Newlyweds would be thinking of that a lot.”

I threw a look of disbelief in her direction before my eyes trailed over to Adrian, who was staring at me.

Once he realised that I had caught him in the act, he snapped out of his haze and threw a smug smile in my direction before turning over to the woman.

“Mmmm. That sounds like a good idea, Ms. Cooper,” Adrian said in a low voice, making her go red in the face. He briefly glanced back in my direction and raised an eyebrow, as if to say ‘Jealous?’

I rolled my eyes at his immature behaviour before a man seated across from me spoke up. “That’s nonsense,” he said. “Not everyone thinks about sex. Look at it in a practical perspective. You want to show the consumer that they’re buying something efficient and will last long throughout their entire marriage.”

The woman who spoke up scoffed. “It’s a house, Greg. Of course it’s going to last long.”

“Why are we only focusing on the newlyweds?” another woman, this one with blond highlights, spoke up, gaining everyone’s attention. “What about the families that are looking to buy bigger homes? I think we should advertise how spacious it is.”

I nodded briefly in agreement before another man spoke up. “Sara’s right. We have to look at a broad picture that will target both buyers.”

“That’s right,” I found myself chiming in. I blushed a little with embarrassment, but I’ve come too far to back down now. I went on, “I think all your suggestions can be put to use within one advertisement. Show the large space and quality of the houses that we offer to attract both the attention of the newlyweds who are looking for something big and shiny, and also parents who want to ensure the safety and comfort of their growing family. We can show a family with a puppy in one house, and then right next door, have a newly wedded couple moving in to a similar house with the neighbours giving them a hand with their things.”

The man who spoke up before I did looked over at me and grinned broadly. “That’s a really good idea. Why aren’t you managing the marketing department?” he joked, leaning forward slightly to get a better view of me.

I laughed and felt my face redden even more, before shrugging. “I’m still waiting for the promotion,” I replied, before turning over to Adrian.

“Ms. Johnson, you are out of line,” Adrian snapped, making my smile drop instantly.

“W-What? It was a joke!” I exclaimed, looking over at him with wide eyes.

“I apologise, Mr. Kingston, I am the one who began the unprofessional comments. You don’t need to put the blame on Ms. Johnson,” the man said, looking over at Adrian with fear.

Adrian glared straight at him before speaking up. “Do you have something going on with her?” he asked through clenched teeth.

“What? No! I’ve never seen her before today – which is unfortunate, on my part,” he added, casting a lopsided grin in my direction. I gave a small smile in reply, still unsure of how to react in the situation.

“Maybe we should get back to the suggestions…” I trailed off, mumbling.

“I did not give you permission to participate in this meeting,” he replied swiftly, casting a cold glare in my direction.

I felt my blood begin to boil. “Why the hell am I here then?! Actually, why am I even still working for you? For the past few weeks, all you’d have me do is ‘cancel your morning schedule’ and then make me file paperwork from the 20th century! All while you play bed buddies with your whores of the day! Then, when I actually go out during my lunch break, you come into the diner like a caveman and drag me away from someone who I actually enjoyed sitting with! What the hell is your problem?!” I burst, heaving angrily.

“Ms. Johnson, don’t make me kick you out of this meeting,” Adrian replied, still glaring. His nostrils flared slightly once again, and I could tell he was trying to control his anger.

“Why not?” I retorted, my face turning red with anger instead of embarrassment this time. “You’re not letting me participate in it anyway! And why? Because a guy spoke to me? My suggestion was good – great even – they all agreed to it. You’re just so fucking immature about the fact that we shared one kiss together – which you’ve done with about 600 other women in the past two weeks alone – to the point where you can’t even reply to a question I ask without going all dry and bitchy at me!”

“EMILY, DON’T MAKE ME FIRE YOU!” Adrian roared, jumping out his seat and banging his fist onto the table in anger. He held my gaze for a few moments, before I broke away from his glare.

I pushed my chair back and slammed the folder that contained the files shut on the desk.

“You don’t even need to do the honours, Mr. Kingston,” I declared, throwing him one last venomous glare as I got to my feet and headed for the door. “I. quit.”

I stomped out of the conference room furiously, leaving a stunned looking Adrian behind.

For good.

chapter 18

 “I am not letting you work in Walmart when you have a résumé made of gold!” Amy scowled, shutting my laptop with vicious force before I was able to submit my online job application on the website of one of the most well-known stores in America.

“But Ames, it’s been an entire month since I became jobless, and this is the only thing I can find!” I whined, pouting as I looked at her infuriated expression.

“That’s because you’re an idiot who quit working for a billion-dollar company that was paying you freaking perfectly!” she exclaimed, calling me an idiot for the 28th time this month ever since I informed her of my new jobless status. “You should’ve just left the room instead of quitting!”

“And let him have the satisfaction of pushing me around?” I pointed out, feeling my eyebrows knit together as the memory of Adrian’s lips against mine in California, along with all the crappy fallout that happened after, appeared in my mind. “No way! I stood up for myself – it was the right thing to do. Plus, I should’ve quit as soon as we kissed.”

“Ugh, Emily! He was freaking jealous of the fact that the dude in the meeting was hitting on you! That’s why he was so angry! You’re an idiot for quitting!” Amy scowled, glaring at my sloppy form from across the sofa.

I matched her expression before replying. “I get it! I’m an idiot for quitting! You’ve made that pretty clear! But it’s done and there’s nothing I can do about it. Adrian probably has a new assistant by now – who he’s probably banging as we speak – and he’s definitely forgotten about me. What’s done is done.” I sighed in defeat. “Now, will you stop being a pain in my ass for like two seconds and help your best friend find a job that’ll help her continue to get through the expenses of rent and bills for the rest of her lonely life?” 

Amy’s expression softened a little before she sank into the sofa miserably. “Fine.” She groaned. “I hope you thank God every day for having a friend like me,” she said, giving me a warning look.

“Every day.” I grinned slyly, sarcasm dripping from my tone.

She gave me a glare. “And I need to remind you – just once more! You’re an idiot for quitting.”

“Duly noted. Can we find me a job now?” I pouted, passing the laptop over to her cautiously, afraid she might attack it once again.

“Yes. Let me work my magic on the World Wide Web.” She opened the silver electronic device that was occupying the space on her lap. “Anyway, how’s Allen?” she asked curiously. “Still hasn’t spoken to you since that mysterious and very vague text message he sent you two weeks ago?”

I sighed as Allen’s smiling face and short text flashed through my mind. Allen had texted me two weeks ago telling me he was sorry for what had happened with Adrian, and that it was his fault that I quit – which it wasn’t. He also said that he couldn’t see or talk to me anymore, even though he really wanted to, because of certain promises he made with a certain asshole that I stopped working for a month ago.

“Still the same,” I finally replied, pulling myself out of my thoughts.

“I think Adrian is super jealous that you two get along so well, so he made Allen stop talking to you since he couldn’t make you do it. Allen must really value his friendship with Adrian for listening to him!” Amy raised her eyebrows at me, and asked, as if in challenge, “Would you do that for me?”

I glared before scoffing. “Of course not. I hate you.” I smirked as her expression transformed to a look of shock, making me laugh. “I’m kidding. And stop having the whole ‘Adrian is jealous because he likes you’ idea in your mind. It’s unhealthy.” I tried to stifle my laughter and give her a mocking grimace.

“FANTASIZING ABOUT A BOSS YOU KISSED THEN QUIT WORKING FOR IS UNHEALTHY!” Amy shouted back, throwing a pillow at my face. It hit me with an unexpected force, and I groaned as the pressure of the soft material hit my nose harder than anticipated.

I rubbed at it in pain before glaring at her, blushing slightly. “I do not fantasize about him!” I hissed, growing even more embarrassed once I saw her knowing look.

“And I don’t fantasize about Ian Somerhalder,” Amy said in a sing-song tone, smiling smugly. “All is right in the world once again!”

“Shut up.” I scowled.

She giggled before her fingers stopped moving the mouse. “I think I’ve found a job that you’ll be able to do very well and has good pay. Not as good as Adrian’s pay was – and you’re an

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