» Family & Relationships » Ancient Mystic's War of the Realms Saga, Lady Adellandra Dratianos [reading well .txt] 📗

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same Companion.
“Not far from here, with the Fire-Starter.” Celine spoke up.
“Who’s the Fire-Starter?” Bridget “Big Guy” Guy asked.
“His Earthbound name is Scott Archer.” Shadow put in. “He’s a Fire-Starter and Amethyst’s Earthly Protector.”
“Well folks, are we gonna just stand around an chat, or are we gonna fight the bad guys?” Chips Deneson crossed his arms and frowned. “I, for one, want to kick some Dominionite butt.”
“You and me both, brother.” Jammins said.
He held his arm out, signaling for the rest of them to do the same. Each put their hand atop his. As the last hand was placed on the stack, they let out their battle-cry.
“Dream Realm Crusaders!”

Story #3:
The Master’s Destruction

The Dream Realm sun was steadily making its path on the horizon. Young Guardian was in hiding with her team of Companions, waiting for the enemy to find them.
When she didn’t hear anything for a long time, she used her empathic abilities to sense those around her. There weren’t any Dark Warriors near them, thank the Gods, but her team was tired and war worn. Companions and Earthbound alike were exhausted, hurting from many battles with the Dark Warriors. She’d nearly lost many of her Companion followers, and almost lost the Protector for a while there. It was a good thing she had full control of her Advanced Healing Magic and was able to save him.
Young Guardian looked at her Life-Line and noticed the time. Well past midnight in the Outer Realm, she thought with a shake of her head. How much longer will this massacre last, and how many Companions and Dwellers will die in it?
There had to be something they could do besides sit there like sitting ducks!
“Something bother you, Young Guardian?” She heard the female growl of a foxhound from beside her. Looking up, she saw it was Nicola HeartLily, and she was joined by her platoon-mate and partner, Ronan BrownPatches. Nicola was holding a mug of something hot, offering it to her. “You look unwell.”
Young Guardian nodded to Nicola, taking the mug from her hands. “Unwell doesn’t begin to describe how I feel, Personnel HeartLily.”
“Is there anything we can do to help?” Ronan asked.
Young Guardian gave his question a thought. “Tell me how we can outwit the Dark Warriors without them actually knowing it’s us.”
The two partners shook their heads.
“Perhaps I can help?” They heard another voice speak up. This one was male, and he sounded astute. When they looked to see who it was, the Dweller-kin leader Ramon went on. “I could not help overhearing your inquiry, Young Guardian. May I suggest a silent raid?”
Young Guardian nodded. “Tell us what to do, and we’ll do it.”
“May I take charge of these two Companions?” Ramon asked her. She nodded, with the Companions looking at each other in fear of him. “First thing’s first. Do you know what a silent raid is?” They shook their heads and he explained. “It is when you raid an enemy camp, destroying anything in sight, from food to supplies. In the end, they will be far too weak from hunger to fight. You will have left them with nothing to fight with.”
Young Guardian stood. “Great idea, Ramon.” She said. “BrownPatches, HeartLily, do you or any of your comrades know where the nearest enemy camp is?”
“Nay, Young Guardian.” Nicola supplied.
“What about you, Ramon?” Young Guardian asked him.
“It cannot be that hard to find.” Ramon shrugged. “Just follow the stench of death and decay left by any Stalker.”
Young Guardian grinned. “What are you waiting for, Dweller?”
Ramon laughed. “Your permission.”
“You have it. Now go, before I change my mind!”
“Very well.” Ramon said, arms on each of the two Companions’ shoulders. “If you two will kindly come with me?”
When they left, Young Guardian went to find the Protector. His arm was still bandaged from the last healing she did on him, which was a good thing. She found him sitting on a rock by a blazing fire, trying to clean the blade of his sword with one arm.
As if sensing her there, he looked up and pasted a smile. “Hey, you.”
“Hi.” She said, sitting next to him. “How are you feeling?”
“Better now, thanks to you.” The Protector sheathed his sword in its scabbard and placed it beside him before kissing her lips. “How’re we doing so far?”
“We’ve lost many, wounded more, and we’re not through this war yet.” Young Guardian sighed. “Right now, we’re on a much-needed break from the fighting, which is why I’m here instead of there.”
“That worried about me, huh?” The Protector joked softly.
“You could say that, yeah.” Young Guardian supplied.
The Protector placed his free hand on her cheek. “I know you better than that. You’re also worried about the kids. Be patient. We’ll be home before you know it.”
“I worry not only the kids, but the rest of my family.” Young Guardian supplied. “Who am I to bring them into a war they might lose their lives in?”
“You didn’t bring them, for one.” The Protector supplied. “They volunteered as Crusaders. For another, you don’t know if they’ve lost their lives, or even if they will, so stop worrying.”
Young Guardian stood and shook her head. “I don’t know anything right now, Derrick, and it scares me.” She turned back to him. “It frightens me that I can’t do anything more in this stupid war.”
She sat back down and sighed. With his free hand, the Protector rubbed her back and held her close. She closed her eyes, enjoying his embrace and the warmth of the fire. It crackled and snapped, warming her thoughts as well as her body.
“I don’t mean to interrupt, Young Guardian, but we have distressing news to report.” A voice growled from above them.
The couple opened their eyes and looked to see who had spoken. Chikité Moondancer and Scott Archer were standing above them. Young Guardian thought their coming footsteps were more gentle noises to their fire, dismissing them in her mind.
“Well, what is it, Page?” Young Guardian asked.
Chikité bowed to her feet once she stood. He told her everything he witnessed with the Unicorn, and how he called on Celeste to take Airmed, the Unicorn, and Amethyst away to the Healer’s Tents.
“You don’t say.” Young Guardian muttered, a stern look in her eye as she stared into space, fingering the dagger at her belt. “Orthos was behind this, wasn’t he?”
Chikité nodded, rising.
The Protector knew what she was thinking. “Now, Ariana. Don’t do anything stupid.”
“Oh, I won’t.” Young Guardian supplied. “I’ll only destroy him once and for all.”
“You’ve tried that already. It can’t be done.” The Protector said. “He’ll just come back for more.”
“Once I destroy him, he won’t come back.” Young Guardian said.
“How do you know that for sure?” Scott asked, speaking out. “If he was able to use a spell to come back this time, who’s to say he won’t do it again?”
Young Guardian unsheathed her sword and stared at the pommel before slicing it diagonally in the air.
The Protector and Scott looked at each other, both afraid for her. She probably didn’t see what they did. The pommel’s jewel was black and the sword’s blade was glowing.
“I’ll be the one to say.” Young Guardian growled, marching out of the camp and toward the front lines.
Chikité and Scott could do nothing but stand and stay behind.
The Protector followed even though he was still injured. “Where you go, I go.” He announced roughly, making her stop in her tracks.
Young Guardian turned and he could see the red in her eyes. “Do what you wish. I don’t care.”
She then turned and continued marching. The Protector’s Locket-Pendant glowed red-hot as he followed. He didn’t like the evil feelings that came from it, nor did he know what to do to stop her. So like the perfect husband and consort he was, he would follow her to the front lines to take on the Master Orthos.
They didn’t go far. A mist of wind gathered in front of them, and the Lord Guardian himself stood in front of his successor. He was a Centaur, scowling with his arms crossed.
“Ariana Moon, I order you to stop.”
“I mean no disrespect, O’Dell, but I can’t.” Young Guardian supplied. “That brother of yours must be destroyed.”
“You believe you have such power, when others have tried and failed before?” O’Dell remarked, eyeing the Protector and his successor.
“I don’t believe anything.” Young Guardian supplied. “I know he almost killed the Unicorn and his Protector. Now let me through.”
When she tried to pass him, he stood in front of her. Her eyes turned bright red, glowing with her anger.
“Move, O’Dell, or I’ll be forced to do something I might regret later.” She didn’t meet his eyes. O’Dell still didn’t move and she was on the verge of frustration. “You, of all people should wish his destruction! He’s hurt many Dreamers, killed Companions, and I’m not going to take it anymore. Orthos must be stopped for good!”
“I seem to recall hearing he killed you once.” The Protector prodded softly.
O’Dell and Young Guardian stared into each other’s eyes for a few moments before he nodded. “I will join you.”
Before they could advance, the Dweller leader Ramon appeared. “I believe I will as well.”
“I thought you were with the Young Companions?” The Protector was surprised at his sudden appearance.
“I was, and now I’m with you.” Ramon supplied.
“Why do you want to go, Ramon?” The Protector asked him.
“Orthos and Crucis are working together.” Ramon frowned. “Crucis is a Stalker and I must destroy him.”
O’Dell and Ramon gave each other knowing looks. Not wanting to wait, Young Guardian was again on her way, with Ramon, the Protector and the Lord Guardian himself behind her.


“Bad news, Masters.” The Dweller Stalker woman named Francesca replied, bowing to Orthos and Crucis.
“Spill it, Stalker.” Orthos demanded.
“Lord Guardian is on his way.” Francesca announced, out of breath. “With him are the Protector, Young Guardian, and,” she gulped, looking at the Stalker leader Crucis, “Ramon Martiya.”
Crucis pounded his fist on the make-shift table in front of him. “I knew it!” He turned to Orthos. “You promised his destruction, Orthos.”
“I did nothing of the sort and you know it, Crucis.” Orthos huffed.
“Will you two stop arguing?” Lord Bane yelled over their voices. “It matters not who promised what.”
“All that matters now is what you plan to do about it.” Gloriana spoke up after him.
Francesca was still bowed at their feet.
“How far are they, Francesca?” Crucis asked.
“Not far, Lord Crucis.” Francesca answered. “Just outside the border lines.”
“Very well.” Orthos stood, and Crucis followed. “Let us greet them formally.”
Gloriana and Lord Bane exchanged glances before following them out the door.


Young Guardian of the Dream Realm was pissed. Lord Guardian followed close behind her, with the Protector and Dweller-kin leader Ramon Martiya behind him. It didn’t take long to follow the stench of two Stalkers.
“Crucis and Francesca are nearby.” Ramon growled, scratching his nose.
O’Dell nodded. “So is Orthos.” He supplied. “Are you sure about this, Ariana Moon?”
“Positive, so stop calling me that.” Young Guardian said. “He’s done a lot of damage to helpless Dreamers over the years. He must be stopped.”
“I must be stopped, is it?” They all heard Orthos’ voice cackle. He laughed. “You wish!”
“The only thing I wish right now is your death!” Young Guardian stood up to him, sword in hand and glowing red eyes. The pommel’s jewel glowed as well, and the blade seemed to hum in her hands.
Crucis, Gloriana, Francesca and
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