» Family & Relationships » Adrian Assistant, jewel crotan [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗

Book online «Adrian Assistant, jewel crotan [best novels for beginners .TXT] 📗». Author jewel crotan

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disappearing into the ensuite of the bedroom.

My makeup was done in 20 minutes, and it had taken another 10 minutes to put the dress on carefully without wrecking my hair in any way possible. Adrian was nowhere to be found in the bedroom, so I assumed he was already dressed and waiting for me in the living room. I slipped on my nude heels as I walked out of the bedroom clumsily, and almost fell on my face in shock once I found Adrian sprawled across the sofa, asleep, wearing his pants and shoes, as well as a fully unbuttoned shirt and a tie hanging loosely around his neck.

“Adrian, get up!” I exclaimed, slapping his exposed cheek a few times. He groaned and shifted his position before falling silent again.

I sighed before bending down to be at eyelevel with him. “Adrian, you need to get up. We need to leave in 15 minutes!” I tried again, shaking his body.

“I don’t want to go,” I heard his muffled voice mumble, before his breathing steadied again.

I let out a frustrated sigh before another method came to mind. “Adrian… I’m naked and need your help with the dress…” I trailed off in a low whisper, trying to sound seductive. In reality, I probably sounded like I had smoker’s cough and was trying to muffle it.

Thankfully, Adrian didn’t think so, because he was sitting upright milliseconds after the words left my mouth. His eyes landed on my form and any grogginess or lust instantly disappeared from his expression and he stared back at me with an unreadable expression.

I flushed in embarrassment under the intense gaze, and began to button up his shirt. “We have to leave soon,” I murmured, trying to distract him from looking at me in the way that he was.

“Emily…” He trailed off, making me look up at him. His expression was still glazed as he studied my facial features and hair before his eyes landed on my dress again. My flushed face deepened in colour as I continued buttoning up his shirt, and began working on his tie.

Once I was done, I stood up from my crouched position and looked down at my shoes.

“Come on,” I urged him, still feeling self-conscious under his intense gaze. “Grab your suit jacket and let’s go.”

He snapped out of his haze-like stare once I looked up to meet his eyes again, and he blinked blankly. “You look… nice,” he muttered, looking away from me suddenly.

I frowned at his unusual behaviour before clearing my throat. “Thank you.”

“Let’s go,” he ordered, slipping on his suit jacket before grabbing my hand and pulling me out the door.

“You’re suddenly eager to get there. You were sleeping less than 5 minutes ago,” I pointed out in amusement.

“That’s because I can’t wait any longer,” Adrian stated as we stepped into the elevator.

“For what?” I asked, biting my lip curiously again.

“You’ll see when we get there,” he replied flatly.

I frowned, both from curiosity and his sudden mood change just as we stepped out of the hotel into the black car that was waiting for us. Once we got in, Adrian turned to me. “There are going to be quite a few people from the press there. We need them to promote the charity so we’re going to have to answer most of their questions. Just let me do all the talking, you don’t need to worry about a thing, okay?”

My eyes turned wide with shock at the mention of the press, but I swallowed and nodded in response. “Is that the thing you can’t wait any longer for?” I asked, hoping to get a response.

“No, but that will be during that time.” He didn’t elaborate after that, and I found myself burning with curiosity for the rest of the trip.


Once we arrived at the reception, my heart began to beat rapidly against my chest. The beating was so intense that I could hear it in my eardrums, and I looked over at Adrian with desperation. “Just go in alone. Can’t you do that? What if they ask me questions because I’m next to you? Adrian, please-”

“Shortcake, breathe,” Adrian said, cutting off my panicked rambling. “I’ll take care of it, okay? Just trust me.” He hooked his thumb around my chin and lifted my face up to meet his gaze.

I stared back into his hazel irises for a few moments before nodding slowly, letting myself trust him.

“Let’s go,” he said after a moment of silence, grabbing my hand.

“Thank you for driving us!” I called out to the driver before getting yanked out of the car by Adrian.

Flashes of bright light instantly blinded my field of vision, and I felt Adrian chuckle and pull me closer. “Always the nice one,” he murmured into my ear, making me momentarily forget about the blinding lights and blush.

“Mr. Kingston! Mr. Kingston! Over here! How much are you planning to raise for the charity in tonight’s gala?” someone asked, making everyone turn quiet as the flashes continued to erupt from random corners of the crowd.

“As much as I can,” Adrian replied with a ghost of a smirk on his lips.

“Mr. Kingston! How many people are attending the event?” another person asked, and I looked over to find a woman with bright orange hair holding out a recording devise.

“There are over 350 people here today, including myself,” he answered as he dragged me along the long walkway that was set up.

“What do you plan to do with the money raised tonight, sir?” another woman asked, smiling at the both of us.

“Cassandra, lovely to see you again. All the money that will be raised tonight will go towards any families in need of the money as well as funding towards the research that will be conducted in regards to cancer,” Adrian explained, before checking his watch. “I’m sorry, that’s all I have time for. We will take more questions at the end if you are willing to wait. Thank you for joining us.” He gave them all a brief wave.

The cameras instantly began to go off again with bright flashes, and I decided to speak my thoughts aloud. “Why do they continue to take photos of the same people? I don’t get it,” I mumbled to him with a frown on my face.

Adrian chuckled and pulled me closer. “They can’t get enough of how sexy you look. Now put me next to you? It’s a picture worth a billion dollars.” He smirked down at me, making my cheeks turn the same colour of my dress.

“Ms. Emily Johnson, are you more than just an assistant to Mr. Kingston?” A man asked, making my eyes widen in shock once I realised the question was directed at me and turning the entire place quiet again.

I didn’t even get the chance to look up at Adrian for help, because he already began answering the question on my behalf. “I’m glad you asked that question, Joseph.”

I frowned in confusion from his response and looked up at him, waiting for an elaboration.

Adrian looked down at me and smirked. “Remember the thing I couldn’t wait any longer for?” he asked. I nodded slowly, still unsure of what he was getting at, before he continued talking. “This is it,” he declared, before I felt him pull me into his torso as his lips crashed onto mine eagerly; making me forget about the flashing lights and murmurs that instantly burst into life as soon as the contact was made.

I began kissing him back just as eagerly, completely forgetting the fact that there were over 50 paparazzi here taking photos and recording the event. I realised after a moment that I was kissing Adrian – my boss – and pulled away in shock while trying to catch my breath. Adrian kept an iron grip around my waist, preventing me from moving away from being pressed against his body, before he turned back to Joseph.

“Emily is, in fact, more than my assistant. She is my girlfriend. Have a nice night.”

“Hmm indeed. I like this view a lot,” Adrian interjected, making me turn around and glare at him with another red face. He smirked in my direction before indicating for me to continue. I turned back to the computer with an amused grin, before frowning again at the lifeless piece of technology.

Deciding that the monitor and keyboard were fine, I bent down to inspect the hard drive of the device. The chords were all in their correct places, and I bent even further in order to follow the electricity line. “Is it even turned on?” I murmured to myself, trying to find the electric switch.

“Probably not, but I am,” Adrian mumbled, making me squeal in shock and bump my head underneath the desk from his words.

My face began to heat up in embarrassment once again before I found the electric switch and flipped it on before crawling out of my position under the desk. I turned to Adrian with a smug smile but instantly began to blush once I noticed his lustful gaze.

“Shut up,” I mumbled, walking away from him.

Adrian made this impossible however, because I suddenly felt myself being pulled against my will and stumbling onto his lap. “Adrian!” I hissed, casting an anxious look over to the door. “Someone might walk in and get the wrong idea!”

Adrian shrugged before placing a kiss on my cheeks. “Let them. It won’t be ‘the wrong idea’ for long anyway.” He smirked, noticing my increased flushed state from the kiss.

“What do you mean by that?” I asked curiously, biting my lip.

Adrian’s eyes travelled down to the small gesture, and he stared at my mouth absentmindedly before looking back up to meet my eyes. “You’ll find out tonight.” He smirked, before I felt him squeeze my backside. “Now get back to work. On me.”

I let out a small gasp in response and Adrian waggled his eyebrows. “You just did the gasp thing again!” Adrian grinned proudly, making me hit his chest lightly.

“Shut up,” I snapped, trying to get off his lap.

“And where exactly do you think you’re going?” Adrian asked, securing his grip around my waist by tightening his arms. “I told you; you’re working on me.”

“How am I going to work on you, Adrian?” I asked with an exasperated sigh, smiling slightly in amusement.

“Well, you can work on me and do the work for the company or you can work on me,” Adrian said, raising an eyebrow suggestively before giving a pointed look in his crotch area.

I frowned, trying to get his reference before gasping in shock. “Adrian!” I exclaimed, hitting his chest again.

He chuckled before placing another unexpected peck on my cheek.

“I love the way you scream my name, Shortcake.” He winked, completely oblivious to my mortification.


“The nerve he has to make us do your hair in an insignificant room in the hotel,” Rita huffed as she sprayed at my hair to fix it into position. “ After all I’ve done for that man!”

I laughed at her anger towards Adrian, just as Amy came to mind. “You’re not the only one unhappy about that, I can assure you.”

“Yes, well. He’s an idiot. And an asshole. And doesn’t deserve you because you’re perfect, and so is the job I’m doing on your hair so far!” Rita grinned, winking at me in the reflection of the mirror.

I laughed awkwardly before looking down at my lap. “He’s actually not as bad as everyone thinks he is. He’s actually very nice if you sit down and have a conversation with him that doesn’t regard business. He’s caring too; and protective…” I trailed off absentmindedly, before realising that I was standing up for Adrian.

I looked back up at the mirror with wide eyes to see Rita smiling at my reflection knowingly, making me flush in embarrassment. “I think someone
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