» Family & Relationships » life ??, chelsea johnson [read books for money .TXT] 📗

Book online «life ??, chelsea johnson [read books for money .TXT] 📗». Author chelsea johnson

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and my vision was coming back i noticed their was 6 boys 2 adults and 2 girls around me i stepped back and put my hands in front of me “who are you?” i asked them a boy stepped forward and put his hand on my head i slapped it away and remembered who he is “Tyler don’t touch me” i growled and he chuckled and held out his hand towards me i ignored it and went to walk away and i looked at my high heels one was broken i growled
“Tommy bought me these” i held up the broken one “where is Tommy” i asked looking at the adults
“Come on we will talk in my study” James said
“No tell me im not moving until you do” i sat on the floor and James and Tyler laughed
“Stubborn are we Miss Johnson” James said leaning towards me
“You bet” i smirked and he held out his hand i grabbed it and we walked off Tyler was starring at my ass so i wiggled it and laughed
“NOT FAIR” he yelled i giggled and James smiled
“Having fun are we” he said i nodded
We talked for 2 hours and i remembered everything i asked to ring my family and he said no i need to fit in to the move or something i nodded and asked for a fruit salad he laughed and nodded i went into the kitchen and asked the chef he made it for me and i ate it all and went to wash up but he stopped me and said that he would do it i sighed and handed him the bowl.
I walked over to the living room and turned on the TV but i turned it off again and listened to the maids conversation
“I know she isn’t even pretty. I think it’s a bet what about you Jasmine”
“I think she fine she seems a lovely girl and she will be fun to have around” Jasmine whispered
“You’re such a goody toe shoes” she said
“Shut up Tracy it’s her opinion not yours” another said
“What ever Michelle” Tracy spat
“What are you girls talking about” a mans voice entered the conversation
“That girl, dean i don’t like her but Jasmine and Michelle do what about you baby” Tracy said
“First im not you’re baby, second you don’t no her she’s had a hard life, and third i agree with Jasmine and Michelle” dean spat how does he know I’ve had a hard life
“And she is special so i bet she has heard this conversation” dean spat i blushed and all the girls gasped
“Yer right dean nobody can hear us” Tracy said i tiptoed over to the laundry room
“Wanna bet” i said opening the door
“MISS” they all shrieked
“Which one is Tracy” i said she raised her hand “Come this way and you dean i need to speak to you too and as for you girls thank you and im sure we can be friends” i smiled at them then walked off with Tracy and dean
“Yes miss” dean said
“Can you go and get Tyler please” he looked confused “you know Tyler the son of the family” he smiled and nodded and ran off Tracy looked at me until Tyler came over to us
“Yes honey what’s up” i grimaced i didn’t like it when people called me honey only dad was aloud to “sorry baby” he said and kissed my forehead i smiled “so?” he asked i looked at Tracy and he sighed
“She was talking about me and trust me it wasn’t nice” i pouted and he laughed James came in and looked from me to Tyler to Tracy and back to me
“What’s going on?”
“She was saying horrible things about me and i have 3 witnesses if you don’t believe me” i said looking down Tyler pulled my chin up and i smiled and hugged him he hugged me back and his dad cleared his throat and i stepped back but he pulled me back into him but Tracy stuck her foot out and i tripped but Tyler caught me before i hit the floor, i spun round and slapped her
“What’s your problem?” i asked her she smiled innocently
“Me nothing, did you have a nice trip?” she smirked and my eyes turned black James grabbed my arm and pulled me away from her
“STOP” he commanded me i looked at him a tear came out my eye and i hugged him he was surprised at first and then he hugged me back i sighed and he pulled me back and looked at my eyes
“Turn your eyes back to sapphire please or i won’t speak to you” he said i grimaced
“I don’t know how” i said looking at the ground
“Calm down” i nodded and closed my eyes i thought of Tommy and how he was so protective then of Lorenzo’s and how he hugged me and made me feel safe i opened my eyes and he smiled
“Did i do it” he nodded and i jumped up and down i ran and jumped on Tyler’s back and kissed his cheek “i did it” he laughed and spun me around we were laughing and he kept spinning us around till his mum and a police officer came into view he stopped and i jumped down
“Tyler we need to talk” his mum said i went to walk away but Tyler grabbed my hand
“Stay it involves you as well miss wolf” the police man said
“We are not married sir” i said blushing
“Sorry miss i didn’t know” he said i smiled and kissed Tyler’s cheek
“Don’t be long” i whispered and then i walked off i sat down in his room and put on my music and started dancing and jumping on the bed i heard laughter and i froze and jumped off the bed dean stood in front of me i flushed scarlet
“Yes” i said looking away
“Having fun” he said i nodded
“What do you want dean” i said looking at him
“The err police want a word” i nodded i hated police we walked down stairs and the police man stood at the bottom i froze half way i couldn’t move Tyler saw and ran up to me
“Baby you ok” i couldn’t speak my lip trembled and James saw
“IM SORRY BUT YOU CANT TALK TO HER” he shouted the policeman looked his way
“Why” he said
“Because she is terrified of you and now you want to see if she has been kidnapped by us” he spat
“They didn’t kidnap me i came hear on my own accord” i whispered everyone’s eyes shot up to mine “now if you excuse me i am going to bed with my boyfriend” i whispered i grabbed Tyler’s hand and pulled him upstairs to the bedroom as soon as i shut the door i cried and Tyler’s anger bubbled
“Don’t cry please” he whispered i ran over to him and hugged him he held me for a while until Tina and James came up
“Is she ok” Tina whispered
“She doesn’t like police they were the ones who removed her from her old home before she went into care” he said i clutched him tighter and he soothed me i smiled and he started to sing a lullaby for me he swayed left and right until i fell asleep in his lap he kissed my head and laid me down and then sleep over come me
Tyler’s point of view
It killed me to see her so upset so i sung her a lullaby my mum use to sing to me she fell asleep and i laid her down and kissed the top of her head
“Ill be back” i whispered i didn’t know if she could hear me but i still felt like i have to tell her in case she wakes and doesn’t know where i am.
I walked downstairs and into the living room where my dad and mum was
“How is she” my mum asked
“Asleep” i murmured
“She like’s you” dad said i smiled and nodded
“As a friend” i corrected
“For now” mum whispered i sighed and just sat down
“Where is Tracy?” dad asked i smiled
“Packing” i said with a smile on my lips
“Why?” mum said dad chuckled
“Because she upset secret she said some horrible things about her and secret herd her, she is lucky she only got a slap from her god i bet secret would have giving her a black eye she is very powerful” dad chuckled to himself
“TYLER” secret yelled i shot upstairs with dad and mum and my heels i burst in the bedroom and inside was my wolf mates (as dad was the alpha and i was soon to become alpha the pack has to come to our house for meetings and just to hang out) they had secret in a corner of the room my blood boiled
“BACK OFF” i growled they all winced since i used my alpha voice but they didn’t back off “DAD” i growled
“Get away from the girl” he ordered and they all backed off secret ran into my arms and cried i comforted her and all the boys changed back to human form and got dressed
“What is going on” they asked once they put on bottoms
“Who is she” john shouted coursing secret to jump
“Lower your voice and we can talk” i said they nodded and i pulled secret away a little so i could look at her
“You ok baby?” i asked she nodded “we need to go and talk downstairs are you coming” i hoped she said no but she nodded i grabbed her hand and pulled her down the stairs
Secret’s point of view
I was in bed when i herd a loud thud i shot up from the bed and their was wolves in my bedroom i ran over to the corner of the room and shouted Tyler and he came up the stairs and so did his mum and dad he yelled at them to back off but they didn’t until james told them to i ran over to Tyler and he held me close people were asking who am i and what’s going on i jumped at their voices and Tyler told them to lower their voices and then he spoke to me and we were walking down the stairs i felt the other boys starring at my back and i shuddered.
We stopped at James study and everyone went in but i remained out side i was still scared of them boys/wolfs Tyler pulled me into the room and i kept my eyes on the floor
“Ok everyone this is secret” James said i looked up and smiled but nobody smiled back at me
“She’s a half blood” one of them spat and i, winced it felt like i was a different species all on my own
“Sorry” i whispered all eyes shot to mine
“Their is nothing to be sorry for” james said “watch your tone” he said to the one who spoke to me
“Why it’s true she doesn’t belong near us” he spat i felt tears come to my eyes i pulled my hand out of Tyler’s and i wiped my eyes
“Ill be outside” i whispered and walked out the door my heart ached and tears spilled over my eyes i sat
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