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This is a preview of my new book "Don't play with my heart." Please visit my website and sign up for notifications to recieve an alert once the book has been released!

Teaching children to count. I only went to five and later come with other book to teach more counting. My son David wanted to start book teaching the youth to count.

The best and the last love in your entire life Love means: You are not finding a suitable person. You be the suitable person made of love.

Abbey senses something special about the little man tending to the reindeer who, along with a century-old farmhouse, a barn full of animals, and fields abounding in woods and pasture, was a gift to Abbey from a stranger. Abbey and her husband, Steve, move in just before the holidays. They have been together since the '60s, eloping when Steve returned from Vietnam. Now with Abbey’s cancer in remission, they’re looking forward to their boys coming home for Christmas. Turns out this Christmas

This a preview of my story mallowmena a autobiography. It describes the struggles i face throughout my teenage years also being a parent young. This certain part though shows what was going through being betrayed by my sons father how i felt after and a lil of my thoughts during that time

Well 17 year old Isabell has been from foster home to foster home and had a crucial life. When she moves in with the hunters that all changes.

Elsie loves to hear her grandmother tell stories. She sits at Grandma's feet and listens in awe. Her favorite tale is about the love bird necklace. Little does Elsie realize how important the story and the necklace will become to her in the future.