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My Mother's House is a snapshot of life in rural, mid-20th century America. Food was a family affair, with traditions and techniques passed down from generation to generation.

A family desides to get a new pet decided by the youngest member of the family.

when edward left bella she didnt jump,he didnt go to the volturi and the cullens didnt come back.bella lived her life only to lose everything that she had loved.she now for maria and quickly becomes one of the queens of volterra.

A glimpse into the life of a young boy growing up in the south.

Coming of age does not necessarily occur upon a set age but more upon circumstances in ones life. How we handle a situation is pivotal in our growth.

Birds of a feather flock together. It is natural. People tend to associate with those who share similar interests or values. We can see flocks of birds flying together in close formation, gracefully moving through the light blue skies. You've probably seen this sight plenty of times by now in your life. What a sight it can be, especially when there is a large number of birds, you must know. Some might travel together with only a dozen or so, while other birds, like the Red-billed quelea birds