» Family & Relationships » Best Pet Of All, Kelly M [positive books to read txt] 📗

Book online «Best Pet Of All, Kelly M [positive books to read txt] 📗». Author Kelly M

As I walked into the kitchen on Saturday morning my little sister ran all around me. I thought to myself this is way too early in the morning for this. My mom greeted me.
“Good afternoon.” I then looked at the clock on the stove and realized it had been 12:30pm; I had missed the whole morning. I sat down at the black marbled island in the center of our kitchen and my sister took the stool besides me. As I poured my cereal, and put in several splashes of milk my mom had been straitening up the kitchen. Meanwhile my sister asked my mom hundreds of questions one after another after another. My mom couldn’t even answer any of the questions due to the fact my sister would just follow it up with another question. I wasn’t paying much attention to her, until my hearing caught a simple, three letter word. P-E-T.
“Can we get a pet?” my sister asked, she probably like the sound of the words combined together because she repeated herself about five times. I was eager to hear an answer, however I would never hear the answer until my mom could speak and she didn’t want to interrupt my sister gibbering on about how we would get the best pet of all. Finally I couldn’t take it any longer so I yelled.
“Shut up!” Then I politely turned to my mom and asked her for the sixth time.
“Mom, can we get a pet?” She looked at me with disappointment that I just had screamed at my baby sister; however she began to answer the question. She leaned towards my sister and me, but looked at my sister only and asked.
“What kind of pet Kals?” My sister’s name is Kalli but everyone calls her Kals, and everyone calls me by my real name Kelly. Kal began to show a huge smile and then bursted.
“A UNICORN!” I just rolled my eyes. Then I began.
“Where are we going to get a unicorn?” Kal looked at me like I was the one who had just said I wanted a unicorn for a pet. I had gotten the you are insane look from my six year old sister. She then turned to my mom who had a ‘oh gosh what will Kelly say about this whole thing’ look. I read that look and then turned to my sister who had been starring at me. She finally begins to answer my question. She looked at me with the most serious look I had ever seen on her small little face.
“Big lots.” She answered. My eyes busted wide open and at the same time I heard a chuckle from my mom who was in the other room. I yelled out to her.
“Mom! Can we go to Big Lots today so we can get our um…” I cleared my throat and continued.
“Pet?” I finished. My mom began to giggle again but tired to control herself before Kal caught on but she was busy playing with her dolls that were lying on the island counter. My mom agrees to go to Big Lots on the ride there I wonder why my sister said Big Lots. I probably had stepped into that store twice in my thirteen years of living. We finally get there and as soon as we walk into the store my sister storms off into the cluttered aisles. Kal was determined to find our ‘pet’ I wondered what will happen if Kal doesn’t find her pet? Kal was about two aisles ahead of me and my mom when we heard a scream. Not a help I’m in trouble scream but an I can’t hold it in any longer scream. I had recognized the scream… it was the scream of a hyper annoying 6 year old with the name Kalli Miller. She then begins to run to try and find my mom and me. It then takes her a little bit to realized she past us when she realized it she runs back and finds us in the hair products aisle and runs right up to us, her hand behind her back. When she gets right in front of us she looks up we are towers compared to the 4 foot child. She then cannot hold in her excitement any longer and shows us what had been hidden behind her back. And guess what it was… A UNICORN! A white tiny stuffed animal… unicorn. I just looked at her. She had a smile from cheek to cheek, I just looked at her. I then begin to yell.
“You think that this is a pet?!” Kal just nodded her head repeatedly. We then are waiting in line to buy our new family friend. My sister could not stop smiling I just had my arms crossed. I was disgusted with the fact that my new pet was a stuffed animal which will be lost by the end of next week. My mom then whispers into my ear.
“This is the best money I had ever spent.” I just sigh. She continues.
“Oh come on, when you have kids and see that smile that your sister has shining on her face.” I just laugh in disgusted and walk out of the store. So according to my little sister the best pet of all is the Miller family’s…unicorn…rainbows.


Publication Date: 02-10-2010

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