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Not yet finished tell me what you think. i'm not a perfect author so there will be some mistakes. This is a love story with a little twist.

The desperate ways a family had to go through to get rid of their squatters.

Out of all her relationships, Camile Caliown just can't seem to keep a boyfriend, her fragile heart just can't seem to take in another heart break, that is until gorgeous keenan arives just in time to mend her wounds.

After reading "Guidance For Your Soul" come and sip on some hot tea and pen in hand. Open your journal and let your mind flow. Allow for a healing to begin in you

This is a story of despair and misery. Eventually everything gets better right? She will find the light at the end of the tunnel. Her very own stars on every starless night.

BAD LANGUAGE READ AT YOUR OWN WILL alexis has had a normal life up till now - well as normal as living in the hood gets- untill two weeks before her birthday she moves in with her mother and her step dad. how does she deal with it when everything she knows is wrong? read to find out

Growing up is not always easy, but growing up with family is the best. The ninety's were hard, but I was tough.

Ebony is a girl that has seen heart break and stays away from it herself. she has a problem with helping people. she goes to her grandmas and meets Coltan, who told his friends that she was his girlfriend cause he was tired of being called gay. Ebony warns Coltan to be careful, cause guys fall for her, and she doesn't fall back. Coltan says he'll be fine, so she helps him. Never in a million years, would she think that she'd actually fall for HIM.