» Family & Relationships » When She Helps, Chalen D. [reader novel txt] 📗

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I grabbed a book off of the shelf.
"Hey." a kid said.
"hi." i said, flipping through the book to see if it was worth buying.
"i have this problem that you can fix."
"lucky me."
"just please keep an open mind."
i snapped the book closed.
Barnes and Noble, where you can get books and have random guys talk to you.
"okay, see those guys over there?"
i looked behind his shoulder, from under my lashes.
"okay, so they think i'm gay."
"are you?"
"then what's the problem."
"they think i'm gay cause I've never had a girlfriend."
"they think your Beautiful, so i said, you where my girlfriend."
"please help me." he Begged.
Maybe it was his eyes, but most likely cause i have this thing for helping people.
"fine you owe me."
"what ever you need."
i put the book on the shelf.
"for what?"
"Yes!" i said, hugging him.
his friends started smacking each other.
"i was wondering when you'd ask." i said, giving the smile that the guys back home said they couldn't resist.
"Hey are those your friends?"
"uh, yeah."
i walked over.
"hey i'm Ebony." i said, holding out my hand.
"you shake it."
they stared at me mouths open.
"okay then, see ya."
i patted the guys shoulder, and left.
i picked up another book.
"they didn't believe it."
"cause your too pretty for me."
"what's your name?"
"you have to have more confidence in yourself."
"yeah, i know but they're watching so can i just hug you again."
i grabbed his hand and walked down the row of books.
"i'm really sorry about this."
"I have this thing where i have to help people."
"Guess i'm lucky to have found you."
i turned to him, and he backed up.
"don't do that, they'll think somethings up, you gotta have confidence."
"yeah, i don't really have that."
i smiled at him, and shook my head.
"oh there's my ride."
"wait." he said, grabbing my hand.
"how will i see you again?"
"you won't."
"but-" i gave him a quick kiss on the cheek and left.
"did you find your book?" Grandma asked.
"yep right here." i said, pulling tempted from the bag. (big house of night fan here!)
"good, that should hold you for a day."
"it's not my fault i'm a fast reader." i laughed.
"Hey!" my cousin said, coming over to me.
we hugged.
"dude do i have shit to tell you."
"ooh let me hear it your so awesome compared to me."
"really?" she asked as we walked through the mall.
"yeah and i was just like shit."
i grabbed her arm and pulled her into a store.
"there he is."
"ooh he's cute!"
"i know right." i laughed.
"you can't hide forever."
"your right come on,"
we walked out.
Coltan looked up, and went into a store.
"hey." he said, popping in front of us.
"hi. this is Kristy."
"hey Kristy."
"i got you something." he said.
he gave me a rose.
"thanks." i said.
"for what you did."
"oh look it's not fake."
"Coltan look." one of his friends said coming over with a video game.
"Ebony!" he said, dropping it.
"i didn't expect to see you here."
"well, yeah, Coltan texted me."
'thank you' Coltan mouthed.
"i'll just let you guys talk."
i stepped over the game grabbed Kristy's arm and we walked off.
"Whoa he's so cute."
"He's just some kid i'm helping."
"i think you like him."
"you think wrong Kristy."
we went into wal-mart.
we walked through wal-mart.
"hey i gotta go get some nail polish for my blog."
"right behind you."
as i walked behind her, i looked at the rose and smiled.
this was the first time that a guy gave me a flower.
"no Ebony." i whispered.
as i waited in line arms closed around me.
"hey," Coltan said.
i turned and smiled.
"i need your help again, they think it's a joke."
"i can't help you anymore."
"cause i just can't."
"okay i know i'm a total dork but-"
"i can't help you, cause every guy i tried to help they fell for me."
"what's wrong with that?"
"i didn't catch them." I whispered.
"why?" he asked, turning his head to the side.
"I don't know. I don't want to hurt you."
"I wont fall for you."
i smiled. "you need to be really careful around me. boys like you love me forever. I'm not just saying that and i don't know why they do, so be careful, you seem sweet."
"i'll be careful."
he grabbed my hand.
"okay so meet me at Barnes ans Noble tomorrow at three."
"yeah." i said.
he kissed my forehead.
"bye Kristy." he said, jogging away.
"Your just like your mom."
"don't say that."
"cause it's true."
the next day i went to the top part of the book store thinking what am i doing.
"dude let's go, she bailed on you." Coltan's friend said.
i paused behind a shelf.
"She'll be here."
i walked out.
Coltan looked at his phone.
"she never should up?" i asked.
they all turned around.
he smiled and came to me, hugging me.
"i missed you."
"i missed you to." he kissed my forehead.
"Want to get a coffee down stairs?"
"thanks for helping me." he said, again.
"come on."
"oh no thanks i'm broke right now."
"i'll bye you one."
"your buying me too much."
"i bought you a rose, come on it's no big deal."
"alright." i said, blowing out some air.
he took my hand like it was natural and led me to the small star bucks in the store.
we sat at a stool, table.
"so do they believe you?"
"i don't know. What's your last name?"
"i want to get to know you."
"oh um okay. Marks."
"mines, James, what's your middle mane?"
"uh what's yours?"
"Ebony Lynn. i like it."
"your a dork."
we laughed.
"what's your favorite color?"
"really?" he asked.
"Uh-huh. yours?"
"Brown." i repeated.
"Why?" i tried not to laugh.
"it's the color of your eyes."
i took a drink.
"you got family?"
"course everyone does. i live with my mom and three siblings, and my mom's boyfriend is there a lot. my oldest younger brother, lives with his girls friend 20 minuets away. they're having a baby boy."
"my mom's name is June, and Taylor is her boy friend. Mat is Taylor's stepson, the one twenty minuets away. his girl friends name is jade, and they're naming the baby Ian.
My sisters are Emma and Jewls, and my brothers name is Daren. are you lost yet?"
"you look lost." i laughed.
"i'm just listening. tell me more."
"like what?" i asked.
"anything, i want to know it all."
"well, my mom has relation ship issues so she's gonna marry Taylor in six years. i have a dog. her names Amber. uh."
"why do you have to be so Beautiful?"
"i don't know, thanks, and watch it."
"right." he said, shaking his head.
"Six years, seems like awhile."
"he agreed to wait." i said.
"i'd wait to. i'd wait forever if i loved someone."
"yeah, maybe you'll love someone, just not me of course."
"why not?"
"i don't believe in the whole love thing."
"cause it tore my family apart." i said, looking away.
"what about your dad?" he asked, Quickly.
"he died."
"i'm sorry."
"i was twelve. i was so close to him."
"i don't talk about him."
"but you just did."
"I know."
"so the love thing."
"my dad cheated on my mom with his high school sweet heart. it ripped my mom apart. i had to grow up and take care of the kids, so i was never really a kid myself. i was always wanting to make things better for people, as you can see. i have trust issues too, cause everyone I've ever called a friend has stabbed me in the back. i think it's cause i put myself out there. yeah, that's why i always get hurt. i used to talk to Mat, that boy got me through some pretty dark days but he's gone now. i felt that he got me and i got him. i'm talking too much."
"no your not, keep going."
"are you sure?"
"yeah, everything. i want to hear it all."
"uh okay. i guess that's why I've never had a real boy friend cause i saw how it ripped apart my mom. i Know i could handle it, but i don't have time to mend my heart back together. i'm here visiting my grandma. i always some in the summer, well since i was 15.
i live in a freak ass small town. tell me something about you."
"okay. i'm an only child so i get pretty lonely. my parents work a lot so that's why i'm always out, i don't like to stay in one place for too long, even more so if it's a freak ass small town." he offered a cute smiled.
i laughed.
"My parents are having an open relationship right now." he took a drink.
i took his hand.
"i know that must be hard on you."
"yeah, they make me pick sides a lot." he rubbed my hand with his thumb.
i knew i should pull away, but i knew better. i knew that sometimes just a touch made a lot of things better, and i couldn't cause it felt comforting to even me.
" Are they gonna get a divorce."
"i wish they would it would be a lot easier no fighting."
" my parents fought non stop til the divorce. in the beginning it was okay, cause my dad stayed around but then he left to be with his high school sweetheart. that's when things got bad. i think all of my siblings have anger management problems, even Mat."
"what about you?"
"i don't know i can control it."
"i used to cry, until i found that as weakness."
"it's not weakness Ebony, it means you care."
"it means your a baby, and you can't keep what your feeling inside."
"what if it goes over the top. what happens then, you know it's all bottled up it has to come out sometime."
"it stays on the inside."
he took my other hand.
"so you don't cry?"
"they last time i cried was when i was 17 my other dog died. i'm 19 now."
"you can cry you know."
i took a hand away and took a drink.
"what's wrong?"
"we're getting to close."
"what's wrong with that?"
"the whole Trust issue."
"right." he said, taking his hand back.
"oh they believe me."
"my work is done." i said, getting off the stool.
"wait where you going?"
"home, there's no reason to be here, anyone i helped you."
"so that's it you don't even want to be friends?"
"friends. okay i guess that's okay."
"you wanna walk through the mall?"
"he took my hand as we walked and i took it away.
"i can't hold your hand?"
"not if it means something different to you."
he took my hand and held onto it when i tried to pull away.
"what's your Favorite band."
"oh don't do that to me." i said.
he laughed. "top five."
"Paramore, Mayday Parade, Black veil brides, Bring me the horizon, Sleeping with sirens."
"okay, my turn. Uh, Alesana, Falling in reverse, Sublime, All time low, and Parachute."
"i like those bands." i said.
"i like yours too." he laughed.
we walked around for awhile.

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