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This poem relates to the relationship bewteen my father and meh this poem runs deep i hope you enjoy its a serious one maybe you can relate to it.

The novel is set on a farm and in a nearby fictional community located in the southern Missouri Ozark hills and near a fictional western branch of the Current River. The story revolves around a family dilemma following the death of their matriarch and the unusual will she left to insure the continuity of the farm intact which has been in her family for over 150 years. The year is 1987. The varied background and viewpoints of the adult children coming Back to the Homeplace ignite controversy and

This is my third book, its about my mom, whom I love beyond words. She is a blessing, may Allah give her best of everything,protect her and my entire family and keep us all together.

A crazy adventure of a Minnesota family on vacation in Bahamas for Spring Break!

Young girl name Tamia had just started high school and got mixed up in the wrong crowd. She was the fighter out the group and didnt take bullshit from noone. Tamia was known to be the best fight in her town Glenwood untill she relized that life wasnt for her.

A Flash Fiction snapshot of life: Divorce papers have just been served along with some painful and enlightening emotions.

three generations: The Wilderness, The Wild Time, Wilder than fiction Written in Flash Fiction covering over one hundred years from the civil year to present

She belongs to me. She was made for me. No one else will do for me she is all I want and need. I will make her mine no matter what she will be mine. How dare he think he can be hers and take her from me. She is my matching pair not his. He can't even understand or help her in her times of need where I can. How can he think that he is what is best for her. She is and forever will be mine!