» Family & Relationships » Life in a Family of Gods, Rebeca night [best ebook reader under 100 .txt] 📗

Book online «Life in a Family of Gods, Rebeca night [best ebook reader under 100 .txt] 📗». Author Rebeca night

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The Beginning

The first thing I saw in my life was her. Her golden hair was a mess but it still seemed to shine like none others. Her eyes were blue or so they seemed at this time.
"What are you gunna name him?" Spoke a man with a very large noes and brown eyes with wavy blonde hair cut short. He was asking the woman as if he had the right to know my name.
"I think Damien is more the suitable for my son. By the way if I might ask what of my daughter is she ok?" The woman who I was supposed to call mother said. She seemed however not worried when she inquired about my sister.
"She is fine ma'am she in fact seems to have caught up to your son's weight rather quickly. She is ready to go home when ever you and your son are." The big nosed man said.
The woman was beautiful. She would be forever the woman who would love me more then any other, and I would find no other woman that would be any better then her.
"Oh dearest?" My mother said breaking my thoughts by speaking to a man that had black wavy hair and what looked to be green eyes but I saw the flash of red when he looked down at me.
"Yes?" he asked her.
"Would it be ok if me and the children stayed just one more night? I feel fine and i know they are fine as of now but just to be sure?" My mother said tightening her hold on me and cradling me more as she spoke.
"Of course after all it would be best just in case something were to happen and so you can bound before they come home." He finally looked away from me and to her.
"Well I am gunna go get the cribs or beds ready for the babies and I will be back with your daughter shortly ma'am." The doctor said while admiring my mom and purposely interrupting my father.
He walked out the door and the same second he left my father's and mother's eyes both changed. My "mother's" eye were like carmel sweet and kind but with a dose of power. Were my "father's" eyes became that of a blood filled ball they were harsh and had no sweetness except for when he looked at my "mother".
"We know you can talk and thank you for being so quite around the mortals. We have much we need to explain to you and your sister but for now only speak when it is just us or your sister." My father spoke so formally to me. "Aries!" He suddenly shouted at me, but right as he did my hair and eyes changed my eyes were like my mom's from what I could see in the celling above me and my hair was as white as snow. I looked like my true form. Thats right when I remembered everything. I was a god. Aries used to be my name. I once had the status as the god of WAR! I was banished with my lover although she came before me. Again my memories hit me though this time it was her face. I looked straight up and saw for a second my "mothers" true form she was non other then my beloved Aphrodite.
"Even in a mere mortal body your beauty is still breath taking my love." I spoke for the first time in this new body.
"Aries? Oh my god. Is it really you? I thought it was only us that were banished I hoped they would spare you at least." My love spoke to me with tears in her eyes and looking over at my "father" who was non other then her jealous (not so crippled anymore) husband.
"It is me my love and he will not have a hold of you any more no matter what body I behold we were made for each other no matter what your father said." I said looking straight at Hephaestus.
"Don't be so sure you know not yet of this land." He said in response to me with a wicked grin. With that he was gone leaving me and my love alone.
"My life in Olympus with out you might as well have been spent in Tartus. I missed you so much I started slacking on my work which is why I was banished." I said as i tried to stroke her face with my weak and tiny hands.
"Things are not going to be as they were there my love. My father sent you here to keep us apart he knows the rules here." She said as beautifully sad tears streamed down her faces.
"Why the tears my sweet?" I said but a little to late as the doctor entered before I could get my answer.
"I brought your daughter and the beds." The doctor said looking around the room for Hephaestus. "Oh no hubby? How sad a pretty girl like you should have better then a guy like him." The doctor said while I just tried not to rip him apart (not that I could in this weak form).
"Thanks for the compliment but it is not your place to say that about my Husband. Now if you don't mind I have had a long day and would like to sleep." Aphrodite roared with a powerful voice with a hint of smooth silk.
"My mistake mamma your right is is not my place." The doctor spoke in a meek and frightened voice as he bowed out of the room.
"I wish my father would have spared me this." Aphrodite whimpered while yet another tear ran down her gorgeous cheek.
"What? How has he hurt you my love? I am afraid I don't understand these tears." I said trying to reach up to get rid of the offending tear and pain.
"We are made for each other yet here ... It would be better to have her explain." Aphrodite responded while pointing towards my sister. "Hestia. You are no longer bound by your loss of memory revive and speak what you know. Enlighten my love who was not told why he has been sent to me."
"Thank you Aphrodite, or I should say mother." Hestia said with what I heard as a hint of anger. "Your father is just as he should be which is just. He did right by sending me to you even if I am his sister." This was spoken with much humbleness.
"Hestia, why did your brother send you here? I do not understand." This confused me and I was getting upset.
"Same reason as you Ares. I Fell in love with some one I am forbidden to be with so he sent me here." This confused me since I have always seen Hestia alone.
"Hestia you are you in love with? I have always known you to be alone, No offense of course." Her silky voice demanded my attention I barley even heard what she said.
"It embraeces me to say this but your husband, Hephaestus. He is the one that I feel I was made for. I know its wrong I am fighting my niece for my nephew while she wants her own half brother." Hestia was almost to the point of tears now. "Is it not wrong how my brother toys with his sister and children so?"
"Hestia since when was Zues ever really a father to me or a brother to you. He put you below him and me even lower I am considered the same a a solider to him just used as a shield for him. He made you like a servant girl but at least allowed to sleep in the castle." I was fuming. I could feel my former power coming back to me, my body felt Hot and it burned all over me.
"My sweet calm yourself this place can be destroyed easy and the people even more so." Aphrodite's voice was like ice hinting my hot skin and cooling me.
"Aphrodite why keep up with the fighting? You know by now that you two can not and will not be together you know this world." Hestia might as well of screamed for how it hit me and my love.
"I don't understand my dear what is she talking about tell me please!" This was to painful to bear much longer.
"We are made to be together yet here opposites attract. Me and you will end up hating each other over time. That is why father sent you here." Aphrodite's words cut me like a knife. 

We all needed rest and after what I heard I was to sickened to speak to anyone let alone my love who truly thought that our love was weak enough to fail here. God of war and goddess of love fighting for love, you would think she would trust our combined strength. Her words echoed in the room. How could I ever hate her? Even if she fell for her "husband" I would never hate her. I couldnt, maybe she was just saying that cause she has been so far away from me for too long. I'll just have to remind her how strong how bond is and that even being here cant tear us apart. These thoughts swirled in my head as I fell asleep. 

Home Life

I couldnt, maybe she was just saying that cause she has been so far away from me for too long. I'll just have to remind her how strong how bond is and that even being here cant tear us apart. These thoughts swirled in my head as I fell asleep. 

The next morning I awoke with the sun kissing my face awake reminding me that I had to face yet another day of The woman I loved falling prey to her dad and husbands cruel trick. 

"Good morning Ares." Hestia said as she rolled her tiny frail form over to face me.

"Good morning Hestia. I have a question to ask you, if you dont mind that is." I had so many running through my head it seemed I would explode if I didn't speak my mind. 

"Go ahead what is it you would like to ask me?" 

"How can you have willingly come to this place knowing you and your beloveded wouldn't be togther? I aslo must ask what do you see in Hephaestus?" I truly was stumped by Hestia's foundness for the criple who had an ego so big it made you want to hate him instead of feel bad for him. "I guess the hearth and fire and blacksmithing being together makes sence but honestly? He dosn't seem like he has the personalilty of a wet and dirty mop to you?" 

"Ares don't forget whom you

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