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We all make mistakes. Some are just worse then others. When Caroline was in primary school, she made the biggest one of her life, and it cost someone to meet with death. To this day her past haunts her. She can't just worry about herself. There's her "in the but out of the closet" brother, her devious little sister, her two best friends, and the rest of the idiotic town. But what happens when a chance in the form of a teenager is given? Will she mess this up too?

Takya and her boyfriend Justin haven't always seen eye to eye, so when they make a deal that the other can't live with out the other one, they start the ultimate datinging game.

When Rose and her on-off boyfried Payton go on a trip to georgia and well you'll find out what happens!

When Selena's pop-pop goes off of dialisis, all she can think about is hope. Written with the emotion and point of view by Selena Bonner.

This is my first try to write something. book cotains two stories and one poem. hope you will like it.

July 19, 2011 My dad died from a terminal illness. He was diagnosed with bone cancer two months and two days before he passed away. I will be submitting this into the Memories group. This is a horrible memory, but by writing this I hope I can help myself heal (a little) or maybe hope someone else get through what I went through. Caution Very emotional

A girl with big dreams and a big personality. Josie. Blinded by boys at school, Josie doesn't know what boy to choose. Better yet, if he likes her back!

Leonard does not realize that taking in a young couple expecting a baby will change his life, but when the baby is born the pain and anger of a twenty year old grudge melts away. Jerome is just minding his own business when an angel changes the course of his life. He finds himself part of the noisy mob waking the town to find the sign the angel told of. These two old men rediscover their time-worn friendship in the presence of a miraculous baby. And something special happens at Leonard's Inn.