» Family & Relationships » Just Friends, Madison Butt [books for 8th graders .txt] 📗

Book online «Just Friends, Madison Butt [books for 8th graders .txt] 📗». Author Madison Butt

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Chapter 1

I sat on my floor as I watched cars go by. As my hands move from the Lays© bag to my mouth, I move my eyes slowly across my window watching the cars go by. I think of how it was, and how it could have been. It wasn't fair. My parents and I moved from Minnesota to Florida. All my friends lived in Minnesota. Including my boyfriend/best friend Luis. I just couldn't bare moving away from him. I put my hand on the floor and get up. When I am walking to the kitchen, I notice something. It's a letter for dad, from his work. My hands slowly slide up the envelope and I almost open it with a concerned look on my face. What's inside? I ask myself, as I open the letter, I see that it is written in cursive. Crap. My school never taught cursive because I live in the worst generation ever. 

"Sweetie!" Mom yells as she's walking down the stairs. I quickly put the letter down and try to make it new again. 

"Y-yeah mom?" I stammered. 

"Can you go tell your father you love him? He's been feelng really down lately I think it's about moving or something. Anyway, he won't listen to me. Just -- go talk to him please? He'll listen to you!"

"Yeah! I-I was just about to." I smiled and walked away.

When I walked up the stairs I saw my room. It had moldy green wallpaper and almost rotted hardwood floors. Until the moving trucks came, and I got my things, it was going to be me, my moldy wallpaper, and the floor. My dad was laying on his bed, caughing. 

"Dad. What's wrong?" I looked concerned and worried . . . because I was. 

"Nothing." He coughs. "Just allergies." He smiled and patted the bed as if he was telling me to come over there. I kind of hesitated because I didn't want to get sick before my first day, but I just wanted my daddy to know I love him. 

"Daddy. What's really wrong? You know I love you and I would do anything for you!" I put my arm around him and moved in for a hug. I smelled his cologne and it made me think of Minnesota. Mom, Dad, and I just sitting on the twisty tree behind our house. 

"Nothings wrong darling. I love you too and I wouldn't try and lie to you just to make you happy." 


"Yeah sweetheart?"

 I hesitated. I had a feeling he knew I was catching on to him. "When do I go to school again? I'm nervous because I'm afraid I won't fit in." I wrinkled my eyebrows up and frowned. "What if they don't like me and I'm the nerd?" What I actually said really got me thinking. I didn't think I would actually be the nerd. I have no clue. 

"Honey, they'll love you. Just as much as we do!" He hugged me. I whispered 'I love you' and went off to my room to mope. I was thinking of my boyfriend, Luis -- well, my old boyfriend -- and I just made up scenarios for a while. As I daydreamed, I remembered the letter. I ran downstairs. I only heard my thumping on the stairs because everything was quiet. 

"Mom?" I yelled. I peeked over and saw her gasping. She opened the letter and read what it said in her head. Since I was only 15, I couldn't be involved in like ANYTHING adult. Even though I was kiiiinda a little genius. 

"Go to your room. Don't talk to your father about this." Mom said and shood me away.

"What's going on? Did I do something wrong?"

"Just. Go." Mom said in a forceful tone. I ran upstairs as quick as I could and started balling. I didn't want my dad to get fired or anything, he needs this job. It's the whole reason we moved! And if we moved here for no reason, I'd be so pissed off.  I hope he's been calling in sick, so they don't think he's on strike or something... When I went upstairs, I decided to go into my dads room after I wiped my tears. 

"Daddy?" I walked in slowly. He was reading a book on his iPhone. 

"What's up pumpkin?" 

"I-I" I flash back to mom saying don't talk to your father about this. I knew I was going to get in trouble so I just changed the subject. 

"I-I'm excited about school. I thought about what you said." I put my hands in my hair and ran my fingers down my head. 

"That's great. You ready to start tomorrow? I know it's going to be hard, just leaving Minnesota and all." 

"Yeah dad, it's going to be great!"

"I love you sweetheart."

"Love you too, dad." I just couldn't bare to know what the letter said. I'm going to try my best to read it without getting caught. After school, when I get home, my mom will probably be in her room, cleaning. So I'll just sneak on over to the kitchen and then I get to see what it's about!


Chapter 2

The next day came. It was a cold, windy day. Much like the day before. As I got ready I looked in the mirror and a toned, blue eyed, blonde haired girl looked back at me. My hair was like beach waves, it was natural. I was very tan, believe it or not. I had a white scarf, maroon shirt, gray pants, and brownish combat boots on. I was determined to make friends today. Off to the buses!

What is this? Kids at the bus stop? They're looking at me. What do I do?! There were 3 of them. One looked like a girl that was in 8th grade. I'm in 10th. I skipped a grade! There was a boy who looked like he was in the same grade as me... he was VERY dreamy. There also was a chinese looking kid that looked like he was in 6th. My hand went up, and I waved. It's just first instinct. The 8th grader looked at me and said "Hey kid. What's your name, little boy?" She smirked and everyone but the cute boy laughed. 

"First of all, I'm not a 7th grader, I'm in 10th grade. What are you in the 8th?!" I was getting sad. What made her say this stuff? I wasn't being mean. Was I? The cute boy looked at me. I looked back at him. He looked so cute and dreamy. I bet he was very sweet.

"Wow. Really? You do look like a 7th grader. Considering you're flat chested and all . . . " He laughed. He's NOT very nice at all. I'm not flat chested. If anything I'm far from flat chested. I wear a 36 C. 

"Excuse me, sir, but you have no room to talk. Look at yourself. Don't look like you have any muscle on you either." I snickered at my remark. I slowly made my hands into my pocket. 

"Wow... okay." He said sarcastically.

"Just shut up, asshole." I turned away.

"Oooh the little 7th grader is cussing" Is this what bullying feels like? Because so far, I don't like it. I started feeling down about myself. Do I really look like a 7th grader?

"Look, I'm sorry if I scared you guys, I just want to be here standing at the bus-" The bus came.

"See ya, 7th grader." The little girl said. I got on the bus and sat in my designated seat. Oh... MY... HUNK!!! I sit next to the cutest boy EVER! The boy looked me up and down.

"Hey. You're new?" He put his hand in my face.

"Yeah... my name is Josie. I came here from Minnesota." I shook his hand.

"Looks like we're going to know each other for a while, huh?" He smiled. I mushed up in a gooey pile of like. 

"Yeahhhhhh" I looked deep in his eyes for a long time. Oh my gosh. I was being creepy. He started conversation and we talked until we got off the bus to go into the school. There was only one problem. He went into the 11th grade hallway. My dad always told me I couldn't date anyone above my grade. We could only be friends. No matter how much I liked him, and no matter how much he liked me. We waved and said goodbye to each other. 

When I walked into my first class, everyone looked at me. I awkwardly waved as the teacher directed me to my seat. I sat next to this really pretty girl. 

"Hi." I smiled and waved. 

"Ew, who are you?" She said, chewing her gum.

"J--Josie...the new girl." I replied

"I'm just kidding. Hey, I'm Lola." She smiled.

"Good, you scared me there."

"Hahaha. Hey! I have an idea. Why don't you sit next to me at lunch?" She smiles. 

"Of course!" After a long class time, I was off to my next class.

"Where ya going next?" I look her in the eye. 

"Math. You?" She nudged me. I'm sure it was an accident though.

"Same here! I'm going to the bathroom though."

Lola nodded and waved bye to me when I reached the bathroom. I took my phone out and started texting my friends at Minnesota. This is the time in between classes we all go to the bathroom and talk to each other. Well, usually. 

Sharna: Heyy how's Florida? Sweet and amazing? Boys cute? Weather's great?

Me: Well, I miss you guys a lot 

Lilly: Well, we miss you too!

Holly: Seriously girl. We do.

Me: Stop making me feel bad :( I want to see you guys.

Lilly: Srry. Gtg. Bell just rang.

Sharna: Bye! Luv ya!

Holly: Peace!!

Me: Bye guys!!

The bell rang and I was off to class. Again, I walked in awkwardly because I didn't know anyone in there except Lola. 

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