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Athanasios is an outcast. Why? He doesn't know. One day, a new girl named Keme arrives to tear his world apart and flip him upside down. Now, after picking up all the pieces of his heart and putting it back together, he realizes that a piece is missing. Now, he's worse off than when he started. Until there is another new kid, this time a boy, who finds that missing piece...

Life is a living hell for me. My mom would abuse me, my dad is dead, and my sister was always be busy. I try to hide but she would always find me. Will this ever end? Will these people save me from my mom or will they just hand me over to my mom? Please post a comment on my book

im ten years old and i have met a boy yes hes kinda nice but hes also a bit old i mean hes 13 so i guess we are just friends but does he feel that way Read this book and learn about how Caddy grew up

my brothers older than my sister and I because he was the first born.

A boy and a girl like each other, not knowing that the other does. Krystal and Nick have liked each other, but they don't know that the other likes them back. Faced with jealous friends, confusion, and lots more, they grow closer to each other.


Jason comes out of the closet for the first time to his parents. However, his father's reaction is not what he expects.

There is a secret that no one knows about. Then something horrible happens and they find what was forever hidden.