Genre Family & Relationships. Page - 46
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Beth had lost the person she loved and trusted the most in the world. When she was made to go and live with the mother who abandoned her 13 years previously Beth was scared she would not belong to her mothers new life and family. Then she meets Jackson and everything she thought she knew about love comes into question. Can you love somebody when you are completely Broken!!

Shaun O’Connor has a dream; he loves wild animals and yearns to migrate to Africa before his bitter enemy, Danny O’Flaherty, kills him. Shaun’s mother is about to marry Arnold, an alcoholic. A few weeks after the marriage, Arnold steals Shaun’s savings to buy alcohol. When accused, Arnold punches and straps the teenager. The events that follow change the teenager’s family life forever.

It is not easy being a woman. Although things have changed in some countries in as far as how women are treated or are viewed by the community, in other parts of the world not much has changed. This is a book that that I wrote in an effort to portray some of the challenges that women and girls face and how these situations affect them. I wanted people out there to have an insight on their hardships, their sufferings and their feelings. With the hope that we might work together to fight for the