» Fantasy » Anything But..., A.G. Smith [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Anything But..., A.G. Smith [interesting novels to read .txt] 📗». Author A.G. Smith

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Chapter 1:
Anything but normal is going on here.
I knew it was true from the moment I stepped through the doors.Mom said this is what it would, be like.The silent treatment. My kind of people errrrr....My kind of creatures. Let me tell you I'm a witch. And a damn good one too. So good that, infact I was just kicked out of the only witch friendly private school in the country. So it was move to transilvania or public school. So now here I am,walking torwards the office to get my class schedule. Thud!What ever dumb ass just tripped me will pay. I stood up with a fire ball in my hand,ready to toss.

"Ok,now we know.She is one of us." A demon said.

"Dumb ass demons." I muttered as I reached down for my books. They were gone.

I looked up and saw a kind faced,broad shouldered elf.She smiled and handed me my books then smiled some more."Thanks"I said cheerfully.

"No problem.I'm Sally.I'm an elf obviously."

"I'm Gwen.And if you saw my lovely display you would know I'm a witch."

"You were right to challenge those jerks. They are rising to power way to fast."

"Thanks.Do you know how to get to the main office." "Of course!Take the 1st left,then open the 2nd door to the left." I hopped on my broom and zipped around the corner.

I must have been going way to fast cause I ran into the cutest boy ever.

"Oh my god! I am so sorry!"

I dug through my pouch for some healing berries.I found some and shoved one in his mouth.

"So sorry! But,I really gotta go."

I dove into the main ofice.I wasn't surprised to find a ghost crying and stappling papers at a desk."wait with her!" The ghost wailed and pointed to an empty seat next to a girl with black hair and a smirk on her face.I sat down and looked at my map of the school.

"What are you in for?" It took me a mintueto realize that the girl was speaking. Her words made me want to listen.She must be a wizard.

"Nothing.This is my first day and I need to pick up my schedule. Unless someone reported me ALMOST throwing a fire ball at an annoying demon."

"What thats all!You will be lucky if a teacher notices a scortch mark.I'm Annabelle by the way."

"Well what did u do?"

"All I did was hex a cheerleader to make her do everything backwards."

"All you did! At my last school I.....!" I was cut-off by the voice of a sweet old lady.

"Deary, you can come in now."

As I walked out I saw a cross-eyed cheerleader walknig backwards out of the office.That's when I saw her.


That sweet old lady voice belonged to a bridge troll. A very ugly bridge troll. How did I know it errr,she was one? Easy, she had a paper wieght of a bridge that said Bridge Sweet Bridge.

"Oh cruel child! What have they done to you at that sweety school!" She looked terrified. "Your hats' to sharp, your hems to neat.Your hairs' to perfect and your skin is too flawless. "The more she talked the happier she became. "We haven't had such a beautiful witch in years! Sure we have had some nice vampires and lovely wizards, but we haven't had such a witch in,what is it 10 years?"


"Oh my, your flustered! Well here is you schedule. I told Meagan,the ghost,to have annabelle wait for you.She and you have the same schedule.Goodbye!"

As I walked out I heard the pricipals voice chime"Next please!" In the waiting room I saw a goth girl holding a fish stand up. I wondered if I should ask,but I saw Annabelle waiting impaiently and decided adainst it.

"Finally!I thought you would never finish. Now we are 15 minutes late to Spells 2. Today we are learning about love spells." She sounded so agitated that I couldn't help myself.

"Oh La La!" We both cracked up. We stopped laughing when the two biggest jack asses in the school materialized.

"Well,well,well what do we have hear, a witch and a wizard out for a stroll?" They both said it in unison.It was clear that they did everything this way.

"Unless you want your emotions to pour out,leve Gwen alone and beat it Sasha and Patrick!"

"Do your worst." They laughed.

Just as Annabelle took out her wand a klutzy angel fell from the cieling.

Once she got on to her feet she started shouting."No fighting I am the hall monitor and I do not like fighting." she screamed.

"What are you gonna do about it Kayla?

" "I'll tell you what...Oh! Hi! I'm Kayla you must be new.I like white-"

"Kayla!" Annabelle smapped and pointed to where the brothers had been just moments before.

"Oops! Lost 'em again! Well maybe I will get them next time.Bye-Bye" And she was gone as suddenly as she had arrived.

"Come on, class is half way over!" Annabelle grabbed my hand and pulled torwards class.


"I'm so sorry I'm late for class Mrs.Spellman,please excuse me for I am showing our new student to her classes."

"Well that is no reason to be late. I see no reason why you can't be on time for class.'She said impaiently.

"Well, the truth is we were stopped by demons in the hall by demons. Oh were ok a hall monitor broke-up the fight before it started." Annabelle said it like she was the angel not Kayla.

"Oh! Deary me those demons cause so much trouble or as a wise man once said 'They have a habit for raising hell.' Any ways take your seats,we are talking about uses for love spells."

"I have one!You can use them for binding two people in love." A fairy said.

"Excellent Molly, Any others."She scanned the room for a good person to call on,someone who would not disappiont.

"Yes Holly,give us your use."

"Well you can use it to unbind love to half unbind love."A girl who looked identical to Molly said."Perfect!Can anyone tell us what it means to half unbind love?"

I raised my hand instantly.I couldn't help myself, the question was just to easy."To half unbind love you make it so that one of the pair madly loves the other while,they one whom they love only loath them."

"Perfect answer.Today we will learn how to bind two lovers.Next class we will have unbind them.And in two classes we will fully unbind them."This made the class erupt in questions.Who will the lovers be?What if we mess up? Will we have to cast on ourselves? As soon as Mrs.Spellman started talknig the class hushed.

"For this project the class will split in half.One half will be casters the others lovers.Then we will switch. Understood?"

"Yes Mrs.Spellman" The entire class said at once.

"Ok! Everyone pick a partner!" Instantly I chose Annabelle and she chose me. It was like pycics or something.

"Everyone have a partner?Good.Now one partner go to that half and the other that side.Your partner will cast on you.Your lover will be chosen out of a group that shall come in, in a minute.Any questions?"

"Nope" About half the classs said.

"Come on in guys!"She shouted torwards the door and it opened and in walked 12 hot guys!

She gestured to Annabelle's half."This half can pick first,cast second."

Annabelle ran to a cuteish boy that was unmistakenly a werewolf. He had slightly pointed teeth and skin that looked almost fuzzy. This was gonna be fun!


I gave Mason a big hug.

"Hey Annabelle."He said once I let go. I waved Gwen over to me.

"Gwen this is my boyfriend Mason.He's a werewolf.Mason this is Gwen."

"Nice to meet you Gwen. What mystical creature are you?" said Mason.

"Oh I'm a witch I just got kicked out of private school.Hey,Annabelle everyone is pairing up and I still dont have a partner." Gwen said.

"I got a great idea." I walked over to my friend and brought him back for Gwen.

"Gwen this is Steven. He is a demi-god.Steven, Gwen here is a witch." I said.

"Oh my god Annabelle that's the dude i ran into in the hallway earlier." Gwen whispered.

"It's also the guy I'm setting you up with so take him or leave him."I said.

"So as you know I'm Steven.I'm a demi-god,son of Hades."Steven explains.

"Wow!" Gwen exclaimed."Well I'm a witch. The one that ran over you in the hallway."

"Oh that was you!?"replies Steven.


"Ok time to start the spells-" A bell rang to switch classes.

"-We will start tomorrow.Bye!"says Mrs.Spellman.

"Ok Gwen our next class is my favorite........Battle Techniques!!" I told Gwen."Steven and Mason have it with us so let's hurry."I grabbed them and walked out the door.We walk into Battle Techniques and already there is The Demon Brother's ."Be careful of those four they are known around the school for evil pranks and only trusting and being relitively nice to a couple people. I'm one of those people so follow me." I whispered to Gwen. Mason,Gwen and me walked up to the demons.

"Who is she?"Jag said with an evil expression.

"Dude she's cool ok?" I said trying to restrict him seeing the look in his eyes.

"What is she and where did she come from?"Steven Gruner said as i saw Patrick and Sasha walk away.

"She's a witch, got kicked out of private school. Ok, she's really far.But putting that aside I'm going to kick your asses in this class!"I said cofidentely.Steven E. beckoned Gwen back.

"I'd stay away from them if I were you.Annabelle and Mason are the only werewolf sided people they like."Steven explained.

"What's so special about Annabelle and Mason?"

"Annabelle can cast powerful spells and has a lot of magical items stored away that can be used for there pranks. And she's best friends with Emily Thomas she a shapeshifter. With that the demons can do anything."Steven explained.

"Aliright class I am Mr. Holloway your Battle Techniques instructor.Through the year we are going to learn many different styles of fighting.First everyone find a fighting partner. I immediately ran to Jag with competion in my step.

"Your going down!"I told him.

"Only after you drop!"Jag replied.

"Gwen find a partner you don't like.Hey, how about Gwen Crew she'e a vampire.Try her." I said.Looking around I saw Steven E. with Patrick and steven G, with Mason.

"Ok, so everyone has

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