Demon Sister, Josie Jones [books for 8th graders .txt] 📗

- Author: Josie Jones
Book online «Demon Sister, Josie Jones [books for 8th graders .txt] 📗». Author Josie Jones
They say you represent every person in your nightmare.
They say you can never die in dreams.
They say you can never remember the start of the dream.
I don’t know why. Hell, I don’t even know why I think about something so unnecessary like this. Something, which is philosophical and deep. I mean, I wasn’t dumb. I could talk about deep stuff, but truth be told I was never quite the person to do so. My sister was that type. Definitely. She loved to question the universe and look at a rose and say: ‘We should all stop and smell the roses for a change.’ Yeah, nature freak- that was my sister! Don’t get me wrong, I love her. And I know how geeky that sounds, if her twin brother says so and I won’t ever say that in public. Maybe this will be the first and last time I’ll even admit it, but you should know how I feel before I tell you that I shot her right in the stomach.
She looked down, blood flowing through her fingers and a little smile on her lips.
“Hey bro’- look. It’s all warm and sticky.”
I swore. I swore to her I would never, ever hurt her even if she turned all bad and creepy. Well, I swore it to myself more than out loud to her, but she knew. I bet she knew and I bet she knew it even with a hole in her tummy, blood gushing through her fingers. Maybe that’s why she was so mad at me, when she looked up, her eyes black with a little red glimmer to them.
“Sticky. Like glue. Is your blood also as sticky?”
“We’re sure as hell not gonna try it out, dear sis’,” I hissed, the gun weighing more and more in my hand. It had been so light in the morning when I had put it into my holster. Now, being the weapon that caused my sister pain it was so heavy I almost dropped it. My body ached under the pressure and tension I put it though. Not only that everything inside me screamed Help her, my mind played tricks on my, trying to show me what I needed and wanted to see: golden eyes.
I mean, she seemed so innocent with her black hair, the petit and fragile figure and those big deer eyes- which were now all black and dead instead of gold with a little of green in them. My poor twin sister, trapped somewhere in her own body- fighting a creature worse then any of my nightmares before. But I’ll swear I will have some bad ass ones after this was over. I always do. Every time a demon decides that my sister was a good vessel I got nightmares after freeing her. This demon was harder, though. It would just not leave her body. Like we didn’t have enough problems already.
“Aw, why not? It ought to be fun,” she coughed, blood dripping from the corner of her mouth after falling on her knees. I would’ve helped her, if it wasn’t for the gun in my hand, the demon inside of her always trying to kill me and… yeah, that’s it. But enough to let me hesitate. On the other hand if her body died, her soul died too. With a demon in her or not. And I really wanted to kick her little butt when she was herself again. For that, sadly, the demon had to live.
I looked at her again and I swear slipped through my lips. Fuck. She was dying. Some demons faked it but with a bullet ripping through your insides you didn’t really need to fake the ‘almost-dead’ experience.
“God, I hate me for this.” Mumbling I put away my gun and went to her. She raised her head, still smiling which was creepy as it was even without the demonic eyes. Blood coming out of ones mouth can look pretty scary and could scar you for life. Yay another one of those scares for Jesper Mirror.
“Don’t we all?”
Laughing with a ruff tone to it, she bend over puking what I considered was a mixture of saliva and blood. I grumbled as an answer, pushing her down on the cold stone floor of the kitchen (which didn’t belong to us. Which didn’t belong to anyone I knew of. So in the end it means, we were in a stranger kitchen. At least we left the stranger a nice, big puddle of blood. Nothing raises your appetite more than a little sea of blood in the middle of your white marble kitchen floor) and starting to pull her clingy fingers from the wound.
“Let me,” I hissed at her, but my twin cocked her head a bit away from me.
“No. I wanna die, bro’. Not living in this god forsaken world is much better than living in it with you as a brother.”
How dare she uses Rose’s voice right now! She should be thankful damn it! I was saving her life right now and she… she…
Breathing in the heavy air, I pulled myself together. Over the years arguing with demons one gets used to situations like this.
“Yeah, I suck. Now let me treat your injury or you can say hi to the devil from me.”
Her expression darkened a bit and slowly her hands were removed from the gushing hole in her belly. As I expected. Scaredy Cat.
“Nice shot by the way,” she whispered while I destroyed my favorite shirt to wrap a piece of it around her stomach. “But if you wanted to kill me, you should’ve shot a little higher. It couldn’t be that hard- I was standing two meters away from you.”
“Well, even if that’s so I can’t really sleep with the knowledge that I killed my sister. Sorry- I’m human.”
“No need to apologize. I forgive you- I know how weak your race is.”
“How very kind of you.”
After that silence was all to be heard. I nursed her as good as I could (which wasn’t very good) and helped her to stand. Even if she was possessed, I couldn’t really do anything about it if she was in this state. She knew it too. Maybe that was why she kept smiling, happy about a second chance to kill me that was given to her.
“As soon as you turn your back to me or show any sign of weakness,” she spoke under her breath, the black hair falling in front of her eyes, as I braced her to the car in which Ethan was already waiting, “I’ll kill you.”
“I know.”
“So… why then?”
Yeah, why? It would be a hell lot easier if I could just kill her or let her die- bleeding to death. I already had more than enough opportunities. But as told, I’m human, or at least humaner than she was. I wouldn’t just kill my own sister.
“Because I just looove kicking your ass,” I replied sarcastic and let the matter drop.
We walked quite a bit, because Ethan parked the car a few meters away from the house. Safties issue, I guess. He adopted himself a lot of them over the past decades we were on the run.
With the blood loss and injury my sister wasn’t the fastes who walked the earth at the moment. But all the time we walked in silence. No need to talk to a possessed girl or a bad mouthed son of a bitch (literally) like me.
When we finally arrived at the car I had the feeling we walked for hours and hours. I wasn’t trained for long walks. I could run for some time. Swim, climb, cycle. But walking? It was one bitch, alright.
I just opened the door with one hand and dumped her on the seat. She gave a furious growl but nothing more. With that I could live with. A silent klick and a seatbelt was wrapped around her, before I gave her a slight grin. She snapped and looked at the belt, which was engraved with various symbols she knew well from several times before.
“Sleep tight.”
I hoped so hard she got the reference to the belt tightly stretched across her chest.
After slamming the door shut, I got my gun from my holster and sat down in the front seat. Ethan drove off immediately. The white villa, with the white kitchen floor and the red puddle in it disappeared long before Ethan looked back to see my conscious twin struggling with the seatbelt, hissing curses in Greek when she touched one of the symbols.
“You didn’t knock her out?”
With an impatient glace, Ethan drove over the highway leaving the other cars way behind us.
I didn’t want to answer shot at me, so I looked out of the window and tried concentrating on everything else than the man sitting next to me, watching me like I was the demon.
“You want to answer, Jesper?”
“I rather not.”
Folding the arms in front of my chest I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I had her back. Fighting and hissing curses at me on the back seat of the SL 55 AMG (black and always shiny), but at least she was there. Somewhere.
“It’s a very strange world,” Ethan murmured, as he took a second look in the mirror, observing my sister, as she gave up the fight with the seatbelt and lay down, almost cuddling up and sleeping.
“So very strange,” he added, paying his attention at the road that lay in front of us again. I could only agree.
Chapter one: Strange World
“Want to have something to eat?”
All the years that Ethan, Rosalie and I have been on the run and he had never asked me if I wanted to eat something. It only costs too much money and time. But today was different. Today was my birthday- at least it would have been. I didn’t expect any gifts or treats. Hell, I didn’t even want to celebrate my birthday, but Ethan did. He said, that birthdays are, with others, the one thing, which remind the likes of us that we too can be human- are human. At least from the outside.
“Sure. Chocolate cake, cookies, and a bar of Reese’s.”
“Chips it is,” he grinned, getting out of the car and walking towards the gas station. I placed my feet on the dashboard, slipping my hand in the backpack under the chair to get out my iPod. This special day screams for my personal, special soundtrack.
“Happy Birthday, ass.”
I turned around to see those scary looking eyes stare right into my silver ones. Shit, I would never get use to them. It was surprising that she even talked to me, but I wouldn’t see it as improvement. Our race sure could think far, could calculate every step of our enemy. Which is why our wars don’t last very long. Three hours at the most. So I assumed she had planned something evil, during the time I had slept.
“Happy Birthday to you too, bitch. Hope you liked your precocious birthday present.”
I gave an explanatory look towards her injury and she hissed like an angry snake. Shrugging, I put the earphones in my ears, turning up the volume and wiping out every other sound that could distract me from the wonderful sounds that filled my head.
Nothing seems as pretty as the past though
That Bloody Mary's lacking a Tabasco
Remember when he used
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