Alexandria sat in her bed listening to the rumbling outside, lightning flashed by her window and her shadow leaped against the wall, as if beckoning her to play. "Where are you daddy?" she asked herself. Lord Grimwarld had left that morning to attend to an urgent message, which arrived at the palace complete with a magical seal, which would only break with the king’s touch. The storm outside was growing strong not to mention the blue moon was rising, suddenly a distant roar was heard and Alexandria made her way to the window, then gazed around wondering when a slight glow emerged from under the neckline of her silk night dress, she held out her emerald emulate, as she gazed into it, the vision that followed was clear as it was terrifying... "Drago!" she yelled.
Alexandria awoke with her heart pounding tensely against her chest. She looked around at the surrounding trees from the tree branch where she had spent the night. The forest was regaining its summer glow, bird song filled the air and Alexandria made her way up to the top of the tree where she watched the sun rise every morning. This morning on the other hand was quite spectacular; even for Alexandria who spent much of her mornings admiring the sun rise. She gazed upon the horizon as a warm and soft breeze gently caressed her face and danced in her hair. Enchanting golden rays pierced through the dazzling grey clouds that covered the horizon, turning them into a wonderful display of colors dancing across the sky.
As the day rose and the night set, Alexandria climbed down to the forest floor then sauntered to a small stream not far from where she spent the night. She followed the stream to a water fall which sparkled as the light touched it, made sure she wasn't being watched, and slipped behind two odd looking rocks. She was now behind the water fall and inside a cave whose walls had been smoothed by years of a once powerful river that raged through. Alexandria walked a few meters into the cave and through a short tunnel that opened into a smaller cave. At the center of the cave a hot spring run from the underground magma chambers of a long forgotten volcano. The cave was lit by shafts of sun rays that found their way through the thick canopy of the forest and into the blowhole above.
She peeled off the cut off t-shirt she made from the softest tree bark one could find in a jungle and the skirt she made from the leaves of a giant oak tree in the forest. Alexandria stepped into the spring with a sigh. Soon after that she left for the river into which the water fall poured, but this time she wore custom made knee high boots from the hide of a buffalo while the sole was made of wax from a rubber tree. There she climbed onto an old hollow tree where she stored a bow and arrows. Her bow was made of mahogany with a perfect curve and small blades at the ends complete with beautiful brown texture and an engraved symbol. Her quiver was made of the same material as her boots. As for her arrows, they were made of saddle wood; the tips sparkled of granite rock and the extremities, owl tail feathers. "Time to go home, i have the travelers' key, my magic and a big celestial event to draw from. Soon i will be off this planet and back home." she said to her reflection in the water, sounding more confident than she really was.
In a tree on a great cliff far from the polluted air of cities, Mihigo Emmanuel gazed upon the horizon at the sun as it rose into the morning sky over Iguazu falls, making the rivers sparkle as a thousand diamonds and seem as though fire poured from the falls. He sighed audibly, 'I wish the world would remain this way forever,' he thought to himself. "Earth to Mihigo, get down here, all that scenery and you soon won't be able to tell the difference between reality and fantasy." said a familiar voice. Mihigo glanced below him to find Ntende Lawrence holding a basket of mangoes, a silly smile on his face. He made his way down the tree to his friend. While Mihigo had dark brown eyes, a birth mark on his right cheek, and what looked like a raccoon’s nest for hair, Ntende had light brown eyes and silky black hair. Both boys stood at a height of 5'9 and were fairly well built.
"Enzo what poor creature of the forest have you purged today." asked Mihigo gazing at the mangoes hungrily. "That would be mom, but she doesn't know... yet." answered Ntende proudly. No sooner had he said so, than the thuds of running feet could be heard coming toward them. From behind a winding path Mihigo and Ntende saw Nasuna Caitlin, Ntende's sister, race towards them. Panting she said, "You boys better get a move on, mom noticed missing mangoes and from the looks of it she was right who the culprits are." Mihigo raised his hands in exasperation "Culprits! Why am i always associated in your crimes." he said to Ntende. "Maybe because you’re the one who brought out the worst in Me." answered Ntende.
"Would you boys continue this discussion while moving? If mom catches you, i am in trouble as well." Caitlin spoke as she gazed warily in the direction from which she came. "Right," agreed Ntende at once "we owe you one sis." Mihigo and Ntende took off vanishing through the forest. They spent the day devouring the mangoes and exploring the falls and surrounding caves, at one point they climbed up the side of a water fall to a path a little ways up then followed it to the top were they had a breath taking view of the setting sun and skies above, as the stars slowly begun to appear twinkling and winking down at them. "This is perfect, we'll have an exceptional view." said Mihigo. They sat watching the sun set and once night had fallen they were laying on their backs gazing at the stars.
A few meters away hidden under cover of darkness Alexandria held her bow in her left hand, her quiver on her right thigh strapped in with a make shift snake skin belt and her food pouch tied to her waist. In her right hand she held a compass like contraption with four needles, one green, the other blue, and the last two golden and red. She followed the golden one until the other three needles pointed at the same direction with the golden one. She followed them until the needles separated and pointed out to the four cardinal points forming a cross and marking the spot. It was a small clearing with a clear view of the night sky; Alexandria smiled to herself and began chanting inaudibly.
Mihigo and Ntende gazed dreamily at the sky, "There it is,” said Mihigo "the constellation Leo, the storm should appear to fall from that point." Ntende smiled a toothy grin and said "Make a wish Mihigo." No sooner had he said so, a shooting star streaked across the sky in a glorious display of all shades of red. It was soon followed by another about two minutes in and within an hour the sky was engulfed in an Armageddon of falling stars of all colors and shades. The meteor storm named after the constellation Leo had arrived, making the three hundred year wait worth it.
The storm grew more fierce as the hours flew by, soon the whoosh of meteors’ became audible and the celestial winds reached the ground "I think we should head back, the chances of one of those breaking the atmosphere and becoming a meteorite are too high." said Mihigo siting up "Oh come on you’re the one who wanted to sit through it to the end and now your chickening out." countered Ntende still gazing at the sky. The winds grew stronger still and the meteors begun to grow brighter in bursts making Mihigo flinch each time "Enzo come on." he begged, there was a loud bang and clap of thunder. Ntende shot up, "Your right we should go, no point in being here and never telling the tale."
They made their way along a narrow winding path; the wind grew stronger with each step they took until they came to small clearing. The wind was less there like the eye of a storm and in the middle of it stood a girl, a bow in her left hand and a compass like contraption in her right. She was murmuring incoherently but seemed to be seriously concentrating; Mihigo and Ntende looked at each other with confusion, Ntende's expression mingled with amusement. "Are you mental." was Ntende's first question, but the girl didn't seem to have heard him. "Hey if you want to die there better ways to go." said Mihigo "Let’s just grab her and run for cover." suggested Ntende.
As they grabbed her by the arms both Mihigo and Ntende felt a jolt of electricity run through them, they both tried to let go of the girl but couldn't, and then like she was awakening from a bad dream she noticed them "What are you doing?" she asked, terror in her eyes " let me go." she demanded " We can't." said Mihigo, terror etching its way along his face. There was a loud thunder clap and a flash of blue, the air around them suddenly became hot very fast "meteorite!" yelled Mihigo "move!" Ntende yelled back "no!" screamed the girl. Mihigo and Ntende begun to run dragging the girl along with them "Please don't do this i need to go home I’ve waited three hundred years for this." 'Mental' Ntende concluded to himself. There was a loud rumbling, an ear splitting crash, a flash of bright light then everything went dark.
CHAPTER TWOMihigo woke up to the treacle of a stream at his side surrounded by huge moss covered trees with twisted trunks. The rocks were also covered in mosses, a few flowers and shrubs grew around while the stream sparkled as rays of sunlight fell upon its surface from cracks in the thick canopy above. Mihigo slowly sat up a distant ringing in his ears while his vision blurred for a second before coming into focus. The girl lay on his right motionless then suddenly, like lightening he remembered the meteor storm, the heat, the crash and the blinding light. Ntende laid a little ways off the bank floating motionlessly. Adrenaline rushed through Mihigo's body 'he can't be.' Mihigo thought to himself.
He rushed beside him and pulled him to a bare rock, Ntende's skin was ice cold to the touch; Mihigo placed his ear close to Ntende's mouth and nose. He felt the warmth of his breath and then continued to delicately run his hands down his body; he then proceeded to the
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