» Fantasy » royal love, rosebelikov [freenovel24 .TXT] 📗

Book online «royal love, rosebelikov [freenovel24 .TXT] 📗». Author rosebelikov

“How’s your arm?” Daniel asked. He and I are stranded in a house that was close to my palace. I’m Princess Sophia, Sophie for my friends, of the kingdom of haven. I’m also 19 years old. I was originally on my way to my palace for my coronation when I was attacked by a band of people who were mutated. The people who I traveled with tried to protect me but sadly they were killed and eaten. Luckily I had my best friend Daniel, who I knew since I was 10, with me. He was able to sneak us away and got us safely to the house we are occupying right now. “Still hurts but I can live with the pain. Probably shouldn’t’ have taken that demon all by myself.” I said, giving him a sheepish smile. A demon, a person who is mutated and kills people then eats them, had broken into the house. Since Daniel was asleep I tried to take it on by myself but the end result was my broken arm. “What made you try and take on a demon all by yourself?” he asked me. I winced when I probed the wound. “Just because I’m going to be queen doesn’t mean I should just sit here and let you protect me. I can’t depend on people because they are not always going to be there for me.” I said, giving him a fierce look. “Yeah I know,” he sighed,” you can’t always trust people because they could be lying to you, I heard this already. But you should be careful because you’re our soon to be queen and without you, we would all die. You’ve kept this country running smoothly and if you die during this epidemic, then we have no chance of surviving.” I had to look away from his gaze. I don’t know when it started but I guess falling in love with him was bound to happen sooner or later. “Maybe I should just stay with you since you are bound to get into trouble.” He said. “Ha! Then you’re going to die of frustration if you think you can order me around.” I said with a smug look. “Sadly yes, when it comes down to it no one can control the queen.” He said with a sigh. “Except for the King.” I said bitterly. Bad memories of my parents coming back to me but I pushed them away. “But when you become Queen, you’re not going to marry anyone?”He asked me. I gave him a duh look. “I will marry, just not to a man who thinks to make me a slave and try to rule my kingdom as if he had royal blood in his veins.” After being stuck in this house for six months, I would expect him to at least show some interest in me. “So if I asked you to marry me, what would you say?” he asked me with a serious face. Wait ….. did he just say what I kept praying to god for him to say? Agh! pay attention to what he’s saying and stop talking to yourself. “What that a proposal?” I asked softly, and to my surprise Daniel got on his right knee, pulled out a ring and asked, “Will you marry me Sophie?” I was stunned for a minute before I went on my knees and kissed him. “I’ll take that as a yes.” He murmured against my lips. Before I realized what he was doing, he swept me off my feet, literally, and was taking me out of the room. “Were are we going?” I asked, giggling. “To bed of course” He said with a grin. “You can’t do that yet! We have to wait until we are married!” I said, giggling uncontrollably.”Well this is for practice” he said with a grin, “Just as they have practice ceremonies, this is a practice bedding.” Now I started to laugh until my sides hurt. We were half way to the bedroom when we heard a strange noise. Daniel quickly put me down and went into a fighting position. That’s when a demon came charging through the door. He took down the demon but two more came in. Crap! I forgot to put up the shield. I quickly raised the barrier, wincing a little as the pain came from using my psychic powers. A demon got past Daniel and headed towards me. Without thinking I used what I call my “invisible hands” and ripped the demon apart. Agh! I forgot how bad the pain is when I use the “hands”. I coughed and quickly wiped at my mouth before Daniel could see the blood that started to leak out of my mouth. “Dammit! I told you never to do that!” Daniel yelled at me. “I’m sorry” I wiped at my mouth again. When he saw the trickle of blood he sighed and took me to the bathroom. “Hey, at least it’s only a little blood this time” I said, trying to lighten the mood. He winced, remembering how I used to throw up fountains of blood every time I used my psychic powers. “Let’s just go to bed” I said. He took me to bed and quickly fell asleep. I slept with a smile because I just “saw” Daniel get a priest. It’s going to be a magical day tomorrow.
2 months later
Could life get any better than this? I am married to the man I love and when he gets home, I have to tell him the most wonderful news, I’m pregnant. I’m 2 months along. Knock knock . . . knock. I ran to the door and opened it. “Daniel! Guess what! I’m …” the last word died on my lips as I saw the princess of the small country that’s right next to mine, holding my husband’s arm as if she had every right to. “Princess Sophia! It’s good to see you. I was out looking for my fiancé when I found him. Daniel sweetie, I was so worried that you were dead and we would never get the chance o marry.” She gave his arm a squeeze. My world has just shattered. This is what I was afraid of. Daniel is just like my dad. Promised to a woman but marries another for her money and power. Bastard. “I also ran into your guard.” As she finished saying that he captain of my royal guard pushed Isabella aside. He pulled me into a tight hug. “Sophie! I was so worried about you.” I hugged him back. He’s been with me since my mother died when I was four years old and when my dad was going through women who tried to hurt me because they thought I was a threat to their power. “Time to go to the palace. Everyone is waiting for you” he said. I couldn’t look at Daniel. Why does it hurt me to love? I love my mom and she died. I love Daniel and he turns out to be engaged to someone else. Yeah, let’s go home, I thought.
On the way home, Daniel tried to talk to me. He wanted to know what I was going to tell him and to let him explain but I refused to talk to him. I did the only thing I could to protect myself. I turned into a bitch. I kept yelling at everyone. I complained over the slightest thing. Eventually nobody wanted to be near me, not even Daniel. He now looks at me in disgust. It’s better this way. If I’m loved then I get hurt because people will betray me and I can’t handle any more pain. Daniel is the last one who will ever hurt me. If I’m mean then people will stay away and I’ll be safe. Only Donald, the captain of my royal guard, is the only one who knows why I’m being mean. He is also helping me hide my pregnancy. He’s the only one I trust know. It was a relief when we finally arrived at the palace. Sadly Isabella came with me because her country wasn’t safe. Since tomorrow is my coronation, I’m left alone to prepare. I’ll just take a nap. I was just about to fall asleep when I heard a strange noise. I opened my eye and saw a masked man leaning over me, he pulled out a knife. I tried to move but felt sluggish. I was drugged. He plunged the knife into my thigh and raked it across my skin creating a huge gash. I was in too much pain to cry out for help or use my “hands”. He raised the knife and was going to slit my throat but the drug wore off, thank you psychic powers, and I raised m arm to take the blow. My arm was sliced open and blood was pouring out of my thigh and arm. My attacker must have heard someone because he left. I crawled out of bed. When I looked back I saw that my bed was a bloody mess. I crawled toward the bathroom and tried to open the door but the blood made the door handle slippery. I used the wall to help me stand up and limped outside, leaving a bloody trail. Somebody must have left the door open because I was attacked by a demon. I ignored the pain and ripped the demon apart. That was a bad idea because I started coughing up al lot of blood. I decided that while im still wounded, i should stay inside and hide. i went to the storage room that is inside my room and started looking for something to patch me up. since all that was there was some wire and a needle i decided to use that. gritting my teeth together, i ignored the pain and sartd to close the wounds, hoping nothing happened to my son


Publication Date: 07-31-2011

All Rights Reserved

this book is dedicated to y best friend vanessa. after reading her book infected love i had a dream that has become this book

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