» Fantasy » Bloody Blades, Isha59 [classic novels for teens .txt] 📗

Book online «Bloody Blades, Isha59 [classic novels for teens .txt] 📗». Author Isha59

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Chapter 1

"That night when her Mother and Father left for the town festival since they were required to go.They were after all the king and queen of Zownia. On the very day they left she was only an infant and her nanny was at the garden with the Chef's daughter deciding which flowers would go great in the new infants chambers . It was only 5 at the time so nobody expected the kingand Queen to come home early however they also didn’t know that would be the last time they would see The Royals of Zownia along with the others at the party.

The last thing I remember before I wake up is me having the replay of how they died on their way back home and how that horrid monster slit both of their throats and chewing of their hands as if it was a chew toy or even a bone. I hear the digusting sounds everytime I close my eyes and wake up with that horrible image in my head.
I finally decided to get up and get ready for
school. Thats when I saw the clock and it was 10 past 7 which was not good. Now I have only 5 mins. before the bus leaves me again like it did last friday."UGH why does there have to be school on a monday!"
Grumbling irratated while pulling on my skinny jeans, a blue blouse and my jacket still maintaining to brushing my hair and teeth before I garbbed my purse and a few bucks before Ihit the door and ran down the steps and practicly ran towards the bus to find out that the bus was about to leave.
I put my track skills in mode and got there atleast in a minute.
Slow but enough to get me to the bus stop at the moment all I could think of was I really need to get in shape it should not have taken me a minute or more to run afew feet to the bus stop. Oh well looks like I'll have to jog in the night again. I was my idea to quit the track team for karate any way.
When I got to school I met Isyan at the usuall spot. Which reminded me how I never knew where she goes everyday I just meet her at the enterance at the side of the school. Isyan is my bestfriend we knew each other since I was 7 yrs old and always "hungout" ever since. Its nice to have a friend in high school when everyone else thinks your just a "Goody 2 shoes" because you don't do or say the same things they do and they act like you have a disease or act like you don't exist. Since I don't care of a word they say they leave me alone now and then.
Isyan is the only one who understands me. Maybe it's because I'm the only one who can see,hear and talk to her, plus she doesn't laugh or make fun of me for it but she always has some advice about it and so far her promblems are mine and mine hers.You could say we're linked like twins or maybe sisters. In return I listen to what she thinks and has to say about what dreams could mean and sometimes if she has trouble with something and needs my help which is rare.
Today when Told her of my dreams she listened and nodded at times that seemed right.
Then said like always "So what do you think that means and or has to do with you?"
"I don't know but I thought maybe there's something more to it then people dying tragically and a lady running away with a child with silk like material wrapped around it." I replied
"What do you suppose it means?" she asked again while we went to my locker to get my books.Before I could answer the bell rang. "I don't know but I have a feeling we're going to find out" Hesitation seeped through while I spoke the last words.
"What do you mean by that?" Isyan asked as we walked towards my class.
"I don't know but I just have a feeling thats all" I said then went into my english class.
The only period we do something other then having lectures and long notes. When Mrs.Foyler walked in she asked us to settle down and started class.
"Today we're doing a project on mythical creatures. You all wil have to pick a subject out of this hat.What came out is your project and no buts about it." said Mrs.Foyler
What I ended up was something called
"The Warrior Angels" It looks familiar but I've never heard of or seen it before. Looks like I'll have to go to the library for my Study Hall today unless Isyan knows something about it.When I got there all that came up on search was :
"Search not found"

and the only thing that I remember was something about how Warrior Angels were suppossed to be Girded in armor from head to toe with someting and were somewhat of a "magnificent" giant. But that was all I got then asked Isyan If she had any info on this project.
"Hey, Isyan do you know anything about Warrior Angels?"I thought to her
"All I know is that Warrior Angels are magnificent giants and are Girded in armor from head to toe."
"So I did have that part right" I thought suprised.
"yup, you did. Now may I go on?" She asked
I gave a brief nod and she went on.
"Well the armor looked as if it were literally a weapon. Their coloring was pewter, even the wings." Then looked at me to see if i would interupt again,but I just looked at her and said go on with my eyes.
"The top of the helmets had a sharp pointed piece that seemed to go up to the sky. If they should bend their head forward, that piece would pierce completely through a body. Every part of them is ready for battle.

I shivered just at the thought.

"They each hold spears in their left hands and the tips were a burning fire, an eternal flame that nothing and no one could extinguish.

I could see all the details as if it was real and thought to my self this would be a good time to make a few sketches. Then pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil and started the sketch before I forget the details.

Their shields were solid gold, so bright it hurt the eyes to look at them and too heavy for any human to carry. Their breastplates were like steel doors nothing could penetrate. Their feet were in boots that were pointed on the toe and made like cleats that held them firmly standing. Nothing could knock them over or move them.
The most fascinating characteristic was their wings. They appeared as feathers. Like all feathers they were made of individual, fine hairpieces that formed their shape. Each feather tip was poisonous. If any enemy brushed against the feathers it would wither and die instantly. As they stood there in all their glory, they were touching as if to form a chain that could not be broken.
The flame on the spears represented the eternal fire and wrath of God. The gold shields were representative of God's eternal love and light. No evil could not break the chain of Gods protection."

"Dang! You make it sound so real!" I thought suprised
"I was always called a good story teller"She said with a grin on her face
"What did I miss?" I asked shocket because she rarely grinned or smiled at all.
"Huh? Oh nothing."
"Okay whatever you say, So could you summarize it in simpler form and I'll take notes.K?" I thought not sure if she was listening. She looked as if in a daze.
"Yeah ok" she replied a few seconds later.
The whole time I toke notes put it in my own words.Feeling exhausted I put away my things, logged off and told myself that I could redo the picture at home. If I get any sleep tonight. Just thinking about it gave me shivers.

Chapter 2

I woke up in a weird chamber and
thought to my self "How the heck did I get
here?". At the moment I heard a loud clash
and saw that I was in what looked like a
battle field except for the fact the we were a
freaking room.

When I got up and looked around. I
saw that it was larger then it appeared to be.
Just then someone came at me with what looked
to be a sword. I darted quickly to the right
and missed it by a milisecond. To my far left
was another sword I ran towards it before I
became dead meat. As I grabbed it, whoever it
was came at me again but I was prepared this
time and deflacted the wild swing and ducked
while "He" -I think- tried to slice off my
head. Then I put in some swings of my own and
was suprised to see that I could hold my
sword properly."

Just when I was about to make my final blow. I heard my alarm set off,but all I could think of was How come this dream was different then the others. Then I hopped off and started the day with yet another -almost missed the bus again-. You ever had that feeling that something epic is going to happen but you don't know how or when you just do. Well thats how I felt and finally saw it for myself on my way out the weight room.
Here's an advice if you ever see a monsterous beast right when you come out of practice run the other way don't stand there like a fool and get your butt killed just RUN!!
Let me tell you it wasn't a pretty sight it was consuming my P.E. teacher right on the spot. Blood all over the hallway enterance and leading to the exit. You could practicly see bones in the blood and skins on the floor. I would have barfed if not for the Beast staring at me with a preditory grin. In that second I saw Isyan glow an orange-gold color and run at the Beast at full speed.
It only took a while for the Beast

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