» Fantasy » Endangered, Autumn Usrey [short books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Endangered, Autumn Usrey [short books to read .txt] 📗». Author Autumn Usrey

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The beginning

Avalons life use to be normal, well as normal as being a Avatar could get. They may have been the last Avatar family alive, but they where happy. But one day when Avalone and her brother where 14 therre parents got called to a mission in Iowa. Thats when the councle decited to kill them. Avalon, and Alex knew what happend to them, but they didn't have the power to stop the councle.So, for 5 year's they mastered ther powers, hopping that one day they could get revenge on there parents.


* Anabell *

Im Anabell. My brother and I are Avatars. That means we can controll earths elements,you know the wether, fire, water, wind,and earth. Alex my brother and I are twins. We both have crazy read hair and light green eyes.


My brother and I were out side using our powers when a note poped out of no were. "Great". I said to my brother. He layed down in the grass, and I goined him. What do you think it is now? My brother said taking hold of the note.  I looked at him. "Well Alex its more or likely saying..." Dear Anabell, and Alex Keythl. How is it to be the only two Avatars left in the supernatural world. And so on." At the end we were both on the ground laughing our buts off. When we calmed down I opend the letter and begain to read outloud.


"Dear  Indangered's we have sumoned all of you to a meeting with the commn"


I stoped to look at my brother. He had a serious face. I looked at him one more time before I continued.

"The resone for thisis because the common needs to speek in privat. Please pick 2-3 people to represent you. The meating is at  !2:00 A.M. at the Shadow night court. this following indangers are to atend.

*Dark Angles*




*Demi Gods*


Last but not least Alex and Anabell Keythl The Avatars.

Good day and thank you

The commons.


I stoped reading. What do you think they want with us? Alex asked standing up. *Sigh* I don't know. Come on we need to get ready. We where walking back to the house when we noticed that someone was moving in next door. Oh well. I gusse we will meat them later. When we got into the house and changed.He was in black jeans, with a white buttoned up shirt. I got dressed in a White tanktop and black jeans as well. What can I say. We like to dress a like.  



We walked to the telaporter and telaported tothe Shadow night court were we came up to some friends of ours.  We walked to Kay and Kyl. There twins too, but there Demi Gods. They were very close to each other like we were. Hey guys whats up? Kay asked as me and Alex sat down by her. Nothing much, what about you? Alex said fist bumping Kyl.  You know the same old, exept Kay cut her hair. Kay and Kyl both beautiful brown hair, with hazle eyes.

We just sat there and waited for the meating to start.




My pack and I just moved into this new naghborhood when we were unpacking. 

my dad came in with a note in his hand. I didn't pay too much atenchen to him, and continued unpacking. "Shan get dressed we need to go".Go? Go where dad?" I asked standing up. Here read this. He handed me a note. It said that us commons have to have a meeting with the indangered. Dad what are Indangered? I asked becaus I had no qlue what they were.Indangered are the supernatural beings that are going out of order and dieing off. 

"Ok what does it mean when they say " And last but not least Anabell and Alex Keythl the Avatars" " Why not say All the Avatars? Well son there brother and sister, there the last of there kind. But be carfull there the most powerfull of all the supernaturals. Well go get dressed and meat me by the telaporter."    "And with that I found the box that had my close in it, and got dressed.


/ Anabell


We were all separated into our groups. The were cats were proped up in a ledg up above, The Dark Angles where flying up above, the Mermads where in the water, The Demi Gods,and the Mutants where   just sitting there, the Shapeshifters where shifting into all sorts of things, But me and Alex where siting on a ball of fire in the air,

We where all waiting for the commons to come when I looked at my palm. Every supernatural has a marking to tell what they are. Avatars where a earth. I looked down and sall mine moving.  I quickly closed my had and looked up to see if Alex sall. He was staring at me with his eyes wide.Do you know who it is? He asked me.  ( If your wondering what is wrong, when your mark movie it meens your mate is close.) No. Was all I could say before the commons came in. My eyes caught one person. I looked at his mark and it was moving, just like mine and everything.  Crap. I already knew Alex sall . by the looks of his marking he was a werwolf. He was looking around franticly when the Elders started the meeting.


 Commons and indangereds please calm down. Why have you called us here?!?!Alex yelled out. With that everyone looked at him, that means me to. Even that Werwolf boy.I quickly smaked him in the head. "Oww what was that for?"  Shut  upAlex. I demanded


Alex Keythle please calm down. Now we where trying to say that we somend you all up becaus there is a great force coming for the indangered. Everyone in the room stured.Please calm down. Now we will pare the indangered up with a common group. now lets see. Dark Angles and Angles, Werecats and Demons, Mermades and mutants your with the  Vampires, Shapeshifters your with the withes, Demi gods your with the Dragons, and Anabell Alex your with the Werwolfs. Now any oposed? Me and Alex rased our hands. Yes? They asked

{ Shane }

 My hand was swerling during the meeting. When they where done saying who was with who we found out that we're with the only two Avatars left. When they asked who was oposed no-one rased there hand exept those two. Yes? The coulsle asked.

The girl spoke firs. Before she spoke I sall the swerals of her mark were moving . SHE WAS MY MATE. And then she spoke.

Sir you know we don't need protection. You also know we are the most powerfull supernaturals to live. We can protect ourself. Anabell  if you can't remember you and your brother are the last of the Avatars. WHO'S FALT IS THAT!!!  YOU KNOW THAT ITS YOUR FALT FOR THERE DEATHS!!!  The girl yelled.Her brother pulled her back down making her sit. The counsle stoped talking. 

Im sorry but the vote is done. Alex take your sister home. I whatched as tha Avatar gave his sister a telaporter crictle. She had  looked so mad when she left. My dad whent to talk to him. In the mean while I stood there with the rest of my pack we where talking,while waiting for my dad to come so we go home. When my dad came back I found out that we just mover a cross the street from them.  


"GREAT." I thought to myself


When I got home I was pissed. I mean who does the councle think they are?  For peat sakes Alex and I are the the most powerfull Supernaturals in the world.They don't tell us what to do with our lifes.We can take careof our selfs.


I ran to the woods; the sky was grey and thunder craked. We can take care of our selfs, I thought to my self. I  got to a safe place where no humans could see me. I let all of my power out...something I havent done for a long time. All of a suden fire came from nowhere, the ground started shaking, it started raining, the wind started blowing. I was ataking everything in my way. I herd something and stoped right before I hit Alex with a fireball.  He stood there by him self looking an me.


WE DON'T NEED HELP ALEX!!! WE CAN PROTECT OUR SELFS!! I yelled at him. HE walked up to me and huged me. I know I know. But like the councle said.. ?When he said that I pushed him away.   

   OH HELL NO ALEX YOU BETTER NOT TAKE THERE SIDE. YOU KNOW THERE THE RESON FOR ALL THE OTHER AVATARS DEATH!!! OUR OWN MOTHER AND FATHER DIED BECAUS Of THEM!! THEY SENT THEM ON THE MISSION TO KILL THEM!! I yelled again.  I know Anabell I know. Calm down. I know there the reason but what can we do? He said puting his arms around me. The earth stoped shaking and everything went quite. Come on lets go home. Oh bye the way Anabell before I can forget the Werwolfs we're partnered with just moved in next door.


" GREAT"  ( Hint the sarcasm )

We made our way back home. I went strain to my room. I brushed my hair, changed, and went to sleep. I dreemed about how my family was before our parents died.


{ Shane } 


We  finaly got home from the meating. As I sat down in the kitchen I noticed something different with the sky. When we left the sky was sunny; no cloud

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