» Fantasy » Elements 8, strabberyshorcake2 [some good books to read .txt] 📗

Book online «Elements 8, strabberyshorcake2 [some good books to read .txt] 📗». Author strabberyshorcake2

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I sat there not really paying attention to the teacher who was scribbling on the board about the fire of London in 1666. No. I had more important things to worry about, like the fact that a dark spirit was trying to break down the barrier I had placed up around the town three years ago, and almost succeeding. I swore quietly to myself as I raised the strength of the barrier thinking about how recently I had been dropping my guard. I don’t know what was wrong with me. One minuet I would be fine then the next minuet I would have completely dropped my guard so that even the weakest of the dark spirits could come onto my land.
I was so deep in thought that I almost missed the bell ringing. I jumped up and walked out into the corridor of my secondary school. I ran to my locker to get my books out for my next class, math. I hated everything about this school, this town even. I wanted to go to a school where they taught you about the elements and how to control them, not that I didn’t already no, but nobody would take in the only person in mankind who could control all eight of the elements, earth, air, water, fire, spirit, shadow, light and darkness. Not that I would ever ask a school to take me in. the first, and last, school I asked got a mob of nearly one-thousand people and tried to kill me because I'm unnatural.
I remember that day so clearly. My mother, farther and big brother had been badgering me to apply for the Element Education Collage for the past year and I had finally gave in and sent a request sheet in. I had stated that I was very powerful and could easily control my elements. I didn’t put that I could control all the elements because they didn’t ask but when I went for the interview, well, let’s just say they were a teeny weeny bit surprised and over reacted. I had watched them slit my mothers, farthers and oldest brothers throats just because of what they had created, because of me. Luckly my younest brother (who was three years older then me) was in spain when it happened and they didn't kill him. i hadn't seen him since.
I zoned back in when I heard the teacher calling my name. When I looked up she was stood there a smug look on her face. I swear she didn’t like me.
“Well?” was all she said.
“Well what?”
“Well Miss Easton if you were listening you would have none what,” her smirk grew bigger. Time to wipe it off her not-so-pretty little face
“But I wasn’t listening miss so I don’t know what,” I replied innocently “I had better things to do then little to your constant babbling,” now I was the smug one.
“Detention!” she screamed, her face red now
“Sorry miss I'm already booked for the next two months,” what can I say. I don’t get along well with teachers.
Next I had science using Bunsen Burners. My worst enemy. Last time I used one the teacher wondered how it lit itself without her lighting a match. Big mistake. I had to run 200 mile away for a year before they stopped looking for me. Yep! Defiantly a mistake. I sighed and just decided to skip. I would rather get another detention then have angry mobs after me. Well i say mobs, it’s the 21st century, there would probably be a crowd of people with snipers and a bullet to my head would hurt. Period. No i would just have to skip science. It wasn't like i hadn't already done the course we were doing. I’d been alive for over 200 years, and after a while you just learn to memorize the harry potter book for example. it took me 1 hour to read all the harry potter books as i was able to just look at each page a blink and it was stored away in my mind. Hell i would probably be able to recite the whole thing if i wished, which i don't.

I ended up half an hour later, sat in my car, in front of the cinema. I sighed as i looked at the film list. The Last Air Bender, too fake. The hole 3D, already seen, the lovely bones, I NEED CHEERING UP NOT BEEN GIVEN A DOSE OF MURDER! ! !
Ok so the cinema was a bad idea. I couldn't go bowling as my foster mother worked there, and the ski slope had banned me when part of the slope had started to melt when i got angry. I really needed to learn how to control my fire element. It was more aggressive than the rest and it tended to like to dominate when i got angry or frustrated, but then, that just describes fire for you.
No. there was nothing to do but go to school or go home, and I wasn’t going back to that hell pit, A.K.A school. I sighed driving the long drive home. I was in for a long day and a long night when my parents got the call saying I’d skipped. They were going to go livid! They knew about my powers (well some of them, not light, darkness, shadow and spirit), but said if I ever used them on them they would kick me out and leave me on the streets to rot in hell; little did they know I had been saving money for just under two-hundred years! Oh and yes, I am rich just nobody knows I am.
I pulled over and parked my car in the garage, sighing when I noticed my mother’s car pulling up behind me. God she looked mad. I winced as she slammed her car door shut after getting out and glaring at me. I. Was. In. Hell!
“Would you like to explain to me why I got a phone call from your school saying you hadn’t turned up for class and the fire bell went and they spent half an hour looking for you!?!” my mother screamed at me. Now I was getting defensive she didn’t know what it was like to have to go to over fifty different schools in two-hundred years. I bit my tongue “half an hour! Do you know how much you scared us?” I forgot all my angry comments. I had scared them? “We thought you had set the school alight with your curse!” right they weren’t scared for me AT ALL. They were scared OF ME!
“Figuris [figures],” I muttered in Latin looking down.
“What was that young lady,” a frown was plastered on my mother’s face.
“Nothing,” I replied in an innocent voice. After two-hundred years, you learn how to lie. I looked up into my mother’s eyes. Oh. No. I saw that look in her eyes. The look I had seen in every one of my previous foster parent’s eyes. It was coming. Any second… Now!
“We warned you that we wouldn’t except any more crap from you so, after considering all alternatives we have decided to send you back into foster care.” I gapped at her. I had only been in her house for a year and she was already kicking me out! “Be lucky that we aren’t reporting you to the authorities or just chucking you onto the streets! We are not selfish people and we understand how hard it must be to be possessed by the devil himself but we cannot keep you under our roof when you skip school and lie to us!” when did I ever lie to them? “Your belongings all you need to do is call a cab and be on your way!” Oh my god this woman had nerve.
“I can drive myself thank you very much,” I stated as I stormed up to my room to collect all my now boxed up belongings and put them in my car.
When I arrived at the “care home” I grabbed all my bags and dragged them with me through the parking lot. The air escaped me as I collided with something hard. Strong arms gripped me under my armpits. I glanced up to meet a pair of silver eyes. He was an earth element. I knew he wouldn’t be able to tell I was an element because my eyes were a deep purple colour, not the colour of someone who could control one or two elements.
“Are you ok there?” he asked amusement thick in his voice as he set me on my feet. I wasn’t in a great mood. I wondered if giving someone the shock of their life would help sort out my mood.
“I am absolutely great earth how are you? The elements are lovely today aren’t they?” I said in an innocent voice then walked into the care home not glancing back. I could only imagine the shock on his face. I walked up into my old room and set my bags down.
Half an hour later I was called down the stairs.
“Cathy,” Pauline my social worker said “I would like you to meet your new foster parents Mr. and Mrs. James and their adopted son,” she pointed to a young couple but I could tell from their eyes they were elements; probably around one hundred. Then my eyes landed on the boy. He was defiantly their son. Probably around fifty. I met his silver eyes. I was in deep trouble.

Jack smirked at me. S***. Why did I have to let him know that I knew what he was? Now I was going to have to make up some lie, probably about dating an element once, to explain how I know what they are just by looking into their eyes. I already hated him. A lot.
“Shall we go then?” Jacks mum asked looking at me. Fire. We all nodded following her out of the house. I followed them out of the house to their car, carrying my bags.
“So Cathy,” Mr. James said “Jack tells us you know about what we are,” he said it as a statement not a question so I just nodded “What am I?” the question caught me off guard so I quickly glanced into his eyes to see a mixture of silver and red.
“Fire and earth,” I mumbled “and your wife’s fire.” That should prove him I knew what I was talking about. He only nodded his head.
“May I ask how you know about us Cathy?” Mrs. James asked me looking a little nervous. I knew it was because she thought I was human due to my eye colour and it was unusual to find a “human” who knew about elements, let alone how to tell what element they were.
“What my mother means is you’re clearly just a human and no human knows about us unless they are and elements mate. So either you know but shouldn’t know, in which case we should kill you or you’re a really bad mate to some unlucky element who doesn’t like you and let you get dumped into that hell hole so you could be picked up by anyone and get thrown around the system,” Jack said bluntly. He must not like me as much as I don’t like him.
“Jack,” his mother warned
“It’s just the truth!” he argued back. Ha I’d show him.
“Actually it’s not the truth,” I stated “I'm not mated to an element and yet I know what you are” there goes my boyfriend excuse. I looked at them and the perfect

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