» Fantasy » life of the undead, eleanor cutis [interesting books to read in english txt] 📗

Book online «life of the undead, eleanor cutis [interesting books to read in english txt] 📗». Author eleanor cutis

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a new life

i was just 17 when i was changed;i had thought that it would be painful it was by the end i thought that i would die so i thought i should curl up in a ditch and try to keep warm, i was falling alseep as it was because it was to easy to escape from.
when i awoke i found my self feeling the warm blazes of miday sunlight; then i found myself getting up and heading towards the woods. in the woods i looked around me i was waiting but not yet knowing what i was waiting was then i saw it; a small deer running through the woods,then i ran after it faster than i had ever ran before. when it was in reach i reached out my hand and caut it and as i grabbed it i threw it to the ground as if it was nothing but a small rag doll. what happened next i am not fully aware of myself;i recall drinking blood.

when i had finshed with the carcus i smply threw it as hard as i could and found that i could through a pretty long distance.then i got up anfd satrted to wander throughthe woods trying to suss out what had happened to slow wander then turned into a run, before i kn ew it i was on the border of town i wished that i could have gone, run into my mother's arms and forget what i was. but i knew that i could not juding by the way i took out that deer just think of what i could do to my family i could take out the whole town if i wanted to ,if i really wanted to.

isat down on a small rock and began to think;i had no idea where to get answers then i had a brilliant idea,the libary! the libary was always busy on a monday i grabbed a book from the section on vampire fiction it said that once a vampire was bitten the one thing that gave them the enrgy to carry on living was young deer blood.that was the most shocking oart of it all the moment that found out that i was a vampire so i thought that this book would be usefull so i hid it in my jacket.

outside of the libary i noticed a leaflet on a lampost it was a missing note this is what it read

i reached in my pocket and brought out my phone i looked up the name mum in contacts then i pressed the ring button
"he hello this is ann crease how can i help you?"
"m mum its me its lily"
" lily its you oh dear god where are you don't move i come and get you!"
"mum stop please i'm fine i'm okay don't worry please!"
"who are you with... no no slow done i've got to write this down!"
great mum never listened when she was worrying damm i should never of called her.
" mum its soo good to hear your voice again."she could tell that i was crying
" its okay honey its okay now where are you ?"
" i can't tell you " that was all i could say i couldn't just say hey mum i'm vanpire could i?
"what why not do you even want to come home?" she sounded shocked i felt horrid
" mum i'm i'm so so sorry it had to be like this but goodbye"
"no wait lily ple..." that was the last i heard of her.

now that i had rung her i had no money on my phone so i couldn't ring anybody so i decided to run to macie's. macie was my best friend and what made it better was that she loved vampires.

inside macies house it warm warm and cosy; she sat me down and made swear on gods name that i would not hurt her after i made her swear not to tell anyone that i was a vampire.
"don't worry this is a place wear you can be yourself relax and be calm thats very important you know; anyway you can sleep down hear you have the fire and the tele if you get bored so see ya in da morning!" and with that macie went upo the sairs and went to bed.

when macie came down i had alreay made her breakfast with that i left she hadn't noticed that i had taken her jacket and was now wearing a black dress and a black pair of pumps.i put the jacket on and put the hood up because it was sunny out.
i knew wear i was going i was going to poppys gas station; it was the only place that i could get answers from.when i got there the place was packed the people weren't getting gas instead they were all looking at me; then getting out their phones and ringing i knew sraight away they were all ringing my mum. so i made a run for it.
moments later i was in the woods when i heard a noise then music playing: i got up and slowly walked over and hid behind a tree,it was then i saw him he had a pale face brown eyes and he was so handsome.
then he saw me and within secods the music had stopped and he was running towards me!then i jumped high above him and landed a few feet away from him i looked at him and he started back, i don't know why but i wanted to touch and i think he felt the same way so i slowly walked towards him; he did the same:it was then he took mu hand and touched it, then i felt the best feeling that i had ever felt in my life and it was coming from the pit of my tummy!
i couldn't belive it this starnge boy that i had never met before was my soul mate!

i looked at him;he looked shocked and abit frightened,
"oi luke!"shouted one of the other people on the othre side of the glade "whats going on down there?"
then another shouted but this time it was a girl,
"well? is she human or is she on of us?"
luke let go of my arm and held my hand;i had never feel an sudden rush of excitement flowing through me i guessed that luke n felt the same way because he had gone up to the girl and had then told her what just happened."no way wow thats thats good;anyway you go on i tell her."with that luke came down to me and told me" whats you name coz hers is lucy i'm luke and the other one over there is ramond so i'll guess i'l see you around." and with that ramond and luke were gone and lucy was standing next to me.
lucy looked at me ,i was nervous i was breathing heavliy,"hey hey its all right you'll see him later ok come on!"said lucy but despite her best eforts to clam me down i was still worried but i still followed her. as we were walking lucy told me that luke was the son of crane and that crane was the darkest of all vampires."you see luke's father never really needed an heir too the throne of cair so he sent luke far away so that he could not become the heir." lucy said.
"so how can i help him;i mean i am his soul mate!"i really wanted to help luke only because i felt a strang feeling when i was with him i loved him!
!well the only thing that you can do right now is don't metion it to him as he will get in a terrible rage with you!"repiled lucy.

thhat night we all sat round fire i sat next to luke and lucy sat next to ramond to pass the time ramond sid that we should all share our storys;this is going to be a long night i though to myself.
when it was morning ramond and lucy had already left so i sat up and looked besides me luke was awake as well but he was just staring up at the lefy canopy above us,"you know lily i never thought i'd find someone like you," luke said as he sat up "and don't worry lucy and rammond have gone to hunt"
"oh okay then" i repiled i was just waiting now; waiting for him to kiss me,"luke? i was just thinking why are you in these woods and not in town?"
he could tell i waas nervous as i was sweating a little bit.
"we don't live in town because it is a lot safer here in the woods than it is out there in town."repiled luke,"oh i see"but i was still confusedon why he wasn't there when i cought the deer.
"come on"said luke as he got up "i want to take a walk with you"
i was surprised at that sentence so i didn't know what to say "er,er okay then"i repiled as i got up, then we started to walk,we went across the river and then we stopped to look around.
"do ya wanna race?" asked luke
"alright then 3 2 1 go!" i screamed
i was in the lead for most of it and then just at the last pert i tripped andthen luke feel over me and so we were rolling down a hill together.
"oof" i said laughing my head off.
luke tryed to stand up but then he fell over and landed on me, his hands fell on either side of my head.
"oh hey luke"i said with a big grin my face
"hey " repiled luke; he looked at my face and then he sat next to me and strocked my face as i looked up at him he leaned down and kissed me.

by the time lucy and ramond came back myself and luke were sitting up against a tree reading a book laughing at the funny parts we didn't notice them until ramomnd spoke;"you two look like you have had a good time then!" as he was saying this lily made a gesture to follow her so i kissed luke on the cheel and then i followed her,we sat down on a tree stump and begain to talk;"are you and luke in love?"asked lucy as she seemed egear top know
"yeah we are i love him and he loves me why?"i was puzzled
"oh thats great now the circle of soul has been completed! but don't worry luke and ramond are talking about the very same thing right now!"
"whats the circle of soul?"i asked her
"the circle of soul is the prepation of soul mating wich is bacsilly well if you didn't kiss and fall in love today then you would have never hadsealed you souls wich makes you love him even more!"lucy said with a huge grin on her face "come on then i can see you miss him"
then when we were back with ramond and luke we all sat down and watched the flames of fire lick the cold air around us.

later that night we were startled by a strange rustlling sound in the distance "get up lily

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