» Fantasy » The Shifter, M.G. Thomas [the false prince txt] 📗

Book online «The Shifter, M.G. Thomas [the false prince txt] 📗». Author M.G. Thomas

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Chapter 1

It’s like any other day; I was coming from school, approaching the driveway I could hear my mom and my dad arguing.

Things where never like this, we were very happy but everything changed the night my sister was killed.

We were on our way back from a friends’ party when we decided to take the path through the woods since it was getting dark and it was the quickest route home.

I remember the full moon in the sky guiding us with its bright light, the wind was cool and soothing as it brushed against my cheeks, the trees gently dancing in the wind while their leaves floated to the ground.

I was mesmerized in the beauty of the forest that I hadn’t realized that Rebecca was far ahead of me. I hastily run towards her so that we were walking side by side, making sure that it wouldn’t happen again I held her hand when I did she turned towards me and smirked.

We were almost out of the woods and I could see the back of our house up ahead when there was an unfamiliar sound emitting from behind us. I could feel my heart beat increasing with every step I took, all of I sudden I lost my grip on Rebecca’s’ hand my head snapped in her direction but she was no longer there.

Shivering with fear I called her name but there was no reply. “Rebecca…where are you” I shouted but still no response, my eyes where now blurry from the tears I couldn’t hold back. “Rebecca” I scream as the tears ran down my cheeks. “Rebecca… please answer me” I shouted again but this time falling to my knees as I continued sobbing.

“Ali” Rebecca cried

It was Rebecca I could hear the pain and fear in her voice I immediately rouse to my feet running in the direction I recently heard her voice. “Rebecca” I called in hopes that I was going in the right direction I heard I loud cry and I knew it was her so I ran even faster.

I was in complete shock when I saw a black and brown wolf it was the largest one I’ve ever seen, with eyes as dark as night . Lying beside the creature was Rebecca her curly black hair was spread out around her head with fallen leaves all over it, her gray blouse was ripped, there was blood coming from her mouth. I could hear her struggling to breathe in that moment she turned towards me, her once deep blue eyes where now a light shade and filled with fear, her skin was pale as if she was already dead. “Run” gasping for air “run Ali” she said under a weak breath. But I was frozen fear; I just couldn’t bring myself to leave her there not like that.

The wolfs eyes were now fixed on me, slowly making its way towards me, with every step it took I was moving away from it when I tripped on a piece of branch sending me to the ground, there was a loud growl as I was bracing myself off the cold ground as he snapped his sharp canines and released a louder more malicious growl I started crawling backwards keeping my eyes on him in an attempt to get away I jumped to my feet and headed in the opposite direction.

The house was finally in my sight I knew that the wolf was behind me, as I entered the backyard I could hear myself screaming at the top my lungs dad came running towards me tear now gushing down my face I looked back to see the wolf but it was no longer there, I ran straight into his arms as he held me my mom cam running towards us he pulled me way from his chest. “What happened” she require unable to calm down I stuttered as I told them what I just saw in the wood and what it did to Rebecca. We searched but never found her body the only thing that was left behind was a locket I gave her a week ago for her sixteenth birthday.

A couple months after her death my dad just gave up and started drinking, my mom tried to bring him back but it was too late the father I had grown to love was gone and as time went by he just got worst.

It’s now four thirty and I was in my room with the door shut and my headphones on trying to suppress the sound of them arguing but it was proving to be a challenge so I decided to do my assignments to take my mind off them.

I was just about to finish my assignment when I realize that they weren’t arguing which either meant that mom was preparing dinner or dad was gone. After I was finish I got up and was heading to the bathroom when I heard a knock on the door. “come in” I said as I turned to face the door, it was mom; she was wearing a green dress that fell just below her knees, her curly black hair with brown strikes which flowed over her olive toned shoulders, her eyes were the same color has Rebecca whenever I gaze in them I can’t help but remember her.

“Are you okay sweetie” she asked as I fought to push back the tears that threaten to invade my eyes.

 “Yes” I reply trying not to sound muffles. “I’m fine” as I gave her an assuring smile which she returned.

 “Okay dinner will be ready soon” I nodded before she left closing the door behind her.

‘Sigh’ as I walked towards the shower the cold waster felt nice against my body removing all the stress of today and washing it down the drain. When I got out of the shower I warped myself in a plush pink towel as I stood in front of the mirror revealing my slightly swollen navy blue/green eyes restraining the tears earlier on, water was dripping from my dark brown hair the flowed all the way to my waist, that accentuates my olive skin.

 I pick out black leggings and a blue tank top got dressed and made my way down stair to the dining room the table was already set but there were only two plates on the table I sighed and walking over to the kitchen where mom had just finish preparing dinner. “Dad’s not coming for dinner” I asked having a good idea of what the answer might be.

“no…it’s just you and me kiddo” she reply giving me a small smile but I could see the hurt in her eyes I pulled into a small hug, I could help but feel as if it more for me than her. “Thank you” she said before pulling away from me resting her hands on my shoulder, I just smile and nod.

After dinner I felt tired so I told mom goodnight gave her kiss on her cheeks and head up stairs to my room. I brushed my teeth and changed into a grey oversized t-shirt with the writing ‘Who’s your Santa’ on the front before putting my hair into a pony tail, I got in bed and slid under the covers and slowly drifted into a deep sleep.

I opened my eyes to my surprise I was laying on the ground in the woods behind my house; I turned to see the clearing where Rebecca was killed before me. I gasp when a bright light appeared it had the physical features of a woman but I was unable to see her face; she was wearing a baby blue knee length dress with white lice at the hem, her black hair flowed over her shoulders cupping her face.

“Who are you? Why am I here?” I asked shaking like a leaf.

“In due time my child… everything will be revealed on this coming of age” she replied her voice merely a whisper yet it was sweet and soothing that I was no longer shaking. But what exactly is that suppose to mean? As if reading my thoughts she spoke once more. “When the moon is full and high in the sky a new beginning waits” okay now I’m even more confuse but before I could speak I light grey wolf with gold on its paws, ears and tail lunged at me

Chapter 2

I could hear the faint knocking on the door and my alarm clock telling me its morning and time for me to get up. “Ali…come on honey… you have school… wake up” I heard mom protesting outside my room and banging on the door.

“Alright I’m up I’m up” I shouted dragging myself out of bed “geez” I said under my breath as I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black skinny jeans, a maroon shirt blouse and a black tank top before making my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

I made my way out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me I took out a set of underwear and slipping them on and got dress I took up my back high tops, I sat on the bed and slide my in them before heading down stairs for breakfast.

I entered the kitchen and mom handed me a plate with eggs, bacon and two pieces of toast. I sat around the table and started eating when  I heard the sound of a car honk out front, I grabbed my jacket “Later mom” I shout running out the house to see my best friend Abby waiting for me. I got in the passenger side of her back SUV and put my seat belt on and then we were on our why to school. She had on black leggings and a white V-neck blouse that hugged her body and stop just mid-tight with a pair of white converse, her hair dark brown was pull into a messy bun on the top of her head with just a little at the front with she brushed to the side slightly covering her radiant forest green eyes which accentuate her fair skin tone.

“So” I said giving her a cheeky smile

“So what” she asked unable to hide the fact that she’s blushing like crazy

“How did it go last night with Riley?” I asked sending a smirk her way, she giggled before answering

“It was great… I had fun” she finally replied

“Did you guys you know… do the dirty” I asked unable to hide the smile that stretched across my lips as her cheeks turn pink at my question.

“ALI!!” she shouted her cheeks were now red causing me to laugh uncontrollably, when I was finally able to stop laughing I took a few deep breath.

“What it’s just a simple question that deserves a simple answer” I protested in an attempt to get her to spill the beans. She was silent for awhile then she finally answered.

“No… he said we should wait he wants my first time to be special” she looked at me then turned back to the road. All I could do

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