» Fantasy » Unseen Drow, Ruin Rogue, Ruin Rogue [motivational books for women .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unseen Drow, Ruin Rogue, Ruin Rogue [motivational books for women .TXT] 📗». Author Ruin Rogue, Ruin Rogue

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 There are creatures in the night that you can't see, creatures that you think that are not there. Some think we don't exist or pay much attention to us even if they knew we were here. It's kind of rediculas if you ask me. I am what you call a Dark Elf. We are shamed by our cousins, and all hate us because were horrible, vile creatures. We fight to kill and were cruel to even our own kin.


I am the elder son of the forth house to the throne, I have the power to shift to what I like, and am good with magic and Swordsmanship. I am for some reason favored by the Matron mother of our house. That is also whom I call mother. My name is Zeklyn Auvryana, and I'm seventeen, but in drow age I'm still a child. Well more of a baby, but that doesn't matter. I have Vibrant green eyes and white hair along with obsidion black skin. So welcome readers to my screwed up and messed up life.



I am the servant of the Auvryana house, and everyday I pray to Vhaeraun, the male drow god, that I wouldn't be sacrificed to Lolth. I am after all only seventeen, and my life has only just begun. I am the servant to the master wizard in the house. He is also my age, and he is oddly kind to me. I hope he doesn't kill me if I do something wrong. I take care of his things when he is gone, and when he comes back I serve him like I always do. I am Xunlyn of the Do'zynge house. I have lavender eyes and white hair along with bone white skin.

Chapter one (Raid) Zeklyn

I glanced behind me, the creep was still following me. The kid was my age, but he was a gutter rat nothing special. If he were a slave he would be sacrificed to Lolth the spider goddess. She is also a Drow goddess. The Matrons and Priestess worship her, along with the other Drow that live in the underdark. There are three gods and three goddess of the drow. In my world the woman are the dominante and the Male are the followers, who are also worthless.

I am a male, but I am an elder son and I'm also a master mage. I became one faster than any of the other males, I didn't want to bow down to the females any longer.

 I looked back again, and kept walking as fast as I could. Perhaps this was a reason why I wasn't aloud out of that damned house. Little creeps like this would follow me, I sighed and looked ahead. He knew, I knew that he was following me. Though it seemed he was hungry and wanted my money. I wouldn't give it though.

Suddenly the creep striked, I spun and hit him with lightning. The boy cried out in pain, then fell on the ground flinching. I unsheathed my sword and walked over to him. I stabbed my sword into his heart and ended his pitiful misery. I grimaced, 'great now I have to clean my sword of this discusting filth.' I sighed then walked off leaving him there. I didn't care about someones life as that.

 When I got back to my house, I walked up the stairs. I avoided the priestesses and Matron mother, so that I could get some time alone.

I got up to my room, and slipped off my shoes then walked over to my bed. I fell on it and closed my eyes, I suddenly realized that there was some one lying on the bed with me. I looked up and smiled. It was my dear servant Xunlyn, it's weird. Us drow shouldn't love anyone or care, but I suppose it has something to do with my vibrant green eyes because even though I was taught differently. I can care. I sighed and just left him there. I got up and grabbed a blanket from my chest that was at the end of my bed. I padded over to the lavender eyed boy then laid the blanket on top of him.

 I nodded and smiled at him, I only let myself have these feelings while I was alone with no one. I didn't mind if someone was sleeping and I expressed these feelings, but other times I couldn't. It would mean death.

There was a knock at my door all of a sudden, I sighed and walked over to the door and opened it. A female servant was standing there, she didn't look in my eyes, but down at my feet.

"Master Wizard." she started.

"Yes?" I asked waiting for the servant to speak.

"Mother Matron would like to speak with you." She informed me, I sighed again then shut my door. I put on my shoes then a moment later I was heading to the throne room to speak with my mother. I never knew who my father was, but I guess in the drow society that's how it worked.

I got to the court and found the matron surrounded by my sisters, that I very much disliked. They were what you would call Bitches in the finest. I walked up to them, and slightly bowed then looked at matron Luada. She looked at me with her scrutinizing glare, she had red eyes and white hair like the a lot of the other drow.

“Elder son,” she started, I looked at her with a questioning look,” Tonight there’s going to be a raid on the surface and we want you to go along with the fools.”

“Why not the second son?” I asked, the second son was my little brother who was around a year younger than me,”he’s perfectly capable.”

“Yes, but he’s still training and you are not.” she reasoned, then looked away,” you are to go with the troops tonight.”

“Yes, Ma’am.” I grunted then bowed, and turned then left. I had never liked being with them, they always had this seductive way about them that made me feel uneasy. I didn’t think it was write even how weird that sounds.

I walked back to my chambers and began getting ready for the raid. I glanced over to Xunlyn and saw that he was still asleep, I smiled he looked so peaceful. I didn’t want to wake him, but i had to because he was going to help me with going to the raid. He’s done this with me a couple of times before. So he knew what to do.

“Lyn.” I whispered, “ Time to get up.”

Xunlyn stretched then looked up at me with his lavender eyes, he sat up and rubbed his eyes.

“What’s going on?” He asked me.

“There’s going to be a raid tonight, and you’re coming with me.”

“What?! Really again?”

I sighed and nodded.

“Man... Alright.” Xunlyn jumped off the bed then walked over to his dresser and grabbed his armor and quickly put that on. He looked at me then helped me with mine because mine was a bit different than his.

“So did sleep well?” I asked curiously. He looked up at me and nodded. “That’s good.”

“Why’d you ask?” Xunlyn wondered.

“Just curious.” I smiled at him, he looked up at me and smiled back.”Now come on we’re leaving in fifteen.”

Xunlyn nodded then helped me with my armor, and gave me a long sword that I usually used on these kind of weapons. He looked me over then nodded when he saw that everything was in it’s right place.

“There you’re done,” He said, I nodded and smiled.

I looked down at him, he was an interesting drow, he had bone white skin, and lavender eyes which is very weird for a drow. It didn’t matter though it worked for him, he was also good with magic like I’ve taught him to be. Usually you’re not suppose to teach your servant this kind of skill, but i taught him and I don’t care if I get in trouble for doing this.

“Master?” He looked up at me,” Who is it that we’re raiding tonight?”

“A human village.” I told him,” they are north of us.”

Xunlyn nodded, then walked over to the window, and looked out at the city.

“It’s sad that we have to take these lives.” He sighed, Xunlyn looked up at me again with his innocent eyes,”I don’t like it master.”

“I know,” I said then walked over to my spell books and took one out. I started scanning the pages with my eyes. I never liked taking a life, but I would never show or tell that to anyone else.

There was a sudden knock at the door, and both Xunlyn and me jumped. I recovered then walked to the door and opened it.

“Yes?” i asked, opening the door.

“Zeklyn, it’s time.” A soldier told me, I nodded then turned to Xunlyn.

“Servant, come.” I said, the boy nodded then walked with us as we started off to the troops.

We got there and we separated in different groups. Xunlyn and I stayed at the back and waited.

“Now for all what we believe in!” Matron Luada shouted,”You all shall go and kill the pathetic beings that are surface dwellers!”

I heard many men shout in agreement. I did nothing, I kept my head up and was ready.

Chapter 2(Kill ) Xunlyn


    I looked up at my master, I didn’t want to do this. I was rather frightened, but I tried not to show it as the men shouted. I didn’t like this, it made me feel uneasy. I really just wanted to hide in a whole and cry. No I can’t I’m a drow, therefore I couldn’t show these kind of feelings so I kept myself without emotions showing. Many believed I liked killing because I was good at it, but I didn’t.

    My master was keeping his head up, and I could tell he wasn’t happy about this raid. He also looked like he didn’t want to go, but I said nothing.

    We started moving to the surface through a drawbridge that  was covered in darkness by the wizards so that humans or any other surface folk could find the way to Underdark.

     I looked about as we started walking, I wasn’t really sure why the matron mother of the house wanted to do this.Though I suppose the damn female

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