» Fantasy » Unnamed, Braelynn Leppert Hill [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗

Book online «Unnamed, Braelynn Leppert Hill [diy ebook reader .TXT] 📗». Author Braelynn Leppert Hill

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Willow pushed a lock of hair behind her ear. It fell back, and she sighed. The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry Mr and Mrs Ashwood, but you are going to need to stay alone in your home. This disease is highly contagious, and while not life threatening, we would rather it did not spread. While you are sick, your daughter is simply going to need to stay someplace else.". "I've already told you, its not that," the brunette pushed her glasses up her nose. "i HAVE to work. It's our modeling agencies biggest season!" the man beside her, in the suit, shut his phone. "it's all arranged.I can work from home, and so can you, Sue. We just have to find someplace for willow to go." The woman, Sue, sighed. "Fine, Jack, but i swear, if she gets us in any trouble! I mean, shes so... embarrassing! look at her, all colorless! at least when she was younger we could dress her up, and have her play the piano, or recite to guests... but now... ughh!" The girls in the waiting room looked up, as if she knew she was being discussed. She wore black sweatpants, and a huge green hoodie. The doctor started. The look in her eyes was far more intelligent than the average 15 year olds. There was a certain mystery about them, a wisdom in the grey depths. The girl, willow as she was called brushed another strand of hair from her face. The doctor shook his head pityingly. "Does she have any friends she could stay with?" Sue sighed, and tapped her foot impatiently. Jack was the one to answer. "You would have to ask her." The doctor nodded. he knew he was over-analyzing, but shouldn't the girls own parents know at least one of her friends names? He dismissed the thought, and led the way to tell the girl her fate.
Chapter 1

i had the feeling that i was being watched, and looked up to see the doctor watching me, doctor wreinbeck, was his name. I looked down and tried to ignore it. I reached into my pocket, and grabbed my I-phone. I felt around in my other pocket for the headphones, but couldn't find them. I must have left them in the car. Ichecked my pockets again just to be sure. A piece of gum, a few coins, and a wrinkled dollar bill, but no headphones. I pulled out the coins and the bill. a dollar seventy-five.Enough for a french vanilla cappuccino. I put my phone back in my pocket and got up to find one of those cheap coffee machines. Before i walked five feet, i saw the doctor and my parents walking through the double doors. I looked around me, as they walked over. There was an old lady in a wheelchair at one of the desks, my mother walking over, fixing her makeup to cver the red rash on her neck, a mother rokcing a todler to sleep, and other families, all brought together by the hospitals atmosphere. All of them except for mine. My mother walked towards me like any other day, disdain written across her face. And my father was already on his phone again, fixing his tie, with a superior air.He didn't even bother to glare, he just pretended i wasn't standing right in front of him. Only the doctor was kind. "Miss Ashwood, im sorry to inform you that your parents illness, while treatable, is extremely contagious,n and as it appears you are not yet infected, you will not be able to live at your home. Perhaps there is a relative, or a friend whom you can live with?" He didnt pause for me to answer. "You will stay here until you find a place, and we will handle anything else, including providing a car to take you to school. Im very sorry." he then walked away, like he did this everyday. Which, i supposed, he did. "Don't just stand their staring, it's rude! Hurry come along!" My mother said. i followed her. She was always willing to give me a sharp slap, where ever we were. We walked out the door into the fresh spring rain.It was colder, and cloudier than when we arrived. It was like the sun refused to shine on my mothers fake-tanned skin. As i got into the car, i saw my earbuds, next to the seat belt. I gladly grabbed then, plugging them in as i got into the car, before my mother had the time to begin shouting. As i listened to my music i thought about where i would stay. I wasn't alound to speak to my mothers crazy family, and my fathers family was dull and stuffy, full of lawyers who bored themselves to sleep. Luckily they were a few states away, down in Washington DC. That narrowed it down to my friends. Kira's was out. I couldn't deal with her mom, even if kira was always their. Most of the girls i didnt know well enough, and this was obviously a girls only thing. So that left... FAITH! I dint know why i hadnt though of it before!I quickly texted her "Do you think i could com to stay with you for a while?- Will". Three yeild signs (which my fathers driver promptly ignored, because, as father said, he was better than most of those people, and he could actually afford the tickets. I, personally, thought this was a pile of bull****, but like they cared what i thought) went by before my music was interupted by a little chirp. The message popped up "IDK, i'll ask.... y?- FAITH" "Bcuz my parents have some weird disease thingie, and its highly contagious, sooo, yeah.-WILL" I felt the car turn and realized we were in The Banks, AKA the rich people part of town. The car stopped, and I jumped out, running through the door, barely remembering to take off my boots at the door. I ran to the grand staircase, the marble floors even colder than ever. My room was on the third floor. I was inside it, with the door closed before my parents were even through the door. No lecture for me today, i though. I looked at the blank white walls. I had never been allowed to personalize it, because one of my dads many buisneses was realty, so people were always being guided through our home. The carpet was an off white color, The bed sheets were scratchy. There wouldn't be all that much to pack, i thought. I started with clothes, folding them meticulously, while leaving the old too small clothes i never got to get rid of. The closet was emptied, then drawers, one by one the clothes were stacked on the spotless carpet. I kept thinking about how much i hated this room, when someone knocked at the door. My parents would have used the loud speaker, so i called "Come in!" The White door opened to reveal my old nanny, She was my only real family in the house, while the people who worked here were my friends. I hugged her, and she said "Oh, darling, im so sorry, but at least you'll be away, yes? I'm here to help." Behind her,following her through the door was a trolley filled with boxes. I smiled, and said "Thanks, nanna, your the best!". She started putting the clothes in the boxes, and i moved to my bookshelves. "Do you know where you're going to stay?" i shrugged. "Hopefully with Faith, im waiting for an answer, but until then, the hospital." "Oh, well, i hope you can stay with faith, i like her." I smiled. "yeah, she's my best friend. We were quiet, her packing clothes, me deciding what to bring. I grabbed all my stuffed animals, and but them in a box. I looked around, and my eyes found the chest at the foot of my bed, which had arrived in the mail for my fifteenth birthday. Inside of it were my favorite belongings, including the mysterious packages that had come in the mail with the chest, both from my mothers crazy family, but i didn't care. Those relatives knew when my birthday is, without having to be reminded, which was so unlike my parents that nothing could scare me off. When i was little they had sent me a stuffed animal every holiday and birthday. I used to dream that they would come and get me, and bring me to live with them. It never happened, but deep in my heart the hope was still there. "Willow? Will? Wiiill?" I shook my head. "Yeah? Nanna was holding up a dark blue, huge, soft fleece comforter, that had been my mothers when she was little. "Do you wasn't to bring this?" I nodded "Yeah" it was my favorite blanket. I had snuck it down from the attic. My phone chirped and i pulled it from my pocket hopefully, almost dropping it in the process. "I talked to my parents, its okay! do you think you could get here around 8?- FAITH". "Is that Faith?" Nanna asked "Yeah, and i can stay there, i need a ride over though. And i'll have to call the hospital and let them know i found a place."Nanna closed the last box "I'll call the hospital, and drive you, all right? you just go make sure you have everything and tell your parents" "i know you don't want to bu-" "i know, i know, its my responsibility" i groaned, and padded down the steps. My parents had two adjoining studies, and i knocked on father's door. "Come in" he said. I slipped in, making sure to close the door behind me. "What is it? My mother snapped, barely looking at me. "I've found a place to stay" i said. "Where?" "With Faith." "Which one is Faith?" Asked father. "You know her father, Glen E Berkham" I tried not to grimace as i said his name. Faith nor i could stand him, but Father would love him. He had a very successful business. "Oh, yes. That will be acceptable. You may go. Remember to shut the door behind you" I slipped out, softly closing the door behind me. I padded up the stairs, almost running into Nanna. "I have Jerold and Mr Heters loading the truck. Its 7:20, you have ten minutes till we have to leave." "I sighed, hugging her. "Thank you Nanna." I ran up the stairs, not caring about my parents reactions to the noise, or the prints i was sure i was leaving. The door at the end of the hall was open. And now, with the room bare, it looked cold, yet unchanged. It was sad, how little would be changed without me here. I suppose the only difference would be the silence. I shiverred, and walked down the stairs, embracing Mr Heters and Jerold, promising to visit. "I'll miss you!" i said. Mr Heters laughed. "It will certainly be quiet around here without you. Less to clean up, though." I stuck my tongue out at him. "Im not that messy!" Jerold looked on, shaking with silent laughter. Nanna pursed her lips and raised one eyebrow. "What?" I asked. They all exchanged a look. "OK, ok, im pretty messy, but honestly its not that bad!" i insisted, feeling slightly repetitive. "Alright, Will, whatever you say." Jerold said. I hugged him again. The Forty Year Old man was like a father to me, and i would miss him terribly. "Come on, Will, We have to go!" Nanna reminded me. "Can i drive?" I asked hopefully.

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