» Fantasy » Sam's Beast, Raphaela [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗

Book online «Sam's Beast, Raphaela [reading comprehension books TXT] 📗». Author Raphaela

It was in the middle of nowhere, in the most solemn place you can imagine, where three brothers grew up on their parent’s ranch. There were no trees to play in and no flowers to smell; it rained too rarely and the dry grass which grow was used for their cattle.
"Scott, George! Come quick!" hollered Sam, the eldest brother, and as his brothers arrived he spoke: "Look what I've found!"

"Sam, it's just a god-damn chicken egg." George, the middle one, moaned and turned around to leave.
"It's not just an average egg, look at the colour" Sam whispered, his eyes sparkling with excitement.
"It might be dirty, Sam."
"No, it's not. It's special, I know it" Sam breathed and stroked over the smooth round earth-brown egg with his chapped hand carefully.
Scott and George looked at each other and rolled their nut-brown eyes. This was so typical of Sam. Every time he invented new games, it was as he lived in a completely other world and couldn't see what is real and what not.

Both looked at their lean brother and nodded slowly. They decided to join his game, as there was nothing else to do.
"Let's breed it" said George.
"Let's eat it" said Scott and giggled.
"Oh shut up, silly little Scott." hissed Sam and took the egg into the dilapidated wooden shed. He carefully embedded the egg on straw and switched the heating lamp on. It would take a time until a yolk-yellow chick would be born.

The more George and Scott lost their interest in this egg, as more Sam seemed to care about. He never left the shed, rarely slept and ate. This was far more exciting than the games he had invented ever before. He would take this chicken to competitions- no! He would train it like a dog! His mind jumped from dream to dream. He sat still, bemused by his daydreams, his mind popped into the future when this chick should come about.

Suddenly there was a loud noise which sounded as if a glacier has broken down.
Sam shrieked and whined; too long he had sat alone in this quiet place, where he could almost hear the cockroaches cough.
As George and Scott ran to the shed, to check if Sam had not died, the egg already had a big crack. Sam sat very close to the crackling egg, his eyes darker and more intensive than ever before; the shape of the egg reflecting on his pin-small pupils, his thin lips screwed to an evil grin.

"The time has come, brothers."
"For what, Sam, what? It's just an egg, like the thousand other eggs on our ranch..." George and Scott whined, their voice trembling, because they never saw their brother like this before. He seemed so fanatic, so lost in his own world. They wanted their Sam back.

And then with a last loud last crack and a musty smell a small scaly head looked out of the shell and its big golden eyes fixed on Sam. It blinked twice and licked over its aquamarine blue scales. It craned its head and an unexpected forceless yell came out of its teeth-filled mouth.
"Don't worry" Sam cooed "Daddy is with you." And petted fascinated over the dragons wet but warm scales. The new-born scratched softly into his opened hand. Both seemed to have totally forgotten that George and Scott stood behind them, their mouth and eyes wide opened. This was not a game anymore, one off Sam's stories came true. And they were scared. Scared of Sam and this creature, his beast. This was real.
The sweat beast coughed and as it vomited fire and as the small golden flame burned Sam's fluff of his chin he giggled like a father does when his child said his first mumbled world.
"What on earth does a dragon eat?" He asked his brothers, who still weren't able to move.


Publication Date: 08-06-2011

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