» Fantasy » The Beginning, Shadownighttimer [i can read with my eyes shut .TXT] 📗

Book online «The Beginning, Shadownighttimer [i can read with my eyes shut .TXT] 📗». Author Shadownighttimer


Gwen was a normal hyper little girl. She was like all little kids. Not wanting to take a bath but end up being forced to be. She had her mommy and daddy, there when she had nightmares. She had one thing that all little girls wanted, a pony. She got the black pony for her 6th birthday. She had named her Marianna. Gwen loved that name. Every day, whether there was rain or shine she would ride Marianna on a trail her dad built that led to a beautiful lake with a waterfall. She was a happy girl, until one day.

Chapter 1

Gwen was wearing a bright pink and white striped t-shirt with blue jeans and sneakers. Her medium black hair was in two braids down the sides of her face. It was evening, and she was 8. She was leaving to go try and catch a sunset being reflected on the lake on film. She knew she wouldn't make it there in time on foot. So she was going to go grab Marianna and ride down there, and be back before desert was served.

She ran out of the house after she was done her dinner. She clambered up onto the saddle, and Marianna broke into a trot off to the lake. When they got there, the perfect scene was before them. From upon her pony, Gwen took the picture with her camera. She smiled. Then she rode back home. She tied up Marianna in the stable which was made of stone and bricks. The windows were really tough plastic. Barely anything could destroy the stables.

She ran into the house, and took off her sneakers. She went and climbed up and onto the chair. She rubbed her hands and licked her lips as her mom served the chocolate cake. She took her fork and took a bite of chocolate cake. She took her time, as for right after dessert; she had to have a bath. Which like every kid she hated. She never wanted one ever.

But sadly, her cake didn't last forever. She walked upstairs with her head hung low. Her mom had drawn the bath already, so it was ready for her. She grabbed her desired pajamas for the night, and went into the bathroom. She stripped out of her clothes and jumped into the bathtub full of water. Landing with a splash and a PLOP! She washed her own hair and body, rinsing it all out. She got out after draining the tub of the water. She got dressed in her pajamas of black t-shirt and pajama pants decorated with red hearts. She deposited her dirty clothes in the laundry hamper in the bathroom.

She left for her room, as she always had to go to bed after a bath. But thankfully, allowed to read for a hour before settling in for bed. Her mom and dad came in to her room and tucked her in and told her "Good night darling Gwen. Hope your dream leads you somewhere great." It was similar every night, but never the same. Other than good night darling Gwen. Gwen hugged her mom and dad. She said "I love you!" to both of them. Before they left the room, they switched off the light. On her ceiling and on her walls, were many glow in the dark stars.

There were enough to give her enough light to read by. She took her book off her night stand, it was called "Eve and Noel: The Mystery of the Magic Rainbow." It was part of the Eve and Noel mysteries series. She wished that she was Belle from the book. She was a very lovely little girl, who helped catch the bad guys at the end. She read a few chapters, and then stopped reading. She put the bookmark in, and set the beloved book on her night stand. She turned to her side, and went to sleep.

Chapter 2

Gwen awoke to a sound of a huge BOOM! The floor had shook. She got out of bed and went to her window. She saw a crater and small boulder in the middle. Her dad opened the door to her room, and switched on the light. This to Gwen wasn’t that bright as she slept in light of her glowing stars and moonlight coming through the window at night into her face at night. Her dad looked over her shoulder to the sight of the meteorite. He looked up to the sky and saw more coming. Gwen was holding her black unicorn stuffed animal, which had the name of Belle after the girl Gwen loved so much from her favorite series.

Her dad was looking scared and startled as he looked up out the window to the sky. He grabbed her blanket, a flashlight, and her book. He carried Gwen on his back as he yelled out “Maria! We have to get to the bomb shelter!” Gwen looked confused to her father. Why were they going to the bomb shelter? Her dad ran down the stairs, he turned on the flashlight. He ran around the crater over to the stables. He went inside, and lifted a hidden trapdoor and went down into the cellar like bomb shelter. They saw lightning and heard thunder. They felt the ground shake around them and feel thumps.

But Gwen’s dad put Gwen to sleep after singing a lullaby and reading aloud a couple of chapters. She dreamt about how her pony Marianna was a flying unicorn. Her father fell asleep. And when Gwen’s dad awoke, he left the bomb shelter to see if it was over. The stables were untouched, as it was supposed to be untouchable. He left, and there were many craters with more meteorites in them. Some of the meteorites getting larger as he looked at them. He looked to where the house was, and it was untouched. He walked around to the biggest meteorite. Underneath it was the corpse of his beloved wife Maria. From her waist down was crushed under the meteorite, while the other half had many cuts. It appeared she had died from blood loss.

Gwen had awoken, to find that her dad was gone. She climbed up the stairs of the bomb shelter to the stables above. She had found the door of the bomb shelter being open. She petted Marianna as she passed by. She walked out of the stables to the destroyed backyard. Her house and the stables were untouched, thank god. But she heard a loud, horrible heartbreaking wail. Following the wail, she found her father on his knees wailing at the sky and screaming. She had no idea why. But she found out from walking past him, and saw the lifeless eyes of her mom. She silently cried. She knew she wouldn’t be purely happy ever again.

This was the beginning of her new life.


Text: Gwen's mine. Some of the characters are owned by the members of Hidden Faces. Cover picture is not mine.
Publication Date: 07-20-2010

All Rights Reserved

I dedicate this to my wonderful imagination. My mom who kept me reading fantasy books. I dedicate this to my friend Margaret who introduced me to The Hidden Faces, a roleplaying site. That helped me create Gwen.

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