» Fantasy » Finding My Mate, Sammi Lamoureaux [e reader comics .TXT] 📗

Book online «Finding My Mate, Sammi Lamoureaux [e reader comics .TXT] 📗». Author Sammi Lamoureaux

Chapter 1

Mackenzie's P.O.V.


I'm here again, standing outside of a new school in a new town. I hate being the new girl, and at this moment I hate my dad for getting a new job. I had a happy life in California but no "This job pays better" he says just like the one before that, and the one before that, you see where I'm going here. It seems that every time I get comfortable we have to leave. Now we live in Portland Oregon. There aren't very many people here, but then again I had to come early to get my schedule and my locker number. I'm on my way to the office when there is a tap on my shoulders, i turn to see a girl standing behind me with a fake smile plastered on her face.

"Hi." She says, "You're new here, right?"

"Yup, just moved here about a week ago."

"I'm Cassadie, but you can call me Cassie."

"Um, I'm Mackenzie, but everyone calls me Kenzie. I gotta go, I need to get my schedule."

"I can show you the way, make sure you don't get lost." She says with yet another smile.

"Okay..." Why did she have to smile so much.

We walked to the office it was in the opposite direction... maybe it was a good thing she came up to me otherwise I would be lost by now.

I got my schedule I didn't mind my 1st period it was English, 2nd period won't be that bad it's history. I like history it's a decent class 3rd period is perfect it's biology. I love biology. 4th period sucks, it's P.E. don't get me wrong I love sports and I love playing them, but learning the history of sports is a little bit outrageous. After that i have lunch then my 5th period is math. Ugh. My 6th and 7th periods are my electives art and drama, I love them both. After that is home sweet home. I have first, third, and fourth with little miss smiley. It's not that i don't  like her, she just smiles sooooo much. Time for first period. Yay! Note my sarcasm.



 Kellan's P.O.V.


Ugh. Why do my parents have to rush into everything?! I'm only 16 and they want me to find my mate. Yeah I get that they think I will make a great alpha and they want to retire soon, but I don't think that my mate is out there. I mean don't you think I would have found her by now? In case you haven't guessed I'm a werewolf. My name is Kellan and today is my birthday. Time for school. Looks like I'm going to be late again, except this time it's not my fault it's my mom's. She held me up talking to me about the party she's going to throw for me this Saturday. I love parties except when they are thrown for me. Mr. Ronan is going to lecture me yet again on why it's important to be at school on time because it's our job and we wouldn't show up to our job late. I walk into the class about 10 minutes late and everyone stares at me. One person stands out the most. She must be the new girl, she's sitting in the seat next to mine; she's the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Mr. Ronan looks up with the rest of the class as I enter the room and throws me a look, but tells me to take my seat. No lecture today that's a surprise. I sit down in my seat and try to ignore the girl next to me because I don't need to give Mr. Ronan a reason to hate her, her first day here. I cave a few minutes later and look at her. She has the most beautiful eyes. Weird huh most guys would notice something different but I like other people’s eyes. They tell you something more than people let on, with some people their eyes are so open that it's like you can see into their soul. Her eyes are different though, from a distance they look like they could be the color of caramel, but up close they are green, brown, and a yellow-ish color, they're beautiful.

"Hey, I'm Kellan," I say, sticking my hand out for her to shake.

"Hey," she says, turning to look at me. "I'm Mackenzie, but everyone calls me Kenzie."

She smiles at me and takes my hand. When her hand touches mine I tense up a bit as shivers break out across my body. She pulls her hand away fast and I wonder if she felt the shivers too. Her first day at a new school and she's destined to be with me. My inner wolf whines to be closer to her, to touch her again, to hold her, to make her mine. God what am I saying I've known her all of two minutes, this is out of control she might not even accept me as her mate, especially if she's human. My wolf whines again, I look up at her again and her eyes are wide and she's blushing, she felt it too.

"You're new here, aren't you?"

"Is it really that obvious?" She whispers, blushing even deeper.

"Other than the fact that no one has sat in that seat all school year, it's not that obvious." I say just as quite.

"Oh," she said looking down trying to hide her face.



Mackenzie's  P.O.V.


This class just got so much better. I was sitting in my seat listening to Mr. Ronan go on and on about the lesson plan for today when a kid walks in late.  He must be my "shoulder partner" as Mr. Ronan likes to put it; I only know this due to the fact that the seat next to mine is the ONLY empty desk in class. Not that I have a problem with that, this guy is gorgeous and well built. He walks in and the teacher throws him a look, problems much.

"You can take your seat Mr. Foster."

I look down at my notebook trying note to stare as he walks to his seat. I can feel his eyes on me as he sits down, it's a little irritating i don't like being stared at. I glance sideways at him and he's still staring at me. He's a cutie.

"Hey I'm Kellan." He says sticking his hand out.

"Hey," I turn and smile at him. "I'm Mackenzie but everyone calls me Kenzie." I take his hand to shake it but as soon as our hands touch shivers break out across my body and my wolf starts to whine and tries to take over.

 I pull my hand away, I can feel the blush rising in my cheeks; my wolf starts to whine again. Oh and in case you haven't figured it out already I'm a werewolf and I'm pretty sure this Kellan guy is my mate. I wasn't looking for this and I'm sure as hell not ready for it, but what choice do I have? Why did it have to happen on my first day here? I don't even know this kid and we're going to be forced together before we know one thing about each other. I don't even know if he's a werewolf. What  if he doesn't accept me, and even if he does if he's human my parents won't accept him. My parents are the ones that like to keep the blood pure they only want our mates to be werewolves, and if they aren't then don't come home. Brutal huh? It's something you get used to.  Humans tend to reject you anyway so the strict parents and other family members of werewolves have nothing to worry about. Even if it doesn't seem like it I'm happy and excited about finding him, I'm just worried that he's human and he'll reject me.  I need to talk to him outside of class and tell him but at the same time not scare him away.

 "Can I see your schedule?" Kellan asks pulling me back to reality.

"Sure," I pull my schedule out of my backpack. "Here."

"Thanks," he says and begins to look at it. "We have the same classes except for drama."

"Well at least I'll know one person." I smile at him.

 Holy crap he's in most of my classes, I won't have a chance to think about this all day. I'm going to be controlling my wolf, and that takes my FULL concentration. What am I going to do he seems somewhat interested, but he could also just be acting friendly. I have 10 minutes left what the hell am I going to do?! My first day of school and everything is already more complicated than it needs to be.

"Do you want to walk to 2nd period together?" Kellan leans over and whispers in my ear.

"Sure, I don't know how to get there anyway." I blush a little, he surprised me.

"You should pack up, the bells about to ring." I put all my stuff in my backpack and the bell rings we get up and walk out of the class. "I know this might sound weird, but earlier in class when we touched did you feel anything?"

"Yeah, why did you?" he asked quickly.

"Yeah I did," I look down and blush. "Do you wanna hang out after school?"

"Sure I'd like that." he looks at me. "Oh and you look cute when you blush."

"Thanks," I said blushing a little deeper, people and their damn compliments.  "You have really nice eyes." And he does they're a grayish blueish, but more grayish color. His dark hair makes them that much more notice able.

"Thanks," he says, blushing the slightest. Yes I got him to blush.

"Oh and by the way you're cute when you blush." I say mimicking him.

"Shush you." he says as we go into class.





I will be updating this story as I go along. I have some more already written it's just waiting to be typed. 


Text: Sammi Lamoureaux
Images: Google
Publication Date: 06-26-2013

All Rights Reserved

Ummmmmm I dunno.........

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