» Fantasy » The Untouchable Hunger, Rylee Jackson or Schuyler93 [classic books for 12 year olds .txt] 📗

Book online «The Untouchable Hunger, Rylee Jackson or Schuyler93 [classic books for 12 year olds .txt] 📗». Author Rylee Jackson or Schuyler93

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“Aeval! Wait up.” Cried Hostia as she rushed up to the fast girl.
“Sorry Hostia. I have just been blah today and in my own world.”
“I can tell, you’re calling me by my stupid name. Plus all the guys are practically drooling over you and you haven’t even played with them, like you usually do.” stated Hostia, “What’s wrong?” Aeval was the prettiest girl in the school, even though she wasn’t in the “In” crowd, everyone, girls and boys, loved her. She had long blue-black hair that always fell into perfect, shiny waves at the end. She had bright blue-green eyes that always shimmered with mischief.But not today, come to think of it, not all week. Something was up.
“Oh, I don’t know. I feel so hungry all the time and I eat all the time. I’m surprised i haven’t gained any weight. Ever since I broke up with Ango, I’ve felt like shit. And because of finals, it has been getting worse. I hate it.” explained Aeval, “Hosty, I just can’t figure it out.” Aeval’s forehead creased with worried wrinkles as she thought through her situation.
“Have you tried a doctor or anything?” questioned Hosty.
“No, Mother said I’m just growing and it’ll pass. I’m in college, how the hell am I still growing? The bitch never listens.” said Aeval in a bitter tone as she shook her head. Aeval never got along with her mother and her father was always away on a business trip. Her stomach growled loudly. “I told you I’m hungry. C’mon, let’s get to my car, I have some food Puella sneaked me. I told her to do it.” Stated Aeval in a matter of fact tone. Puella was Aeval's family’s maid. She did the cleaning, cooking,and she basically raised Aeval.
“Sweet! Puella’s cooking, this is great.” smiled Hosty. Aeval smiled for the first time this week. “I think I’m a tad hungry myself.” Aeval slid her arm around Hostia’s waist and hugged her. Aeval smelled her. That was odd, Aeval never did that to her. Not normal. After a minute Hosty pulled back.
“Thanks Hosty, you really helped me. Hmmm... that’s weird. I feel less hungry and more vibrant than I have felt all week.
“Cool more food for me! Damn it Aeval! I feel tired now. Must be from studying. Finally! You parked your car really far today. No wonder you haven’t gained any weight. You walk a lot.
“Ha! And that is a bad thing?” Aeval unlocked the car and the two girls slid in. “Ugh! I hate summer. So hot.” Aeval pulled out the food. “Good thing I put the food in a mini cooler. The car get’s so fucking hot.” She grabbed a sandwich and pulled out of the student parking lot.
Hosty grabbed one of Puella’s famous lemon squares and bit into it. “This is the best. What do you want?”
“Just a sandwich.” Hostia handed her the food, “Have you been studying for finals?” asked Aeval.
“I’m sad to say, very little. But, hey, I’m studying with you. Your the smartest person I know.” smiled Hosty.
“Awww, thanks Hosty. I’ll get you caught up. Or you’ll fail, no biggy.” joked Aeval.
Hosty laughed. “Thanks. I don’t even know where to start.” They pulled into Aeval’s drive way and got out and walked to the huge house. Aeval’s family had always been rich. Her great grandfather built up his family company from a little investment.
“Mother! Puella! We’re home!” yelled Aeval.
“In the kitchen!” shouted her mother. They walked into the huge kitchen and set their bags down. “Your father isn’t coming back from his trip tonight. He said he ad some unfinished business he needed to take care of.”
“What? He promised! I told him I needed help with my studying for the Ap Calculus part of the test. Son of a bitch. What am I gonna do Mother? I’m not gonna pass. He’s such a fucking liar.” Aeval’s pale face turned bright red with anger.
“Oh stop complaining, I’ll get you a tutor. Now get out of here and go study. I don’t want you to fail. Everyone will thing I brought up a drop out child.” said Aeval’s mother.
“Not until I get some food” snapped Aeval. Hostia felt awkward. They did this all the time but Hostia never got used to it. Her and her mother didn’t have the same personality or even the same looks. Aeval had long wavy blue-black hair, her mother, short straight brown hair. Aeval was pale and skinny, her mother was tan and chubby. Nothing was family like with them.
“God, now I’m raising a fat child.” argued her mother.
“At least I’ll be like you. You are such a perfect person with a perfect life and husband. You know he’s fucking his secretary, right? Maybe right this moment she’s blowing him. Perfect my ass!” yelled Aeval. She grabbed a bag of chips and ran out with Hostia running after her.
“Ummm, what was that about? Was the thing about your dad true?” Aeval stayed quiet. “Hon, you can tell me I wont tell a soul.” urged Hostia.
“Yeah, but let’s just study now. I’ll call a tutor later for calc. I’ll call you when the lessons are.” said Aeval quietly as she open her bag of chips. “I’m so fucking hungry. Let’s study.”
Hosty smiled, “Okay, where do you want to start?”

Hosty jumped out of her car and ran to Aeval. “Finals are today! You ready for...... are you okay? You look terrible. You sick?” asked Hostia worryingly. She was paler than ever and her hair wasn’t shiny or wavy, it was a dull black, hardly any blue in it and it was frizzy. She didn’t have her usual black makeup on and her hair was pulled in a sloppy bun. Not her at all.
“Remember my hunger problem?” Hostia nodded, “It has been getting worse. I feel like shit all the time. I’m tired all the time and all i can do is study then crash when I get home. Mother loves it and Puella is just worried. Mother still refuses to take me to the doctors still. I’m scared I’m gonna fail. Let’s sit down.” she sighed, “When do the finals start?” she laid her head on Hostia’s lap.
“In the afternoon. Do you.......Whoa I feel light headed. I’m tired too. Huh? That’s odd.” at that moment Hostia fell asleep.
“Hosty? I feel better now.” Aeval turned her head up to see the sleeping girl’s face. “Hosty! Wake up!” Aeval sat up quickly. At the sudden movement, Hostia woke up.
“That was odd, all of a sudden I felt sleepy and then I see you looking at me strangely. Hey, you look way better, your hair and skin color are normal now.” said Hosty in a faraway voice. “We should start heading to class.” They stood up and walked. Well, Aeval glided and Hostia stumbled. “You are definitely feeling good.” The two girls laughed and went their separate ways.
“Come on Hosty! We finished our finals, we should celebrate.” pleaded Aeval.
“I don’t know, I’ve just been feeling blah ever since this morning, when I fell asleep.” said Hostia in a tired voice.
“I’ll buy you some coffee or monster or something. Please, It’s just a club. That’s part of the college life!” pleaded Aeval.
“Oh no, not the puppy dog eyes. They are my weakness! I guess. No beer, I’m already tired. Coffee sounds great. Should I leave my car at your house?” asked Hosty.
“Sure, drive to my house and we can change into better clothes. Then buy coffee for you and maybe some dinner.” Hosty raised her eye brows. “Yeah, I’m hungry again. Don’t judge me. It stopped this morning for a little. That helped me through finals. Sorry I’m blabbering again.” said Aeval quickly. “Coffee, dinner, club. Sound like a plan?”
Hostia laughed, “Of course, I love your clubbing cloths.” They went into their separate cars and drove to Aeval’s house.
After they parked and ran into Aeval’s bedroom, they started to go through her closet. After twenty minutes the girls were ready. “Lets go to dinner, I’m hungry.” said Aeval out of the blue.
“God, this is getting annoying. Were do you want to go? I heard about a place near the club. It’s called... oh I forgot.”
“Great name,” joked Aeval, “ I’m in the mood for crappy chinese food. What do ya’ think?”
“Sounds good, I guess, I’m not hungry like you are.” laughed Hosty. “Let’s go” They drove to the cheap restaurant and took a seat in the dingy chairs. “I don’t know what to get, club drinks and cheap chinese food don’t really mix.” smiled Hostia.
“Well then! You don’t have to eat, I can get a to go if you want.” suggested Aeval.
“Really? Ok, order and I’ll drive us there wile you eat.” agreed Hosty.
Aeval laughed and said, “I can tell this is gonna’ be a good night!” They both jumped up and Aeval ordered her food. Aeval ran to the car with a bulging bag full of food that could feed a family, in one hand with a bottle of water in the the other hand. They both slid in and started the car and they were off to the club.
“Wow” I whispered. It was lost in the booming club music. The club was amazing, the neon paint made the walls look alive with the light strobes, and the people were just beautiful. Some were almost translucent. They shared sweat and tired, excited smiles as they swayed to the DJ’s music.
“Aeval! Aeval! God Aeval, I was yelling at you for like, ten minutes. You had a creepy look on your face. What was with the licking your lips thing? You hungry or what?” Yelled Hosty.
Huh? I didn’t know I was doing that. How odd. “Sorry Hosty. I just haven’t been here is a long time and... and...oh, let’s just dance.” I laughed and grabbed Hosty’s slim wrists. I got a jolt of energy and giggled. “This is great!” Hosty rolled her eyes at me and started swinging her hips with the music. A tasty man started grinding with her and she smiled at me and danced with him. I laughed and and started dancing and soon enough, a tan guy came up and put his hand around my hips from behind and I started dancing in step with him. My body was vibrating with energy. It was like I was on top of the world. I should go to clubs more often! I turned around to look at my partner and smiled. My skin tingled with energy every time our skin touched. I smiled, he was tan with a bright, white smile. He had a great body and a good dancer. He smiled back at me and I leaned forward and we kissed. I leaned more into him and the kiss got more intense.
After about ten minutes I broke the kiss and I asked, “Yours or mine?”
“Well you

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