» Fantasy » The Hunt, KrissyKiller [best pdf ebook reader txt] 📗

Book online «The Hunt, KrissyKiller [best pdf ebook reader txt] 📗». Author KrissyKiller

I was crouched in a tree overlooking their camp site. I could smell their luscious blood as it pumped through their veins. I wanted ever so badly to lunge and tear open their throats and feel their life blood as it fills my mouth and quenches my fiery thirst. But I couldn’t I pride myself on control, and without control on my part this could turn into something you would find in a stereotypical y Hollywood movie. The vampire attacks without control slashing flesh, and repeatedly sinking her fangs into them without a moment’s thought. Driven mad by the hunger she kills them all while they scream and ask her why she is doing this to them, and beg for their lives. Well that’s not what I’m into I enjoy the hunt for my meals almost as much as the satisfaction of my hunger being fully sated.
The one I crave the most is the small brunette, she may not be as filling as the others but her essence smells the sweetest. But I had to wait for the opportune moment as she was sitting some guy. She didn’t look happy about being that close to him, and I could hear bits and pieces of what he was saying to her. It would be a matter of time before she made some stupid excuse to get away from him. While I wait for her I carefully watch the other two. A curvaceous blonde was twisting her hair around her finger, and batting her eyelashes at a muscular guy that doesn’t look like he had one brain cell left. A couple moments or pointless flirting later the blonde took his hand and lead him back to her tent. Humans disgust me; there is nothing they won’t do for a moment of pleasure.
Finally just when I’m about to give up on this particular hunting area, I hear the brunette excuse herself to go to the bathroom. I watch twigs crunch beneath her feat as she makes her way deeper into the woods for privacy. I drop from the tree without making a sound, and follow her. She looks around her as if deciding which bush will be the best make shift toilet. Before she can decide I creep up behind her and tap her on the shoulder. She turns around completely startled and confused. I give her a smile extend my hand and tell her my name is Aliah. She again looks confused but tells me her name is Ruby, and asks me what I’m doing in the woods. I tell her I’m hunting but she doesn’t believe me. The chit chat continues for a moment or so until I get tired of playing the game.
I slowly approach her methodically like a tiger stalking its prey. Every step I take towards her she does the same backwards. Until I get bored playing with my food. I dash behind her and grab her hair, wrenching her neck to the side I do what I have wanted to all night. I plunge my fangs deep into her soft neck, savoring the burst of flavor that explodes on my tongue. She tries to scream but, can’t seem to utter even a whisper. That’s okay though, no need to draw unwanted attention. I continue to take my fill of her, her blood is even sweeter than it smelled.
Just as I was about to drop her lifeless body, I hear twigs snapping. Someone’s coming. It’s that boy that was just talking to the now lifeless brunette Ruby. I leap into a nearby tree and wait, hell why not have dessert? He appraises her body without fear, then looks directly at me. And tells me I can come down now that he has known I was there all night. So again I gracefully drop from the tree. He is upset at me for stealing his meal, which is odd usually I can sense the presence of my kind. One moment I’m face to face with him, staring him down. The next he mimics what I had just done to Ruby. It doesn’t hurt when he grabs by hair and yanks my head to the side, it doesn’t even hurt when he tears open my throat like a wild animal. It just pisses me off, but he was to strong. No matter how hard I fought he held fast and continued to drain me. Getting weak from blood loss, I can’t make my arms or legs move. On the inside I’m screaming but like Ruby I’m not making a sound. He stops feeding and drops me to the ground. He tells me I should respect my elders, then uses his bare hands to rip my head off my shoulders.
Now there is nothing, I know I am dead but there is no heaven and there is no hell. It’s just white, I don’t even have a corporeal form. I am now nothing but a spirit in a place where I am all alone. I wonder if this is what death is like for everyone. But I guess I will never know.


Publication Date: 08-05-2011

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