» Fantasy » my life seems to only get weirder, me myself and i [read dune .TXT] 📗

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All people in this book are legally owned by stephinie meyer exept the people i made up.
"Hey!" I said to my sister bella."You look so different!" I knew why she looked different but i just couldnt bring myself to say it cause i dont think i am going to really realize the truth until i say it out loud. Then i may say some thing really stupid like'please dont drink my blood!' Or something like that.
"I cant belive youre here i cant wait to introduce you to youre new family in-law! You can also meet edward!" She said as we walked through the airport to her car.
"I know you and my new family in law are all vampires."
"What! who told you? And who did you tell?"
"No one no one i figured since you didnt tell me and we are close then i probablly shouldnt tell anyone whose he?" I said to her as we got into the car and i saw a boy my age with black chopped hair and all black clothe he looked at me like i was a goddess.Then he said.
"Hello it's nice to meet you i'm garrett." He said with a smile on his lips."I like you t-shirt" He said i looked down at my thin gray t-shirt that said 'What you call love i call crazy.' I smiled at him and said
"Thanks i got it at wet seal in san francisco."
"Where is that?" He asked me with a quizical look on his face.I looked at him like he was crazy and said.
"Umm california.. i used to live in redding and i and my mom would go go down there for an anual 1 time of the year shopping spree"
"This is my sister rachel." My sister said with a smile on her face as i blushed.He looked at me and said.
"Hmm interesting very interesting.."He said with a smile i didnt get.
" What does that mean?"
"That means you will have interesting powers but you have them as a human."
"What would they be then?" I asked skeptical of the anwser.
"You are a siren,can tell when people are lying, and are exceptionally smart." He said with a smile that i could tel he was trying to my attention. I looked at him and rolled my eyes.
"We're here." My sister told us as we got out of the car and walked into the house.Can i say that she has the nicest house ever!!
"Wow"Was all i could say.
"Hows my favorite new sister in-law?" A tall man with curly brown hair and the bigest mucseles i have ever seen."I'm emmett and can i say that you are oneof the most beautiful thing i have ever seen next to rose of course." He said while looking at a blond woman who was starring daggers at me.
"Do you think he loves her already?" I asked edward quietly so that no one could hear.
"Yes almost to much i told him our story and he seems to think that he if he did fall in love with a human he could handle it. Lets hope he's right."He said staring at them for a second like he couldnt belive it.
"Maybe she wont like him?" I said a little to loudly cause garrett looked at me and glared across the room. I stared at edward and said."Can you hear her?"
"I can get basic emotions and she likes him back."
Thats when it happend i saw what was in seths head and started laughing and said "Seth did you just?"
"Did he just what?" Iheard some one say but i didnt know since i was so suprised.
"Seth has just imprinted on rachel." I said slowly them a split second later bella was almost on top of seth about to rip him apart then jasper and i had her by the arms.
"What does that mean exactly?" Rachel said wairely.
" That means he is irreversiably in love with you." I told her.Then i heard garrett growl and jump at him. A second later emmett and carlisle where on top of him holding him down.
"Every body calm down." Jasper said and then a calm feeling rushed over meand i let go of bella. Every body was then staring at rachel.
"Why don't i show you you're room?" I said trying to change the subject. I took her hand and pulled her away. Of course seth and garrett like the idiots they are followed us while argueing over who got her.
"Stop stop it both of you i and only i will choose who i want and maybe i dont want either of you!"Rachel screamed so loud everybody in the house jumped."I think i can make my own deciscions i am 15 years old." She looked at me and said."Can i please see my room now so i can lock myself in there with all the lights off and read." I looked at her she was more like bella than she thought.Seth looked so sad he looked like he might cry."Fine you can hang out with me." She said rolling her eyes at seth but i could see a smile pulling at her lips.
Seth and i where sitting on my my bed. well actually he was sitting cross legged on the floor and i was talking."Have you ever played 21 questions?"
"Who hasn't?"He said whith a smile on his face.
"I'll go first. what is you're favorite color?"
"Green." Ismiled that just so happened to be my favorite color."What is you're favorite shade of green?"
"Emrald.What is you're grade point average?"
"3.0. What is youres?" I laughed at him and said
"3.55. What is you're most favorite food ever."
"Probablly sauted chicken with sweet zuchinni salad."
"Can you read minds?"
"No we just have more in common than you think. i geuss ihave to go pretty boy down stairs is about to run in and rip my head off. I'll come back tommorow or if you want to go swiming you can come with me and my friends."
"That sounds fun i would like that." I said with a smile."Umm what should i wear a jacket or a swim suit?"
"Umm a swim suit if you're gonna swim."
"OK then let me get on my swim suit and i'll be right there." When he left the room i ran to my dresser and grabbed my pink with black bikkini that was a little to low cut. I put on a pair of shorts that where kinda to short and a white over the sholder t-shirt when i came down the stairs and when my sister saw me she died.
"What are you wearing and when did you get it you are not leavig the house whith that on! i cant belive renee let you ever out of the house with that on!" I started laughing at her.
"Renee bought it for me i think she was trying to win me over so that i would stay with her." My sister looked at me and said.
"Why didnt you stay with her if she bought all that stuff?"
"Beacause you can't buy love it has to be earnd. and all she did was buy me stuff when all i wanted was to spend time with her and all she ever did it felt like was she tried to get you to go they're." I said looking at her."Im gonna go swiming with seth and his friends i will be back when i call.Then of course garrett had to cut in and say.
"Are you sure she should go with those mutts alone maybe we should at least have some one go with her." I rolled my eyes and seth growled while he was in wolf form.
"Would you like to come?" I asked cause i knew he wanted to come.
"Yes i would." He said as he ran up the stairs so fast that i couldnt see him.
That mongrel was asking for it he was sitting in the car talking to her and telling her about bellas and edwards story but in a different version when he got to the point when bella was pregnant and the brusies on her stomache i said"Thats not how it happend."Well i more or less groweld it at him.
'how would you know you were'nt here." The mutt groweld at me.
"Hey remember what i said stop fighting!I actually wanted all of us to go so i could get to know you guys better." I said in a frustratied voice.
"I am very sorry." Garrett said in a solem voice.
"Me too i geuss."Seth said looking down."We're here." He said as he got of the car and walked toward the beach.
"Who wants to go clif diving?" Seth asked me.
"I dont know what that is but i do!"I said kinda scared what it ment.Then seth led me to the edge of a cliff and said. "you just jump off." And then i did something i didnt think i would ever do. I looked at garrett and said."Can you push me i dont think i can jump."
"Umm ok?" He said as he walked toward me and he pushed me just barely but then i pretended to decide to not fall and grab his arm and we both went falling down the cliff. I was laughing the whole timeat how fast we were falling.Then SPLASH! we both hit the water at the same time after my head was over the water i saw seth looking down a us and i yelled. "Seth come on down the water is fine!" And in the next second seth was next to me.
"You triked us!" Garrett said with a smile playing on hi lips.
"Of course i did why wouldnt i? You need to learn more about me." I said with a slight smile playing on my lips.As we swam to shore i saw that garrett was already there with me and seth still swiming he looked at us then grinned. Right then and there my heart melted and i wanted to make sure i would see that grin more often.


Publication Date: 08-11-2011

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