» Fantasy » Wat the hell..!, Anna Milburn [free ebook reader for pc .txt] 📗

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by Anna MIilburn

3rd of January

How? That was the question that was asked first to me when I was barely more than an infant. Now I know why they asked me because I have all the answers in my brain. I don't know how they knew but they did and I am going to find out why. For I have the information that could either save or destory the world. I have to choose. If I don't the whole of time is in danger of dying and turning to nothing.
Nothing at all.
Flame Snow

3rd of January 2015

I was starting school again today I don't know why but I knew that it wasn't going to be the best first day of school. And how right I was. By 7o'clock I was up and ready for school even though it didn't start for another hour yet but did I care. NO! way. The quicker I was out the house the better. My Mum had no time for me since having her baby and I didn't even no who my Dad was. The closest to a family I had was my friends who used to look after me in the days that I couldn't bear to go home. The first thing I noticed coming out the front door was that there were no noises coming from inside the house.
"Thats unusual" though Flame.
I got to school just before the bell rang to say that you need to be in lessons or else. Okay it wasn't exactly or else but you do get a detention that you don't want to have. I went slowly to my locker and got out my school books. Any late dwellers in the corridors soon scartered at the sight of me. Even though it was illegal I took two japanese swords, one gun and I knew all the martial arts. I had nearly killed someone at my old school so I had to move. Everyone thought they knew the story about me but they knew nothing.
As I wandered into the classroom they were all talking about the upcoming exams. When I entered the room they all stopped talking and looked at me.
"So kind of you to join us Flame" sighed Mr Sacid " Would you care to join us"
I just looked at him, sat at the back of the class and closed my eyes.
Robin the most popular girl in school was glaring at me when she muttered to her friend.
"I can't believe she can get away with that and does anyone actually no what she did at her old school" she said quietly. Before she could utter one more word my knife was at her throat and it was locked neatly in place.
" You want to no what I did" I whispered in to her ear" I nearly killed someone who got on my nerves and I could easily kill or nearly kill someone else." Robin sat unmoving looking at the knife in my hand against her throat. She looked so scared as if seeing her who life in front of her eyes. Everybody was starring at me and the knife even the gangs feared me but were always trying to make me join them. The only person trying to get me off her was Mr Sacid but he must of known that he wouldn't be able to or he would get a very nasty injury. I put me knife away and went to get my stuff from the back of he room and walked out.

One person came after me and that was a boy called Harry. He was the most feared boy in the school as I was the most feared girl in the school. He was he only person who was anything like me. Like me had a gun and a knife but not a knife like mine, his was just a carving knife. He came up and placed a hand on my shoulder and all I said was.
"hows robin and the class"
" Shocked they had never seen you in action and Robin is seriously afraid of you now. She has never been this quiet but I think you may get on the watch list again for suspension" he answered causally. DAMN! I didn't want to get suspended again.
"Do you wanna go get a burger cause I can't be bothered to stay at school right now" I said quickly.
"Might as well there's nothing to do today apart from beat up younger kids that get on my nerves," sighed Harry.
I walked with him side by side down the corridors and saw the few other people who were going to be skiving off included some people in our year.
"Look there come the young lovers" exclaimed Brandon to his gang As soon as he had said that we both
simultaneously drew our guns out and pointed at his head.
"If you say anything like that again i will personal break your neck then let Flame here chop you in to lots of little bits. Is that good for you."whispered Harry. Brandon was obviously scared but he didn't say anything.
"Come on Harry they aren't even worth it," I said as I put my gun down. Harry listened to me and put his gun back into his holster, but as Harry and I did so Brandon went and said,
"You should listen to your little girlfriend you never no what I could do to you," Brandon said shakely. As he said that I got my gun and shot him in the leg.
Then Brandon collapsed so I grabbed Harry's hand and ran all the way until I was out of the school grounds. I had to shot the school lock to make it open and then as soon as I was out I leander against a wall and put my gun back. Harry was starring at me as if he was wondering something about me. "So the stories are as true as you are lethal and you obviously don't care hurting people," he said in a faraway voice.
"Well were you going to deal with Brandon. He will be fine in a few weeks I made sure I only skimmed the edge of his leg,"muttered Flame.
"Well I probably would or knocked him unconscious but that would have taken to long and anyway his gang members would of come and tried to take me on," sighed Harry. We both stayed quiet while we wandered to McDonalds to get our burgers. Both lost in our own thoughts as we bought out burgers and went to be nearby park to eat them.
At the park there were some nearby gangs smoking and drinking but we carried on walking. One of the gangs called out to us obviously because they hadn't heard of us.
"Wanna go over there and teach them a lesson," said Harry cheekily,"Come on I know you want to."
"Okay okay but if you get hurt its going I be you own fault," I said back laughing. We wandered over causally and threw our burgers in the trash. I elbowed him to say don't say anything you'll regret. The gang was all boys of about 15 years old and seeing as though we were 16 we could easily beat them up.
"What you doing around here on OUR place," yelled one of the gang members. I looked at Harry and he looked at me and we both new what to do.
"It isn't just yours and anyway I could kill you all in a few seconds if I wanted to," Flame. All the boys sniggered at me and Harry. I was so tempted to see what they would think of my gun and swords but I was prepared to bid my time.
"How you gonna hurt me,"laughed another of the gang,"With nasty looks and words." Now he had really got on my nerves so I brought my knife out and slowly started spinning it.
"You still think that then," whispered coldly in his ears. I spun my sword then put it my belt in the back of my jeans and hid my gun so if i needed to i could still surprise them. My red hair was tied back so I let it lose to cover my emotionless face.
"Your girlfriend is way to vicious to be a girl. You know that right," exclaimed he leader or the gang. Harry just starred at him then replied
"Yes well she is my girlfriend but she just knows how to look after herself. A concept I don't think you know. Do you?" said Harry in a deadly voice,"Don't you dare offend her! Okay." I starred at him open mouthed and then he kissed me and made sure they saw it.
"I'm sure you've heard of us," says Harry. When they looked at us blankly I commented.
"We're Flame and Harry. We could kill you easily but we tend only hurt people."I said icily. Then they started to back away very slowly and looked scared. "If you say anything about us being here we will kill you,"I whispered in one of there ears. Then they ran. I turned to talk to Harry but found that he was looking at me with interest. I became slightly self-consouis and decided to get my knife out and practise spinning it.
"Why did you say that," I asked slightly anxious. He still starred at me. Then he answered but what he answered with was shocking to me and i nearly fainted but his is what he said.
"I think I love you, Your just like me in so many ways but also not. You don't mind hurting people because you don't have anyone to stop you. I know your family doesn't know no your there half the time. I have a family but they want me to be streetwise but maybe not like I have turned out. I would like to be the one person who could look out for you and help you when your in trouble." he finished quietly. I looked at him hard to make sure it wasn't a joke then I kissed him. The first time i was actually aware of doing it.
"Does that answer your question," I breathed in his neck. Then I walked away. I caught a glance of him he was just standing there like he wasn't believing his luck.

When I got home there were government people there. I recognised them but not sure why I did. My Mum was there talking earnestly with then and didn't even look up when I came in the room. The people stood up and shook my hand roughly. Then they got straight down to business.
"Do you remember us? We met you when you were very little. We hope we can talk to you properly now your older. Do you know why we're here Flame?"When I shook my head they continued. "We are here because you're very special. You have powers and information that other people can only dream of. I guess you want to know why we want yo…" I cut him off mud sentence.

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