» Fantasy » Encounter, Kimmy Kat [epub read online books txt] 📗

Book online «Encounter, Kimmy Kat [epub read online books txt] 📗». Author Kimmy Kat

Dacia sat in her favorite spot on the great big rock overlooking the ocean. The beach was calm and quiet; no one was about this early, not even the seagulls. There wasn’t a single sound to be heard apart from the soft whoosh of the ocean and the slow beating of her totally at peace heart. Dacia sat and watched the beautifully serene ocean as the waves rolled in and the early morning sun reflected its soft, warm light on the clear ocean surface, glistering like a new bride’s wedding ring. As she stared at the almost hypnotic rhythm of waves, she thought about what it would be like to be a simple little fish in that great big ocean. To swim around your whole life, with no real meaning; no worries; no school; no work; no nothing.

It was while she was in this thoughtful state of mind that she caught something out of the corner of her eye. At first all she could see was a dark blurry shape, and then she realized it to be a figure, walking along the water’s edge, slowly coming towards her. She watched as the figure crept closer and closer, wondering why they were all the way out here on their own, this early. But then, so was she. Dacia slowly began to realize the danger she was in. No one was around, no one would see, no one would hear, no one would stop that person from killing her.
Still staring at the mysterious figure in the distance, she battled to make out its features. Straining her eyes, she soon realized it to be man. Fear growing within her she climbed higher up on her rock in the small hope that the figure wouldn’t see her and just pass by. She continued watching the figure until he was close enough for her to just make out his face. He had a grim look on, the dark leather jacket he wore was too big and he had to roll up the sleeves in order to make use of his hands. The bottom of his jeans dragged against the ground, soaking wet from where he had wondered into the water. His jet black hair covered half his face, adding to the mystery that seemed to surround him like a thick fog. He looked to be about 2 years older than Dacia, who was only 16, and although he didn’t look to be very strong or muscled, Dacia knew she didn’t stand a chance against him in a fight. He continued to walk, not looking at anything in particular, just staring ahead, as if he was too worn out to really be able to see anything, letting his eyes wonder.

Dacia could now hear the soft padding of his bare feet against the cold wet sand. With every step Dacia’s fear grew, her heart beat faster, and every nerve ending in her body screamed at her to run. If she was smart, she would have listened. She could easily have climbed down the other side of the rock and ran back to civilization, but there was something stopping her. The more she watched the boy, the more scared she got, but the more curious she got too. Something about him just drew her in, it called to her like warmth called to the cold, sleep called to the tired, and love called to the loveless.

Eventually he reached the bottom of the rock where he stopped to study it, as if it were something alien, something he had never seen before. Minutes passed before he seemed to come to a decision, he then started to climb. Dacia looked around her for a large shell or stone or anything! She didn’t want to find herself defenseless and venerable and face to face with this stranger. She glanced in his direction to check his progress only to find him standing just meters away from her. Her heart skipped a beat. Hadn’t he been at the bottom just a few short seconds ago? The rock she sat on was massive, far too big to be climbed in such a short space of time, even someone who had been here many times like Dacia took at least 5 minutes.

She looked at him, his face level with her own, she wanted to say something, but she didn’t know what, her mind became blank, lost in his shockingly blue eyes. For the first time she noticed the deep purple bruises under his eyes and his pale white skin only emphasized this even more. He slowly moved forward never looking away from her eyes, his feet finding foot hold with ease and he seemed to drift towards her like a ghost. She had to look up at him now, making her feel much smaller then she was. He crouched down so that he was level with her once again, and stared deep into her eyes. She knew he could see the fear in her eyes and this thought made her feel even more venerable. As if seeing this, a grin spread across his face. But it was not the type of grin people used to express joy or happiness; it was the type of grin villains on old T.V. shows used when their evil plan started falling into place. This made Dacia very uneasy and she wanted to run away as fast as her feet would carry her, but her body wouldn’t move, it was like he was controlling her, and she no longer had any power over her own body. Even more terrified then before, she stared deep into his eyes hoping to show him she was not afraid and by the look on his face she didn’t think it worked.

She noticed something odd in his eyes, she had originally thought it was lack of energy, but she looked deeper and now she could see he wasn’t tired or worn, he was hungry. Dacia’s heart stopped when she realized who his meal was. But she was just being silly wasn’t she? He was after all; he was a normal human boy and he wouldn’t possibly consider something so daft. Convincing herself of this, she felt her confidence growing, and although she was still petrified, she now felt she had the strength to say something to him. “Um. Hello. Are you lost?” The question came out sounding sheepish and small as appose to, loud and confident, which was what she had been going for. His reply came out sly and mischievous. He spoke in a language Dacia had never heard before, but judging by his tone of voice, she guessed it to be a no.

His eyes bore into hers making her feel like a trapped mouse, about to be fed to large boa constrictor. She finally managed to break his gaze and began frantically searching for a weapon to defend herself with. Like before, she came up empty handed. Turning her attention back to the strange boy, she studied his face, hoping to read him much like he seemed to read her, but the only thing she saw in him was hunger.

For the first time she noticed how white his teeth were, they were even whiter than his pale skin. She also noticed how he had two very sharp looking teeth on either side of his mouth, and they seemed almost like they were growing longer before her very eyes. The more she stared, the more she realized that they were growing right before her very eyes! He leaned forward and for a second Dacia thought he was going to kiss her, but then his lips moved passed hers and towards his real target: her neck! She felt his sharp fangs prick her lightly tanned skin and sink deeper into her flesh. Paralyzed with shock, she sat there, powerless to do anything, and felt the blood flow from her neck to his mouth. As she stared blankly into the distance, her vision began to blur and she felt drowsy, her eyes closed, and she let them. She no longer had the energy to keep them open. Then there was darkness, and not a single sound to be heard but the soft whoosh of the ocean.


Publication Date: 11-05-2010

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