» Fantasy » Pirate Queen, Leo [best ereader for pc TXT] 📗

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Pirate Queen

Felina Chartity Ashcrofts wasn't a pirate.Yet.She was a sword dancer, a thief for hire, a soldier for hire, a runaway, and a assassin.Today she was spending her extra money to treat herself sense she had just finished the tough ass job of stealing the Larberinian Prince's crown.She may be a outlaw now but she was a native Altrilian,so there was no love lost.Afterall her family fought for Altrilia in the Jesabella Revolutionary War, the war that regained Altrilia's captured coastlands from Larberin.
Felina cocked her head to the side and desided to pick up the sword she had made the night before and test it out at the local bar.When she stepped in there was already a brawl.A bloody one and she disided against going in this one, she'd rather start her own.But just before she could sip her ale the glass exploded and she heard a child cry and beg for mercy.Felina nearly snapped her neck when she jerked to the crying.A girl no more than twleve was fighting against a ugly fat man.He had intended to shoot towards her to scare her but missed, grazed her arm and broke Felina's glass.Felina cracked her knuckles and rolled her shoulders.She stood up and walked over to the man.
"What do ya want ya pertty little whore?"Even though Felina had to look up at him, she still managed to look down at him.
"That girl what did she do?"Felina asked camly.
"That's mah slave gurl.The lil'bitch won't do as I say."
"And that would be?"
"Getin' tween the sheets and rutin'.Unless you want to take 'er place.Eh?"The man made a crude gesture with his pelvis.
Felina's nose crinkled in distaste and her elegant eyebrow twitched in fury.The fat man was on the ground faster then he could blink, with a heeled boot to his family gems and a sliver rapier to his throat.
Witnesses will swear to this day that Felina's yellow cat eyes glowed red with bloodlust,her normally oval pupils turning to slits, while her face remained smooth,passive and arrogant.Felina's bound silver hair shifted slightly with the wind coming from the broken window in the bar.
"You should always be gentle with children and care for them, for they are the future and right now your future is crying on the floor.So shall I make it come true?Or maybe you want to apologize, give the girl to me,and never touch a child in that manner again.Are we in accord?"Her frigid gaze cut down into his rotted soul like she was to judge him fit for Heaven or Hell.
The fat man nodded shakily.And apologized to the shocked girl on the floor.When she nodded her acceptance Felina pressed a little harder, making him piss his pants, before releasing him.The fat man stumbled and ran out of the bar in a hurry as if the hounds of hell were nipping at his heels.The girl stared up at Felina with awe.When Felina slanted her yellow eyes to her, she shrunk back scared of being hit.But instead of hitting the girl Felina gave her the smallest of a smile.
"Get up girl.A woman no matter her station must always have her dignity."Felina said.
The girl nodded and tried to get up but her dress was torn, exposing her young body.She quickly curled up into a ball on the floor.Felina saw this and took off her dusty black coat revealing a petite but curvy body hidden under a plunge v necked brown tunic, and put it around the girl.The girl, grateful, stood up.
"Now, whats your name?"
"Ok, Mika,you are free now and can do whatever the hell you want."
"oh,um,thank you.Can I-I ask y-your name?"
"Sure,It's Felina."
"Oh!Like the lost princess of Altilira?"Felina winced internally at the old title.
"Oh, I-I'm s-sorry.Did I offend you?I-Felina!Behind you!"Mika screamed.
Felina dodged the clumsy sword swipe, but it snagged the back of her shirt and tore it off, leaving her only in the wraps that binded her breasts.Felina slashed the coward man from earlier acrossed the throat, severing his head.Blood spurted and fell on Felina's near naked torso.Aloof to the fact that she just killed someone she flicked her silver hair over her shoulder, casually covering the exposed ear before she thought anyone saw it.The mark of a true Altrilian Royal.Furry,white cat ears.She always thought that they were a bit ridicluous for royalty but most Altrilians had cat like pupils just not as dramatic as her's.If you looked at Altrilian mythology the Altrilians were born from the cat goddess,Flixy, as her children and were raised with her wisdom,independance and her physical beauty.
But she was a little late in shielding her secret.One of the two pairs of eyes being Mika, the other was the pirate captain of the Wings of Freedom.Captain Dominik,king of the pirates and thieves.Suddenly another drunk man took a swing at her but accidently hit Mika instead, knocking her out.
"You bastard!"Felina flew into a rage at the sight of Mika's bloodied lip.
She spun around to get momentum,then raised her leg, murder in her eyes.She slammed her foot into the man's face hard enough to force him into the floor, knock out.That instigated an all out bar brawl.Felina fought like a demon.Punching, kicking, biting, clawing.Anything to keep then away from the passed out girl.But somehow one had gotten behind her and in her fury she did not notice his dagger aimed for her back.Dominik took action like a snake, quick,acurrate and deadly.He threw a punch at the man and picked MIka up.Felina tried to attack him, thinking he meant harm.But somehow he had put Mika down on a fainting couch and caught Felina in a steel grip with speed like the devil's.Felina struggled in his arms, fighting to contrictive bands of muscule on her arms and torso.Her sword was on the floor by her feet but she couldn't get it.Felina finally glared at the mysterious man holding her.His reddish brown hair was long enough to touch his shoulder blades and was bound into a low ponytail.His eyes were dark as the sea at night and his skin tanned a healthy gold from the sun.He was much taller then her and twice as wide.All of his body was hard and strong from rigorous work and his shoulders were so broad that she had to wonder how he got throught the doorway.Felina growled and glared at him venomously.
"Let me go!"
"I don't think so Majesty."He breathed in her delicate ear, making her freeze.
"Let.Me.Go!"She hissed and ground her teeth angerly.
She did not know the romantic effect her poisonous glare had on Dominik.She looked radiant with fury, her large, black lashed,yellow eyes sparkling and snapping like gold flames.Her catlike pupils making her look wise, cruel and inhuman.Her plump lips slightly parted,her binded breasts pressing against his chest with every breath she took.Silver curls glinted like silk strands of metal in the dim light.
He really couldn't help what happened next.
"What are you-Murfff!"Her sharp words were smothered by his lips pressing against her own.
She almost yielded to the warm embrace but her memories for once instead of haunting her, saved her.She was about to bite off his tongue when he pulled away to look at the silent once fighting crowd watching them.
"This is my queen Felina.Hail your pirate queen!"Domink said, his baritone voice demanding obidiance.
"Wait, wa-murfff!Stop kissing me dammit!"Felina snapped, drowned out by the cheering bar.
"Fe-Felina?"Mika said.
Dominik released his grip on his 'queen'.Felina immediatly ran to Mika.
"Are you ok?"
"Yes, just a cut,your majesty."
"Don't call me that."Felina said and swiftly picked up her sword and left the bar.Mika trailed behind.
"Your majesty,I-"
"Don't call me that."
"But your majest-"
"Don't call me that!"Felina snapped as old painful memories came to the surface.
"I-I-I'm sorry Felina."
"Just don't call me by a title,if you must mistress is fine but I'd prefer Felina.After all I'm not a princess."Felina said telling a half truth.
"yes, you are my queen now."Felina made no indication of suprize when the ghostly Dominik spoke, but Mika squeaked and hid behind Felina.
"In your twisted little mind maybe.Mine, not so much."Felina said her lips curled into a snarl.
"In the pirate world you are."
"Well, I'm not a pirate."
"You are now."
"I don't-"
"If you kill a pirate you get all of his treasures, his ship and his property."Felina immediatly turned towards Mika covered her ears and let out a long pent up bout of swearing that made even the pirate king faintly blush.
"Can't I just sell it?"
"Once a pirate always a pirate."
"Dammit."Felina growled.


Publication Date: 11-18-2011

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