» Fantasy » Opposites Attract: Fire,Ice&Lightning, Cara Coppola [best way to read an ebook .TXT] 📗

Book online «Opposites Attract: Fire,Ice&Lightning, Cara Coppola [best way to read an ebook .TXT] 📗». Author Cara Coppola

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His kiss was like liquid lightning. Where ever his hands roamed left little goose bumps and an electric feeling. All I could hear was his pleasing moans he let out once in a while. I just wanted to get closer to him than I already was, it scared me, I never felt this way in my life.
“Liv, you feel so good.”
Believe me, when I say I know exactly how he felt. It’s too bad we had to stop and go fight in a war.

Chapter 1

I get tattooed up

All I could think when I woke up was: Wow, my hair looks like shit and I had only a half an hour to get ready for school.
See my hair is naturally curly, like really curly. So I either have to scrunch or straighten it every day, and when I straighten it I go a little OCD, making sure every piece is perfectly straight. I grab my blue straight iron and quickly plug it in, then quickly straighten my hair. I look through my closet to see what I should wear today. I picked out my dark blue soccer t-shirt,and then slide into my dark blue skinny jeans. Then I snatch my see-through make-up bag, I got from a Hershey park bear, off my dresser. I take my foundation, and my two mascaras I put on every day. I back and look into my full-length closet door mirror. My dark, brown hair, with a few occasional light brown highlights, is parted so more hair is on the right side of my hair. I look at my outfit and realize this is the third week in a row i just wore a sport t-shirt. Pushing the thought away, because I look at my arm, that suddenly felt a weird burning sensation. It felt like I had my straight iron very lightly pressing on my forearm, but just as quickly it appeared it disappeared.
Looking at my phone, it says 7:00. Time to run downstairs to shove my lunch in my into my purse and go catch my bus. I slip into my white Nikes, grab my books, check my hair and head outside. Right when I walk outside my house, I’m hit by a solid wall of cold and wind, freezing my ass off through my thin navy blue Hollister sweatshirt. Now I know you must think I’m crazy for only wearing a sweatshirt in the middle of February, but I vowed that for this whole year I wouldn’t wear my winter jacket to school. It worked in 8th grade and so far so good this year!
While trying to keep the hair out my face, I look over expecting to see Noah wearing his usual sweatpants and big aeropostal jacket he always wear but I realize he’s not there because I moved. Noah was my neighbor, who I knew since I moved to Birches West in 3rd grade from Florida. Since I moved to a different part of Washington township he doesn’t live near me anymore, and I wouldn’t of saw him anyway since he is two grades lower than me and the high school and middle school buses come at different times. Even though I moved from my old house we still kept in touch once in a while but he wasn’t my best guy friend as he was before. I walk onto my bus, analyzing my whole move which happened last summer. I didn’t know it then but walking onto that bus was the end of my normal life and the beginning of my extremely dangerous but amazing new life.


“Hey, yo, Olivia!”
I turn around to see Matt walking up to me. Matt is a guy i dated last year but somehow we still managed to stay friends. He is Italian, but really pale in the winter, and has super soft black hair that looks great on him. His hazel eyes change colors depending on the light to blue, green, and sometimes even a silverfish color. Let me tell you that they are gorgeous eyes.
“Hey Matt.” I smiled at him.
“Do you think, you know, you wanna hangout this weekend?” That was weird he has never asked me to hangout since last year.
“Sure,” I was trying to play it off. “We gonna chill at your house?”
“Yeah, of course since we have my basement to hangout in.” He flirtatiously winks at me. By this time he is leaning towards me and against the locker next mine at the same time. He smelled so good, he smelled like Ed Hardy, which he probably sprayed a bunch of before talking to me. This made me feel even more uncomfortable. I thought he had a thing for my friend Rachel? I tried to nonchanlantly smile at him. Then the burning sensation started again. My smile faltered and stared at my arm, I wanted to rub it but I figured I would just look weird to Matt and not help the burning. While I was looking at my arm I could of sworn it had a design outline of something.
“Hey Liv, what’s wrong? You shy now?” He put his hands on my waist turning me towards him.
“Haa. Umm I guess?” I was really weirded out by his casualness at him touching me.
“It’s ok. I think it’s cute. So my house, Saturday night, 7 o’ clock?”
“Uhh, yeah sure.If you want!” When I said that I swear he had the biggest smile in the world.
“Alright great ! Call me on oovoo tonight ok?"
“umm maybe bye Matt!”
As he was walking away,i stared after him not even knowing how to react to what he was saying when my friend Bryan came up behind me and hugged me around my waist.
"Oh crap. you scared me!"
"I love you!"
i turned in his arm and just smiled at him
" Shut up Bryan you do not! Now get off of me i gotta go to class."
He laughed and let go as i walked away. As i was walking i saw this kid who looked like a senior staring at me. Now even though i know my high school is huge, i dont think i ever seen this kid. He was like too attractive to be real. I felt his stare on my back through the whole hallways. In some of my classes i looked out the window and could of sworn i saw him.

Chapter 2

I Find A Summer Camp

Later that night I get on oovoo, about to call Matt to tell him i couldn't hangout on Saturday, when suddenly there was this dead quiet. It was almost like the whole world stopped spinning. I could feel the air pressure drop so low that my ears popped. Then like a red, hot iron, my arm started burning in a way I never had a burn before. It was so intensely hot that it began a burning cold. Now even though it burned like crazy the weird thing was that I was calm. I had a calming feeling over me as well as a insane maniac feeling, like two people inside me were clashing together to form one. I stared down at my arm to see this black shape turning into lines on the underside of my forearm. I closed my eyes for about 30 seconds trying to distinguish whether I liked this or if it was too painful to bear then looked at my forearm again. The second time I looked at it there are black lines swooping across my forearm that strangely reminded me of an artist painting winds. Around the lines are jagged rock-like circles and teardrops everywhere inside the swooping wind lines. The center of my forearm had a shaped that looked like a fire that would come from a fireplace or campfire. I could almost feel my jaw drop to the floor in pure shock. I then realized that this is strange and weird to have a tattoo magically appear on my arm. So the smart, logical thing I do is. Yes that’s right, scratch and rub it off.
“That’s a pretty nice tattoo you got there. Be a shame to try to rub it off.” Said the strange man standing by my opened window and closet.


“Um? Who are you?” I asked nervously while trying to crab walk stealthy back across my bed towards my other window. Maybe I could get out that way even though I lived on the second floor. You never know. For some reason I didn’t think the guy in my room was gonna rape me but you can’t trust gut feelings with weird people who might do psychotic things. I was only embarrassed that I was in my pj’s which consisted of my super duper short, soft green aero shorts and a revealing black tank top . Those are not the clothes to be wearing when a strange man shows up in your room and could rape you.
That’s when I looked at the guy. He looked like he is about 17 or 18 and has a short spiked in the front, black hair. His eyes are a dangerous but dazzling crisp blue. Now I know this sounds cliché but they were literally pools of blue that I could get lost in. His eyes were framed by thick eyelashes. His mouth was perfect, the lips beautifully formed and set in a flirtatious and deadly smile with sparkling pearly whites in them. Then my eyes drank in the rest of him: gorgeous perfection. His body was lean, muscular and tan. I could see his ripped muscles through his very fitting black long sleved tee and dark ripped denim jeans. If Superman had an evil twin this would be him. It was almost like he was a dark angel. He looked too perfect. This is when he looked almost amused with my discomfort. Then you know what that jerk did? He took a step closer to me!
“Well, my name is Nicholi and I’m here to take you to ‘Camp Tat’. I know stupid name but what are you gonna do, right?”
“I don’t know you. I don’t know who you think you are but you aren’t taking my anywhere."
“I just told you I’m Nicholi and the only reason I’m even talking or taking you somewhere is so you know how to control your mark.”
Nicholi sounded exasperated by this point but then again I would probably be pretty fed up with some clueless girl yelling at me too.
“How can I trust you? You come out my friggen’ closet!”
“Actually, I climbed through your window, hence the open window. And you can trust me because I have a mark too..” he was about to say something else but I cut him off because it hit me that he looked super familiar but not in the famous kind a way.
“ Wait I saw you today outside my classroom window! You were friggen’ stalking me!” After I said that Nicholi started to look embarrassed and ran his hand through

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