» Fantasy » Sorcière, Katerina Rose [best pdf reader for ebooks TXT] 📗

Book online «Sorcière, Katerina Rose [best pdf reader for ebooks TXT] 📗». Author Katerina Rose

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My breath increases, I feel my body moving faster. It's unclear where I am, but I keep moving. My heart pounds, I can feel it pulse through my body.  The anxiety rises within me, I'm unsafe and I feel that so deeply it keeps me moving faster. I have to find my sister. Where is my sister. 

I glance around at my surroundings now, I'm running through a dark wooded area. It's unknown to me.  I look down at myself, I'm back in my dress from 1690. My corset is starting to buckle and squeeze my lungs tighter. 

I hear him.  He's on horse back, and will inevitably catch me if I don't quickly hide. 

I look around again for my sister, we often time jump within a safe distance of each other but she's no where to be found. What if she's been captured? 

I look down at my body again, my dress is tattered under me and I'm barefoot. This feels familiar. Too familiar. 


I lose balance and hit the floor with great impact. I feel my body writhe in pain. I cry out. 


"Miss?...  Miss?....Are you okay?"   


I hear a male voice. I open my eyes to meet a pair of hazel eyes and a sweet face that did not look familiar to me.  I looked down, I was dressed in jeans and a sweat shirt.   I took an assessment of my surroundings, an alley way in between a trashcan and what appeared to be a slew of stray cats, - how ironic. 


"I'm fine.." I said accepting his hand to help me up.


It was a dream? ... It felt too real. I would have assumed it was some sort of vision but that was not one of my powers.  

It was only a dream....  


The boy in front of me broke my thoughts...


"Did you sleep here?.."  He asked.


"Uhh, I don't remember,... where am I exactly?"   I asked, feeling stupid. - I always hated this part of the jump.


"You're in Hartford"  He smiled 




He nodded.  "Can I take you somewhere?..."


"I ...need to find my sister" I sighed. 


"Okay, where do you think she is?" He asked


"I have no idea..."  I started walking out of the alley way, he followed.  I turned to him "I'm fine, you don't have to follow me" 


"You seem a little lost--"


"I assure you I can take care of myself"


"What If I have nothing better to do with my life?" He chuckled


I looked at him "Do you?"


"I mean, I probably should go to that class I'm skipping right now but I feel like leaving a young woman alone in an alley way is against every guy code ever? so, I think I'll follow you"


"I assure you I can take care of myself"


It was dusk at this point. It would be dark soon.  I had no where to stay. I had a lot of problems with this jump. Sometimes they were just a little unfair.


"Lets just say for arguments sake I believe you,.. I'm already following you? So it seems this point is mute"  He smiled.  He was stubborn. 


I shook my head. Giving up. 


"So you don't know where your sister is?"  He asked.  "Were you two separated recently?, were you intoxicated?" 


I looked at him  "No" 


"Okay...well, what does she look like?"







I nodded.


"Wow, well okay this shouldn't be as hard then"  He continued to follow me.


I was slightly annoyed.  I did not wish to complicate my situation with a mortal. He would just slow me down.

I stopped walking "Really, there's no need to help me ----"  I waited for him to tell me his name


"Liam"  he placed his hand on his chest  "I'm liam,  and you are?"


"It's not important who I am" I insisted "Please go about your night, I'm fine"


"You're not good with help are you?" He questioned. 


I sighed "I just need to find my sister---"  


"I know, I bet I can help you"  He smiled.  Looking eagar.  I couldn't place it but something about him was slightly familiar, or alluring, I was unsure which. Either way he was mortal and we were not allowed the luxury of making friends with mortals, it only slowed us down.  


I looked around, now at the end of the alley way.  Across from us was a dark building with neon lights. Music blasting from it, people waiting in a line around the door. 


I pointed "What's that?"


"The local 21 and over club".  He answered "Is your sister a partier? That might be a good start"


I sighed and thought back the last 100 years.  My sister was most certainly the wild child. 


I nodded.


He began walking towards the building, and I followed.  "I don't have an ID --" I said to him.


He took my hand,  I was startled "I wont question why you were asleep in an alley way, don't have an ID and can't find your sister if you at least let me help you"  he pulled me towards the door, the gentleman at the door nodded at Liam and we walked past him without a word.  


The club was loud and dark. It was hard to concentrate but I felt the pull as we enterted. 


I let go of Liam's hand and took a deep breath, closed my eyes and tried to search for my sister within my mind. 


Liam looked at me "Telephathy? " He laughed "Does that work with twins?"


I took a deep breath. "Something like that"  


I had many gifts.  Finding my sister was just one of them, often much to her dismay..


I felt the pull and followed it through the crowd, I started for a set of stairs with haste, I could feel the pull getting more intense. I found a hallway and one room at the end of it, the door shut. 


"You think she's in there?"   Liam called out behind me. He sounded amused.


"What is it?"   I asked as I walked towards it


"The dark room"  he followed me


"What does that entail?"


"Really?"...  He questioned me.


I placed my hand on the door nob.  Yes, she was in this room...


"You may not want to go in there..." He called out to me, I realize he was a little further behind me, I didn't care.  I opened the door.


"Luci!" I yelled....   Yes, I had found her.  



"Maybe she's dead?"  I heard an unfamiliar voice around me. A woman.  


My eyes shot open.  Gasps around me.  I sat up and glanced around "Where am I ?" I demanded


"The rabbit room?" A male voice answered.  I looked up to see a set of blue eyes and hands offered to help me off the floor that I was apparently laying on. 


I stood to my feet and looked down at my appearance.  A tacky sequence black dress and silver heels.  My hair appeared to be long and dark, I guess that wasn't a massive change from usual. It needed to be conditioned. I feel these jumps always mess with my hair the most.  


I looked around "Sydney?"  I called out into the crowd.   


This room was dark and full of people.  There were couches around us and men half dressed. Come to think of it most of the women were also half dressed


"Are you okay?, you ate the floor pretty hard?"  A blonde girl asked me, grabbing my arm.


I felt a flash of power pulse through me, I backed away from her "Who are you?"


"Who am I?... Who are you?  are you sure you're okay?"  She asked


She stepped toward me.


"Sydney!?" I called out again.  I did not like how dark this room was.  I didn't like that I didn't know where I was, and for the first time, this time jump didn't put my sister and I next to each other. 


The girl stepped forward reaching for me again.


"Don't touch me!" I hissed. 


She backed up. "Fine?"... 



I started walking "How do you get out of here" I snapped at the blue eyed boy who was unusually close to me as I walked, almost familiar, almost alluring I was unsure which.


"To the right" he called.  


"Don't follow me"  I hissed at him as well.  


I turned the corner and found what appeared to be a closet area. This didn't appear to be the door but it made no difference I needed to take a moment and call to my sister.


I placed my back against the wall, took a deep breath and began searching for her in my mind. 


Footsteps approached and interrupted my search.  I looked up. Blue eyes was standing in front of me now "You should come with me" He said


"You should leave .... now"   I glared.


He reached forward and grabbed my arm. 


"I'm not going anywhere with you---"


"He's coming for you.....  Lucinda.  Come with me"   He said.


I froze.  He knows my name?


"Who are you"


"There's no time"  He pulled me forward


"I Have to find my sister"


"Sydney is already here... we are running out of time, he senses you"


He pulled me out of the closet and we found the door, when we opened it Sydney stood there with a gentlman.


"Luci!" She yelled, embracing me.  I held onto her.  My sister, My compass.  


"We have no time---"  My arm was pulled "He knows your here"


Our embrace was foiled and my sister lost her grip on me.  She was led down the hallway by the gentleman who had just been standing here. She was yelling for me. 

I also was being led away from her.  

I took a moment to focus on my stress. My powers were triggered by stress.  I lit my arm on temporary fire, causing the blue eyed boy to release his grip and curse


"Don't you understand!? He will kill you!" He yelled at me. 


"He who!?" I yelled  "Who took my sister!"  


"Aiden!"  I heard a male voice behind me.  It was the boy who had taken Syd.  


I spun around and with a vengence I closed my eyes, opened my hands and started to give this boy aneurysm.  


He hit the floor in pain.  


"STOP!"  The blue eyed boy, seemingly named Aiden shook me "He's trying to help!"  He shouted and ran to his side.


"Lucinda!" - Sydneys voice rang out down the hallway.   I felt relief.    I loosened my grip on the mind of the boy on the floor.


"Let him go Luci"  Sydney approached me.  "We have to get out of here"....  She grabbed me by the arm and we started running...


We made it down the stairs, through the club and out the back doors. 


"Who were they?... where are we going?"  I asked


"I don't know yet..... we need to find Tate..."  She had a hold of my hand.  "I need you to do a locator spell and quickly, I can feel them recovering from your torture"  She sighed.


I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and pictured our dear friend Tate.  


"A bridge,  ... A house...  Waters Drive"    


My visions were often blurs and snipets of information we needed to piece together. 


"Waters Drive"  --- "We need a frickin map, great..."   Syd took my hand "Come on, I can hear them coming" 


We began running....  



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