» Fantasy » Red, S. E. Gutierrez [top non fiction books of all time .TXT] 📗

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I ran, my now medium length, blazing red hair flapped. My heart beat. My pulse quikened. They didn't know that I wasn't running away from them. They didn't realize the mistake they made.

They were the cause.

I was the effect.


I laughed as I felt the wind try to rustle my short, choppy hair. My best friend, Scyllia, laughed at my attempt to flip my hair.

"Ya know," she said between giggles. "Bryn, you really are," giggle. "Gonna be the best," giggles finally under control. "Stone foghter out there. Sure you won't be the first female, but you will definetly the be the best. C'mon, we can't be late for training."

She hopped up, and bolted towards the training camp. I let her have a five second headstart. knowing this would turn into a race. five, four, three, two. . . one!

I jumped up, weaving my way throught the trees. Scy came into veiw. Seconds later I was on her heel, pushing myself harder, trying to get ahead. I pulled back.

Making a terible mistake, Scyllia looked back. I burst forward, using her state of distraction against her. She always fell for that.

"Hey!" she yelled from far behind me. "That's SO

not cool, Brynelle!"

Uh-oh, I thought, she used my real name, this means troubles. I picked up my pace and ran with all my heart. I looked over my shoulder. Scy scowled, then burst into a grin.

"Love ya like a sister Brynnie!" she yelled when we reached the training camp.

I threw my had back and laughed. She poked me in the stomach. I poked her on the cheek. She poked me on my nose. I poked her arm. Over all we just had a miniature poke fight. Quite random really.

Our camp instructor smacked our hands apart as we started to really get into a poke fight.

"Brynelle, Scyllia, you know better than to goof around. This is serious. The military needs it young adults and children to take a stand. Anglasia needs us to be at our best and fight along side our warriors. We are the Stone Fighters and must act like it!" she reprimanded us and slapped my hands again.

That woman has never liked me. The fisrt day I got here, to this camp, I saw and thought she was a dude teaching the girls' sector of the training division of the Stone Fighters. She's hated me ever since, and she grew her hair out longer and plucked her man-brows. Okay, I admit, I am kind of mean to her, but she needed someone to knock her off her high horse. Unfortunately for her, that person had to be me.

She lined all twenty-five of the girls up in one long line, making sure Scy and I were far far apart. Like, she was first in line, and I was last. Then the totaly awesome Mr. Sicho, pronounced sea-koh, lined the twenty-five boys up next to us.

"Part of being a Stone fighter is not being afraid to challeng and fight the opposing gender. Now, the person next to you will be your sparring partner. This time, however, no weapons. And absolutely no mercy. Turn to you partner and begin!" Mrs. Heptarin, the horrid girls instructor, said.

I glared at my partner. He just looked at me with an I'm-so-much-better-than-you-and-you-know-it look. I gave my head a slight shake. His eyes widened.

"I'll let you make the first move." I said, menacingly.

He smiled. "Bad mistake." and he swung his fist.

I ducked, and faster than lightning, I swept his legs out from under him. Ninja-jumping up, I hit a series of pressure points. Neck. Now side. Now ankle. Now behind the knees. I flew like a tornado around him, using his weight against him, making him lose his balance. With one good side-kick to the gut, he went over. Whipping around, I did the same, but to his back. He fell forward. I skipped over to his head, and knelt beside his face. He appeared to be out, but I knew better.

"I know you're faking." I whispered.

He jumped up and tried to put me in a choke-hold, but I spun around and jumped on his back and did this cool move my father taught me before he left, flipping him over onto his back. He tried to ninja-jump up, but unfortunatley for him, his face met my knee before it was two feet off the ground. This time, I knew he was out cold.

I raised my hand and shouted for Mr. Sicho. He jogged over to me.

"Yes Miss Bryn." he said, using my preffered name.

"He's out cold." I said, shrugging.

He just looked at me like I was crazy. "You've only been sparing for less than five minutes. Pardon me but holy he-" I cut hom off.

"Nope, don't say it." I playfully glared at him.

He chuckled. "Alright, alright. Go take a shower and I'll tell Heptarin that you won by a long shot."

I nodded. "Thanks Mr. Sicho." I grinned. He was awesome.

I turned around, and took off running towards the bathrooms and showers. I bounded into the only stall that had warm water. After undressing, I slid under the just-right water. I sighed as the pounding motion of the water massaged my back. Just plain amazing. I closed my eyes and sighed once more. Suddenly, hands pounded on my door.

"Get out here Miss Brynelle!" I heard Mrs. Heptarin bellow.

I shrugged, knowing she couldn't see me. "Mr. Sicho told me to go take a showere since I totally owned that kid that was supposed to me my partner." I replied, trying to sound sweet.

"I don't care just get out here now." she said in that deathly calm and low voice that even I

knew to be afraid of. I was dead meat for sure. Life was being a big meanie right now.

I sighed and shut off the wonderfully warm water. "Fine, just let me throw some clothes on." I said as I dried off.

"Hurry," she snapped.

I didn't.


I never knew Mrs. Heptarin could yell as loud as she did when I wouldn't hurry.

"For the love of all that is holy and good get your a

-" she started.

"Ah, ah, ah, thou shalt not swear. Don't be naughty Mrs. Heptarin." I teased.

"You are by far the worst Stone Fighter. You will never be accepted to move on to the Academy. You will never be initiated as one of the Elite. And you will never, EVER

amouont to anything. You are a wothless pile of horse poop!" she screamed.

I cringed. I know I'm not the nicest to her, but I know she's got worth, and that there's still a lot she can do with her life. I don't go around and ruin the only thing that matters to her. I felt unwanted tears prick at my eyes. I stepped out of the shower.

"Bye Mrs. Heptarin." I said quietly as I gathered my things and turned to leave.

I calmly walked out of the bathroom, but after that door was behind me, I booked it all the way to the woods. I ran past the trees, careful to avoid all the branches. My tears spilled over. My vision became blurier and blurier, until finally, I tripped over a root and fell on my hands an knees. I let out a sob. This wasn't happeining. I wasn't out here crying like a baby because Heptarin is a word I refuse to say. But it is happening, I am crying because of her, and I want to personally strangle myself for it, but I can't seem to change anything right now.

Slowly, I bring my knees up to my chest, and bury my face in my hands. I miss my parents, before Dad ran off and Mom died. I miss seeing her light up when he came home. I miss his loving smile when he looked at Mom. And most of all, I miss the feeling of family. I missed going to normal school too. I mean, it's not like I chose to come here. The Stone Fighters' most elite members come to each village and town in Anglasia and test all those under the age of eighteen. If they pass, they are taken here. The only downer is, that test is extremely hard.

They push you to the limit wiht physical tests and training. Every year, out of this huge country, hardley ever more than five to ten make it to the training camp. It gets easier after that but it's still so friggin' hard.

Slowly, I got up and dried my still teary eyes. I dusted my hands of on my pants, and walked back to camp. When I got back, training was over. I walked past Mrs. Heptarin, past Mr. Sicho, and past Scyllia. I walked all the way to my tent, and sat down. I out my forehead on my desk, and let my arms hang limp at my sides.

I heard someone mutter "knock-knock" and mumbled a come in. It was Heptarin.

"You nearly put that boy in the hospital, you went to far." she said.

"Good, that kid was a jerk." I replied.

She sighed. "Will you ever understand that sarcasm and fighting aren't the most important things."

I took my head off the table and gave her a look that could kill. "You, Heptarin, have no-absolutely no- clue as to who I am or what I've been through. I would appreciate it if you would kindly leave me alone."

"You, Missy, are a bad seed. You won't succeed in becoming a Stone Fighter, you need more than skill, you need patience and self-discipline. Things you obviously lack." she shot at me.

I was ready to lose my mind on this woman,

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