» Fantasy » The cave of the Gawanni, Jack Montgomery [the unexpected everything txt] 📗

Book online «The cave of the Gawanni, Jack Montgomery [the unexpected everything txt] 📗». Author Jack Montgomery

The contorted, lifeless, bodies hung suspended by chains, drilled into the walls. Nothing in the room moved, save the rats trying to find a way to get to the bodies. Suddenly a great iron door swung open, a great hulking man staggering under the weight of three body bags, came in. The man then dropped the bags, and swiftly cut them open, revealing three men, all tied, gagged, and dressed only in loin cloths. The hulking man cut their bonds, bowed towards the bodies, and walked out backwards.
The three men staggerd to their feet and looked around wide eyed. Their eyes settled on the bodies and two of the men walked over to investigate the bodies, while the third man stayed behind and stared at the bodies, mouth agape. Almost in a whisper the third man said,"No your not supposed to go near them." The other two men looked back. "You speak our language?" said the second man, a muscular man with scars all over his body. "Well of course he speaks our language,idiot! Its not like he would be from the outlands." said the first man, who was much smaller than both the men, with a roundish face and a beak like nose.
"Well if were going to be stuck down here for a while, we might as well get to know eachother." said the second man. "So for example, my name is Balkor the mercinary." Balkor then turned towards the first man. "Well I guess its my turn then. My name is Alborneock, the schollar." "And what would your name be?" Balkor asked the third man. "My names Griffith. Im the historical consultant for Lord Robin." "Well eneough small talk, lets take a look at these bodies shall we?" said Alborneock as he rose and walked towards the bodies. "No!" Yelled Griffith. But it was too late: Alborneock reached towards one of the bodies and as soon as he toched it, the bodies eyes opened. The body than broke the chain holding one of its hands and reached up a hand and grabbed his throat. The body then ripped Alborneocks throat away from his body and head. Blood spurted everywhere as his body and head fell to the floor, in a pool of his own blood.
"Well that was...interesting." said Balkor as he stared wide eyed at Alborneocks body. "What...what do you mean that was interesting?!" yelled Griffith at Balkor, a wild expression on his face. "Listen to me kid, Ive fought against the Coinalla, who do alot worse than that to their prisoners. I guess you could say that im used to viloence and death. I cant expect you to understand. How could you? You didnt see your best friend get gutted and eaten, all while he was still alive." Griffith looked like he was about to throw up.
"Well...uh... so how do you think well get out here?" "Well it would help if we knew where we were. Your a history consultant, any idea where we are?" asked Balkor as he walked over to Alborneocks body. Griffith got up and walked over to one of the walls. "Well based on these runes and the condition of the bodies, I would say that we are in an ancient Gawanni treasure cave." "Gawanni? Who were they?" Balkor said as he bent down towards Alborneocks body. "The Gawanni were the ruling clan before the kings came and conqured. The Gawanni were most famous for being very brutal with their enemys and prisoners. much like your Coinalla, but much worse. When one of them died, they would imbude the bodies with dark magic so they could protect their weapons and treasures." "So your saying that behind this wall, theres a cave full of treasure and weapons?" Balkor asked with a gleam in his eyes. "Well yes, but the only problem is getting past the guards." Griffith said as he motioned towards the bodies on the wall.
"Well then, we musnt waste time then." Balkor then did something that Griffith wish he had never saw: Balkor reached into Alborneocks neck and, with a tug and a grunt, ripped out Alborneocks spine. He then held it, still dripping blood, like a sword and stepped towards the bodies. "No! Dont do that!" Griffith yelled at Balkor. But it was too late: Balkor hefted the spine, still dripping blood, and hit the body in front of him across the head, neck, and chest. Blood poured out of the wounds. The blood though was not normal: It was black, and oozed like tar. The blood dripped down and collected in a pool beneath the body. "Ha ha! See Griffith, even now a door opens. A door to freedom!" Balkor said, looking back at Griffith. But when Balkor looked back, he was staring into a cloud that was shrouded in darkness. Balkor tried to run, the bodies blood had collected around his feet, and kept him there, unable to move. The figure in the cloak lifted his sword, and before Griffith could look away or Balkor could react, the figure took Balkor's head off with one clean swipe. Griffith then looked at the figure and knew who he looked at: this was Death in one of human forms. Death was cloaked and hooded in a pitch black cloak, he also held a curved sword, dripping blood onto Deaths cloak. Death then looked at Griffith, and everything became black. Everything was gone except for a deep, gravely, voice saying, "All that you desire most in this life shall never be granted you if thou leaves this place. Come with me and you shall be given all that you desire and more. The choice is yours." When Griffith could see again, he looked at death and said,"It is better to live a life of misery and help others, then to die and be the happiest man alive, but have done nothing worthwhile with your life." And with that Griffith found himself standing on grass, blinking from the sudden brightness. He smiled. He had just stared Death in the face and talked to him. Would anyone even believe him? Probably not, but he did have something he needed to tell the world. He needed to tell them that they are lucky to be loved by their family and friends, or that they even have family and friends. Griffith looked behind him and saw. There stood Death at the edge of a dark forest. Griffith smiled and said, even as Death faded from view, "Ill see you soon, brother."


Griffith walked the land for a month before death came for him. When Death came for him, Griffith welcomed him with open arms. This only because what Death had said about Griffith living a life of misery, was just a lie. Griffith was actually very happy in that one month. He was reunited with his wife and they had many children, who in turn also had many children. This continued for many generations, until the entire family was killed by the king, for hearsay. That is, all but one. This young boy was taken in by the king and was raised by the king, until the old king died. At this time, a resistance was rising. The new king, King Robin, swore that those in the resistance would suffer and die. But at this time, four very special children were discovering that they werent the most ordinary children in the world. But im afraid that, that story is for another time.


Publication Date: 11-29-2010

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