» Fantasy » Sasuke x Reader, Chibi Tokiwa [story reading TXT] 📗

Book online «Sasuke x Reader, Chibi Tokiwa [story reading TXT] 📗». Author Chibi Tokiwa

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Pt 1



                                                           (Y/N) = your name (first name)


They were pushing you, it was hard to continue. Although they were joking it was still painful. Sasuke was the only one not laughing at you, not making fun of you. He watched from the corner of the classroom, no emotion on his face.


You started shaking slowly, building up the energy needed to let your emotions free. "(Y/N)?" Naruto asked, wondering if he had pushed you too far by accident.


Tears started streaming down your face, you shook more violently. You hit the floor but the pain didn't register. "You don't understand!!!" you yelled at them. "I put up with this day after wretched day, You push me too far all of you!!! I'M SICK OF ALL OF YOU, YOU HAVE TO ALWAYS HURT ME, I JUST NEED FOR ONE DAY NOT TO GO THROUGH ALL OF THIS"


You starting coughing, each cough raking into your ribs and tearing at your throat. Your asthma again. Sasuke stood up and pushed through the group of people that had caused this outburst. He rifled through your bag, finding your asthma reliever and uncapping it, he rubbed your back and when you coughed next pushed the reliever into your mouth, when he felt you breathe in he administered the medicine. He repeated a few times and then stopped, recapping it and placing it aside. He hugged you against him, still rubbing your back.


"You shouldn't have teased her so much, if you had looked you would have seen she was on the verge of snapping" Sasuke spoke to the others seriously.


"(Y/N) we're sorry" Ino and Sakura said to you, only because Sasuke was there, of course. "I'll treat you to ramen later! Dattebayo!" Naruto's way of apologising was nice, but you still couldn't speak yet, asthma made you lose your voice.


"Be careful next time, I don't want to lose you" Sasuke whispered in your ear. You went slightly red at this. You tried to speak. "You can't speak yet, don't waste your energy" Sasuke spoke to you but loudly, so the others could hear him.

The End

Pt 2


(F/c) = favourite colour
(Y/n) = your name
(H/c) = hair colour
(E/c) = eye colour


It was the final test, this test determined if you would pass the Ninja Academy and become a Genin. You had to pass, your mother would be so disappointed otherwise.


You had been training for a while now, perfecting your custom jutsu's and regular jutsu's. Sasuke had shown you his fire jutsu, but you couldn't quite control your chakra enough to control it, resulting in burns for you.


You woke up and dressed in a hurry, Your (f/c) shirt with your (f/c) shorts. You changed the bandages on your hands, the result of last night's training with Sasuke.


"(y/n)! A boy's here for you! Hurry up!" Your mother yelled up the stairs. 'A boy?' You thought to yourself. 'Why is a boy here?' "Coming!" You yelled down.


You to the top of the stairs and saw your mother talking to the person at the door. You went to walk down the stairs but your legs gave way, sending you crashing to the bottom. Your mother rushed over, helping you up. "Are you sure you won't collapse at school when in the test?" She asked worriedly. "I'll be fine mother..." Your voice trailed off when you looked at the door, It was Sasuke!


You stood up properly and stepped over to Sasuke. "Bye mum!" You called out, moving out the door. "Take care!" She yelled back.


Sasuke looked at you quickly as you shut the door. "Did you really just fall down a flight of stairs?" He asked. "My legs collapsed!" You sulked, crossing your arms and letting your (h/c) fringe fall over your (e/c) eyes.


"By the way... What was my mum talking to you about?" You asked, peeking through your fringe at him. "She asked my name and whereabouts I lived. Why?" Sasuke answered. "My mum can be a little... Strange. As in worse than me strange." You replied slowly. "I'll be careful then." He smirked. "Hey!" You replied, faking the annoyance.


Sakura moved out of her home ahead of you two. Sasuke and you ran behind her building as so not to have her interrupting the conversation you two were having. You emerged once she had safely run off, racing Ino.


"There's a shortcut through here, we can beat them if we go this way." Sasuke pointed you across the road. "I'll go the way I always go, Sakura and Ino will get mad if I arrive with you, save me a spot, though!" You replied to him. Walking down the road after the two of them, ending the conversation on that note. You could feel Sasuke watching you as you walked off, possibly to make sure that you didn't collapse again.


You arrived well after Sakura and Ino, you saw them sitting further back then they normally would. They glared at you as you entered. Sasuke glanced at you then glanced to the spot next to him. It was his way of inviting you to sit next to him. You walked up to Naruto. "Can I sit next to you and Sasuke?" You asked him politely. "Ok! Dattebayo!" He cried.


You smiled at him and then sat down, you then turned to Sasuke. "Thanks for saving me a spot, what did you say to make them so mad?" "I told them I was saving this spot for you." He answered you simply. "Thanks again, I appreciate this, why do you look so uncomfortable?" You asked. "Naruto was glaring at me then the person in the row in front of us" he stopped and glared at the back of the student in front of you. "Elbowed him into me." He finished. "And?" You pried further. "Our lips touched."


You started laughing. "Seriously?" You asked in-between bouts of laughter. "Calm down (y/n) you'll have an asthma attack." Sasuke looked at you as he said this, you could practically hear the fangirls' brains over-assuming things about you two.


Iruka-Sensei walked in and started speaking, he called students in pairs into the other room to make identical copies of each other in turn. (I know that isn't how it actually went but I felt like this.)


He called out Sasuke and you to go into the other room. You could see the jealousy emitting off the other female students, excepting Hinata.


He asked you to make a copy of Sasuke first. You placed your hands together and closed your eyes, picturing Sasuke. You focused on him and you could feel yourself slowly transforming into a copy of him. "Perfect!" Iruka-Sensei praised you, causing you to blush slightly.


He then asked for Sasuke to do the same but opposite. Sasuke pushed his hands together and focused his eyes on you, looking into your own eyes. You blushed a little more but held your gaze. He transformed into a perfect image of you. "That's slightly creepy..." You said, causing Sasuke to smirk once he had transformed back. Iruka handed you both your leaf village headbands with the words. "You pass with high marks, both of you!" You smiled "Arigato!" You thanked him.


Pt 3

 You both entered the room holding your new headbands. A gang of girls hurried over to Sasuke, all talking quickly. "Sasuke! You passed! I bet you got top marks!" "Sasuke, I hope we're in the same team!" "Sasuke! Sasuke! Will you sit with me at lunch?"

You sighed and turned to Hinata who had come up to you. "...Congratulations (y/n) I hope we'll be on the same squad." She said in her shy way. "Thanks Hinata, I hope we're on the same squad too!"

"D-do you want to sit with me for lunch?" She asked you. "Sure!" You replied happily. "I like hanging out with you!"
Hinata smiled at you shyly. "I've got to sit down now, but I'll see you at lunch!" You moved over to your seat, taking the long way to avoid the group of fangirls surrounding Sasuke.

Sasuke eventually made his way over. He sighed as he sat down. "Thanks for abandoning me." He said to you. Looking you in the eyes. You looked down and reddened slightly. "Sorry, Hinata and I were talking about having lunch together. Which one of us do you think got higher marks?" You asked him. "I think (y/n) got higher marks! Dattebayo!" Naruto yelled, looking at you.

"Well Sasuke obviously got higher marks, he is the best in the class!" Sakura and Ino intruded at the same time, then deathglared each other. "I think (y/n) will succeed! Dattebayo!" Naruto yelled out again. "We have to wait to find out." Sasuke said, ending the conversation.

(Y/n) sighed, naruto was crushed, he didn't pass. "I'm sorry Naruto! Cheer up!" You tried to say happily, sad that he had failed. "That's easy for you to say (y/n), you got top marks. Dattebayo..." Naruto sounded depressed when he said this.

"I can help you if you want... I know transformation Jutsu. I'll help you learn..." (Y/n) was trying to be nice to naruto, he was acting very sad. "No thanks (y/n) maybe later..." Naruto stepped off the swings and out of the park, leaving you staring after him. You heard footsteps approach behind you. "Are you in love with naruto?" Ino asked you, obviously hoping you'd say yes. "No, he's a close friend of mine though... I feel terrible that I couldn't help him train more." You sighed and turned around, looking her in the eyes. "I won't ask you the same question, it's obvious you're smitten with sasuke. But ask yourself this, does he return your feelings? Or is it one way love?" You walked

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