» Fantasy » The past Slayer, J.J Blake [romance novel chinese novels .txt] 📗

Book online «The past Slayer, J.J Blake [romance novel chinese novels .txt] 📗». Author J.J Blake

The Slayer

Being me is a full time job. From Slaying vampires to going to school. I do it all. How? I don't know. It's like a disese. Being me of course. But this does not spread from one person to another. This is what I'm thinking of when I'm slaying. Weird I know. It's not like I can trade this job for a normal one. Can I? Nope. I'm Genica Swanson. Past Slayer. Every Slayer has their own title to call their own. Mine is being the Past Slayer. Ouch. I just woke up and my mind is already racing. I drank the cups on the bedside table greedily. Slaying always left me that way.
I rubbed the back of my head where I found stiches. What happened? I can't remember how I got here. My clothes are on, so that's a good sign. I strode out of the old hut into an achingly fimilar cemtery. Why did I remember being the slayer and nothing else? Weird. I traced the lines of the stiches and sighed. Why can't I remember anything? At least I remember my name. An elderly man with a shovel stood facing a grave. I strode toward him carefully. I bet he's the caretaker.

He gave me a friendly glance. "Morning. How's your head?" He asked. "hurts like heck , but I'll survive. Who are you?" I asked. "Austin Glory. Who might you be?" He said. I instantly trusted this man. "Genica Swanson. Past slayer. How did I get here?" I told him. "I found you passed out by this grave." He waved with one toward the grave he was looking at. I read the headstone and gasped. It read 'Glory Swanson'. I was passed out by my old headstone? Double weird. "Family member?" He guessed. " in a past life." I told him the truth. He was taken back by my response. "Past life?! Wow that's why...." He trailed off. "What?" I asked hoping to jog my memory. "Nothing. Your motorcycle is over there by the tree." I looked and there was a sleek black motorcycle with my slayer symbol. With the delicate lines and traces, I have no doubt that this is mine. I touched my bike softly as energy flooded into my whole body. So this the bike I used to get here. One mystery solved, sevrall more presented. "Thanks for everything. May the vampires have mercy on you." I gave a casual salute and swung onto my bike. I gunned the engine and sped out of the cemetery. Had I faced a vampire last night? Yes I think I did. I probed my memories as if it were an aching tooth. A ten year old girl that looked like me flashed through my memories. My sister. My little sister, Penn Swanson. What had happened???

a choice is to be made

I turned onto the exit to get to the nearest town. A billboard caught my attention. A picture of me smiling with the words 'Have you seen this girl?' written in bold below. Oh my god. I was missing. At least to my parents and family. I thought for a quick second of my choices. I could go back home and try to explain how I knew nothing of them or....I could go back to that town and find a place to stay for a while. I always kept a extra large wad of cash in the hidden pocket of my coat. I could find a job...hunt vampires...really live for once. Live the live I was meant to. I looked behind me and smiled. I popped a wheelie and did a u-turn. Taking me to where I desired most.

The quiet quaint little town is emmbeded deep in the forest. Just how I like it. I turned at every curve with an unwilled talent. It was sunset by the time I pulled up to the grave yard. Here is a couple things cool about being the Slayer. Emapthy and reading Auras. Right now I'm using Aura scanning powers to find that old man. I found his Aura standing with another. I popped the kickstand and for the first time noticed another bike. I didn't stop to admire it. "Austin? It's Genica. I need your help." I shouted. He apperead with another man double less his age. "Devin this is Genica. She is the Slayer." Austin said. I checked out Devin's Aura again. Blue again, but with tinges of red and black. Almost angelic like, but entirely human. I smiled and shook his hand. "It's Past Slayer really. Nice to meet you." I said. "You seem a little young to be a legend." He said. I was getting a strange emotion from him. Recongition. I think he's my guide. I narrowed my eyes, "Your not as badass as you think you are." I joked. He looked startled. "Just kidding. It's a knack I have as the Slayer. Reading emotions and seeing Auras. Handy for friends and enemies." I laughed. He laughed with me. "Genica what are you doing back here anyways?" Austin said. His Aura was faded and worn with age. Gold burned the edges. No wait....Austin is my guide. Only my guide's Aura matches even a little of my own. "Listen I know this might sound weird, but in each life I life I have a guide to show me the way of my destiny. Usually it's someone just a few years older than me. This time your my guide, Austin." I said. He thought for a second. "I think your right. When I saw you I knew that i've seen you before, you didn't answer my question though." He said. "I'm here to stay for a while. Get back on my feet." I said. "You can stay at the abandoned church. There is a gas station and store a few minutes east. The church has running water and a bedroom. Electricty is not included though. Take some candles form the hut." He told me. I nodded and hopped back onto my motorcycle. I gave a casual salute and drove away toward where I could see the long strecthed shadow of what I guessed is the church. I locked my bike to a tree and slid the keys into my back pocket. I slowly stepped forward to the door and pressed my hand to it. It didn't even budge. I rolled my eyes and looked up at an open window. Ah that's one way to get in. I crouched to the ground and jumped up into the cool air. I glided through the window landing silently on the floor.

training begins

I swung with everything I had in me. My sword clashed with Devin's own sword. I bent backward and pushed aganist the sword with my own. I murmered lines from a poem I once wrote. Monster.
The secert side of me. I never let you see.
I keep it caged,but I can't control it
So stay away from me. The beast is ugly.
I feel the rage and I just can't hold it.
It's scartchin on the walls, in the closet, in the halls
It comes awake and I can't control it.
Hiding under the bed, In my body in my head.
Why won't somebody come and save me from this, make it end?
I feel it deep within!
It's just beneath the skin!
I must confess that I feel like a monster!
It's hiding in the dark, It's teeth are razor sharp
There's no escape for me. It wants my soul it wants my heart.
I must confess that I feel like a Monster!

I suddenly feel empowered and strike against my oppenent. I strike his armor. He grunts and strikes aganist my chest cutting my stomach open. I grind my teeth and groan. Collasping to my knees. I swipe at my opponent's ankles. I make him stumble to the ground. I leap up and press my foot to his neck cutting off his air.
Go me.
5,000 for the Slayer. 0 : for the home team!

I step back.

Genica the past Slayer


Text: J.J Blake Skillet owns Monster lyrics
Publication Date: 05-29-2012

All Rights Reserved

to my family and friends who make me love what I do

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