» Fantasy » BLoodline Rising, A.J. Alvarado [read novel full .txt] 📗

Book online «BLoodline Rising, A.J. Alvarado [read novel full .txt] 📗». Author A.J. Alvarado

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The wind was blowing her hair around her face, the sun bouncing off her curves, her face was flawless and beautiful. She looked around, taking in her surroundings, the water in front of her glistened in the sun, the sand beneath her toes was still cool like the night that was quickly fading away. She was free at last.

Chapter 1
He sat perched in the shades of the palm trees, the sun was beating down on the day like a hammer to a nail. School was a sinch, the teachers didn't understand him, they didn't care for his pity excuses. He got up and trudged through the streets to his little home at the corner of the world. He trompped up the step of the porch and through the small wooden door into the living, he crossed the floor and down the hall to his room in the far back of the house and slammed the door closed.

He through his book bag against the wall and collapsed on the bed with a deep sigh. What a wonderful day it had been, or at least it was until his teacher gave him afterschool detention. The front door opened and slammed, the sound of his mother heading to the kitchen to make dinner for two echoed throughout the house. He listened intentally to the small sounds that lurked around the house, of plates clanking as his mother set the table, the food simmering on the stove, the shuffling of the cieling fan as it revolved over and over in the livingroom, it was peaceful.
The room was still, his breathing was steady, and his heart beat slowed down with every calming breath he took, when suddenly his mother broke the silence.
"David, dinner's ready!"
"Be right with you mama!"

David leaped from his bed with a groan. He trudged down the hallway, then took entered the last door on the left to the kitchen, on the table was a small bowl of nice mexican rice and a plate of homemade tortillas, carne con chili sat on the stove in the beat up pot his mom cherished. David took his plate from the table and served himself a nice helping of everything from each dish, then took his seat across from his mom.
"I got a call from your school today right before I got off of work," his mom said.
"Ugh! I can't believe they called you!"
"Well, who tells you to get introuble all the time, huh? Do you know how much your education is important in life, anyone would die to be in your position, and you don't care, you go and do what? Throw it all away!", she exclaimed from across the table.

If anything, he hated her lectures on how she wasn't as privleged to get an education, how he was careless and blah blah blah, how he should start picking up the pace and do something with his life. It's not like she could understand that he didn't ask for school and why should he care, it's not like the teachers liked him enough to even talk to him, offer tutoring, or anything.

David examined her face, taking in the wrinkles on her forhead that she only got when she was upset, the golden of her eyes, the shape of her mouth and the eyes, how her cheeks were always tinted with pink. She was a beautiful woman, aand when they went to stores, sometimes he would admire how the sun would bounce off her beautiful curves, David loved how beatiful his mom and how he came to look just as handsome.
"David!", his mother yelled, "Are you even paying atention to what I have to say to you?"
"like I was saying, when I was youn. . ."
David looked down at his plate and picked up his fork, he didn't was his food going cold. When his mother stopped lecturing, he didn't know, he wasn't paying enough attention. They ate in silence, when Dvid was done with his dinner, he helped clear the table then went to his room and pulled out one of his text books and cracked it open for once. When his mom went in the check up on him, she stood silently in the door frame smiling intently, transfixed watching David study. David didn't take in that his mother was standing there watching him until she left to do the house chores that didn't get done during the day, then do the paper work that due for work.
She worked as a full time nurse down at the local doctors office, barely making nine dollars an hour. She was hardly ever home and when she was, there was always something going wrong with David, she didn't leave her country and the throne for a slacker son, but it was hard not being able to tell him of his family history, of the royal family blood line he decended from, in just nine months, his cousin would be accepting the throne that was rightfully his, but he didn't know that. She thought to herself, My name is Ana Ricardo not Princess Sophia of Monterrey

. She closed her eyes and rubbed her temples, trying to get rid of the on coming headache.

David closed his door and changed into pajamas, throwing his dirty clothes into a corner of his room, then went and put his text book back into his back pack, he crossed the room to his bed and crawled under the sheets, it was too hot for a blanket. He closed his eyes and dreamed of nothing that night, it was oddly comforting not dreaming of anything horrific or confusing, that was all he thought he could dream about.

He woke up the next morning, rubbing crumbs away from the corner of his eyes, stretching with the rising sun, it was saturday morning and he felt refreshed and at ease. He climbed out of bed and hit the shower, letting the steam from the hot shower open his pores and clean them out, he stood under the hot water for twenty minutes, the feeling of the jet stream water relaxing his muscles. His mom had already left for work two hours earlier at six. He wrapped a towel around his waist and turned off the shower, then climbed out of the tub, he stood infront of the restroom mirror, brushed his teeth and combed his hair, then went to his room to get dressed in a comfortable pair of basketball shorts and a white athletic shirt, he slipped his feet into his Jordins and grabbed his basketball from his closet and headed out for the courts.

When he got to the basketball court at the recreation center, he looked around for an empty hoop and found one near the back of the property, he dribbled the ball, dunking the ball in the net ocassionally. He spent the moring thinking about school, then about his mom, he thought about the father he never knew. His life was more complicated then he knew, but he did know that his mom was hiding something, something she didn't intend to tell him, she never spoke about her mom and dad, or where she came from, his name is David Ricardo, he goes to Bermont Middle School, he's the slacker eighth grader, he doesn't have any friends, his mom's name is Ana Ricardo, and his life is a labyrinth, and he didn't know how to get out.

Ana had just finished giving a check-up to an eith year old, and she had a half hour lunch break, she sat in the empty breakroom taking in the silence, thinking about David and how she kept everything from him. She made a decision that that night she would sit David done in the livingroom and tell him everything, she wasn't sure how he was gonna take the news about his past and his bloodline, would he get mad and upset? Cheerful? She had no way of telling anything.
Time passed by slowly, David felt like he wasn't moving fast like he usually does.

It was noon and his mom should be getting off in a few hours, David ran home and unlocked the door, jogging into the livingroom. He looked around the room for anything that he could pick up, when he was done with the livingroom, he washed the glass he used that morning and the dishes his mom ised to make her lunch that morning. He moved steadily through each room, hoping that cleaning would speed up time.

When he finished cleaning up the house, he glanced at the clock, only to be dissapointed that only one hour went by, which meant that he had five hours to kill. He grabbed the laptop and logged onto his account. He wasn't sure what he was gonna do, he didn't have an account for any social sites, he didn't have an email. He googled different names and places, clicking on random links, not bothering to read any of the articles. David eventually got tired and his head hurt from staring at the screen for too long, he turned off the laptop and crossed his room to his desk, he picked up his ipod and turned on some Nirvana, when he heard a sudden clash in the livingroom. He ripped out his ear plugs and ran into the livingroom.

A very old looking man stood in the door way, he wore a purple and black robe and looked very clean cut. The door was underneath his feet, when David walked into the room, the old man looked up and frowned in dissapointment.
"Who are you?", David yelled at the old man, reaching for the phone, ready to call the cops.
"I am king of Sicily."
David gaped for a moment, not entirely sure what to do for a few seconds.
"What do you want here?"
"I am looking for the Princess Sophia."
"Well, there isn't any Sophia here, so if you could just leave now, and maybe put the door back to where it was, that would be great."

David started to lead the old man out the door by the elbow, David thought to himself, what a nutty bat! The old man grabbed David by the collar and tossed him to the side.
"How dare you grab King David Ricardo of Monterrey!"
David stopped in his tracks of getting up, King David Ricardo.

Chapter 2
David stood in his tracks for a long time, didn't know what to say, did his mom know? If she did why did she say anything? This couldn't be happening.
"Co- come in."
The king stepped into the livingroom taking in the small dense area, the dust motes that circled in the air on seen when it was in the sunlight, the table that cracking and the matching chairs,the place was a dump, why did he come here? A princess couldn't have come and lived here, could she? Of course not! Why in good heavens would she, when she could live in a palace? This was absurd.

Ana had just gotten off of work and was rounding the corner whenimmediately, she saw the kicked in doorway, she zoomed into the driveway, cutting off the ignition quickly, trying to get to the house and check on her baby, but when she walked in, she didn't excpect to see dad.
She walked in the doorway and look at him with shocked eyes, anger quickly replaced the surprise and she turned red, the king knew then that was his daughter, for only she turned

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