» Fantasy » Summer Fun, Reyna Wells [red white and royal blue hardcover TXT] 📗

Book online «Summer Fun, Reyna Wells [red white and royal blue hardcover TXT] 📗». Author Reyna Wells

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The Summer That Changed Her Life

It was a bright sunny day, I was hoping to sleep in today but the noise downstairs, wouldn’t let me stay asleep. I dragged myself out of bed, once I get into the kitchen, I see my sister arguing which is the reason why I’m awake. “HEY!! You two! Can’t you be quiet! I was trying to sleep earlier til certain people woke me up.” “Well you should keep your door shut more than sister.” She sticks her tongue out at me. “Watch it! The creeper will come get you in the night for messing with your older sister.” She grabs her twin and they both run upstairs, they shut their door, letting us know they got the drift. “Daughter, you shouldn’t do that to them.” “But mom...they need to learn that I want to sleep in at times. You should know that better than anything else. You were a teenager once.” She continue her cooking, acting like she doesn't hear me so she can finish. “Mom, I know you can hear me.” “Daughter, you should respect your younger sister more, they look up to you. They don’t need to remember being so rude to them.” “Fine! I’m getting dressed and going down the beach for most of the day, send a text when lunch is ready or I can take something myself with me.”

I run back upstairs to change and get the things I need for going down at the beach. I think to myself...why can’t she understand that it’s summer and that I want to sleep in some mornings but you know what, I will go down there and I might take a nap for once while down there. This may turn out to be a good day for once this summer. I had grabbed my stuff and ran back downstairs. “MOM!! Do you have anything you will let me take with me to the beach?” “NO! You can come back up to the house to eat then go back down so I will text you when it’s time for lunch.

I head out while thinking...just great. She doesn’t trust me enough to do anything I ask of her. When will she ever let me do things I want?

I found the place that I always sit when I come down here. It was in a lawn chair, almost. I changed it up so it would be able to suit the needs I was needing. Well, I sat down and the first thing I always do before it got to hot, read a book. Call me crazy but I think it’s a good way to pass time so I can swim when it gets, you know, that hot part of the day. Well, today that didn’t take long so I didn’t have much time to read, really. I slapped on sunscreen and dashed out to the ocean for a quick and rather long swim.

It tired after about an hour and half, thinking I should get out and take a time to rest before swimming anymore. Plus, I will need to put on more sunscreen as well. I was getting ready to put on more sunscreen when I heard some voices headed this way but couldn’t tell from where it was coming from. I was about ready to get up and go in when one of the voices was right next to me. Good thing I couldn’t see the face at the moment, I had an umbrella on the chair, I fixed up just for me. I was about ready to say something to the guy when he beat me to it. “So how long do you plan to be down here today?” “Does it matter if I was down here long. Don’t you have some other people that you can bother right now?” “Yes, I do but I wanted to see why a girl like you would be down here, at this time of day.” “I’m down here, so I can get away from my family for a while. You can run along now before I go ahead and head home, early.” “Maybe. I will go but you should come back later today though.” “What makes you think I will do that, just for you?” “Well, me and my buddies are wanting to talk and hang out with you, but, you are wanting to head home early so it can’t happen then, huh?” I’m thinking to myself...why does he keep bothering me when I’m obviously trying to hint that I just want him to go away. Ugh! This is why I don’t interact with boys, they think they can put the moves any old girls and think that they can just fall over them. Not me! “So, you leaving or staying?” “I’m staying but you know, you could, go and hang out with your buddies so I can get back to my book I was reading.” “Fine. See ya around, maybe.”

He finally went away but oh wait! Here comes one of his buddies now. Great! “So, I hear you go some issues with my friend, why?” “I don’t like being bother and look, your doing it as well. Why can’t you boys just leave me alone so I can enjoy my day without ya’ll ruining it.” He kneels down so he can see who’s under the umbrella. “So, you're the mystery umbrella girl.” “What’s that got to do with anything?” “You should just come hang out with us or I can sit here and we can continue talking.” “Why would you do that when your buddies are waiting on you, obviously.” “Look, my friend shouldn’t have said whatever he said but I’m not like him. Your interesting and I want to get to this girl that is so mysteries.” He gives me a smile that warms a girls heart. He actually made my heart start beating fast. I never knew a guy could this short of thing to me.

I hesitate to say anything because I’m not sure how things will go so I do what I think is best. “Umm...sure as long as your friends don’t come over here. I don’t like one of them and I’m pretty sure you know which one I mean.” “Yes, I do. I won’t let me so I can have you all to myself.” I started to think to myself about what he just said...did he just say he wanted me all to myself? OMG!! This can’t be happening!! I wish this would have happened when I was in my home town and not in this place. It won’t be much longer til I have to leave, go back home, so I will be there when school starts. I just wish this had happened sooner. “So, what do you like to do here for fun?” “There are many things. Will you be back down here tomorrow?” “Yes, I will be back down.” “Make sure you dress for going around places.” “Alright, I will do that.” We spent the rest of the day talking and everything. The one bad thing about it is, I forgot mom texted me for lunch so I didn’t eat lunch and I still haven’t had dinner either.”Hey! Would you want to go get dinner since you haven’t eaten and I haven’t either?” I start to think to myself...I don’t know if I should or not. He’s a really nice guy and everything but what would my mom say if I told her all of a sudden that, I was going to eat dinner with a guy that I barely met. I think I should, it would give me a chance to see what kind of guy he really is. “Sure, let me tell my mom first. Unless you want to come with me and see what I have to deal with?” “Nah! I will just wait here for you. Is that alright?” “Sure, I’ll be right back.” “Oh, hey! Are you going to change or what? You look like that if you want to put some sort of pants on if you like.” I blush right off the bat. “Yeah, I will put some sort of cover up on.” I run the house to tell my mom, would have texted her but then again, I wanted to see what he would if he had to wait on me.

I came back shortly. “Hey! I’m ready!” “Great! Also, you look great in your shorts with your bikini top on.” “Thanks! Is this alright to walk around town in, though?” “Yeah, it’s fine. Everyone walks around like that, some girls show more than others though.” “Wow! I knew most girls were like that but to go that far though.” “Yeah, I don’t like girls like that. I like, well...girls like you. Ones that don’t try to dress to impress.” I start to think to myself...did he really just say that to my FACE!! I really am starting to like this guy. I wonder what would happen if I asked him if he liked me? I don’t think it would hurt to ask but what if he said no, what would I do then?! I think I will stay quiet about asking for now. “Is that a good thing?” “In my opinion it is. So, where would you like to eat?” “I don’t know this place so you can pick. That is if I can trust you not to poison me in the end.” I could help laughing after I said that. “I promise I won’t poison you. That is if you act like a good girl and come with me quietly.” We both bursted out laughing. It felt great being able to be like this with someone other than my friend back home.

We had finishing at this nice little restaurant. I would totally go back, well, if I have time before I have to go soon. I start to think while he’s walking back to where my house is...I can’t ask since I won’t be here much longer. I guess the only thing I can do is, just find some time to hang out again and if something should happen, then it happens. I hope nothing does because it would be murder to have to leave, knowing he likes me and he possibly wouldn’t ever see me again. Once we reach my house, we stood there in complete silence. “Well, thank you again for taking me out tonight. I had a lot of fun.” “I’m glad I could. Have nice night now.” I smile...I totally wish he would kiss me now. I want him to kiss me. I want to know if it means anything. Please, please, please...let him kiss me!! He tucks a hair behind my ear and cups my face. As he leans closer, my heart starts to beat fast and faster. Finally, our lips touched. It was like sparks were flying, but that left me with dread now. I moved away and smiled at him. “Goodnight, see you tomorrow.” “Goodnight, have sweet dreams. See you tomorrow.” I walked inside and went straight to my room. I didn’t stop to talk or anything, I wanted to be alone to think things through. I started to think while sitting on my bed... I really like him but it won’t be long til’ I have to go back home for school. I’m going to tell him tomorrow if it’s the last thing I do. I will be honest with him, that’s a good way to start out a friendship so they know, you will be honest while in a relationship. What was going to happen now? He was everything I could wish for but…it just can’t be meant to be.



It was time for the big day to come. We had packed everything up and had loaded

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