» Fantasy » Blue Moon, Jessica Maynard [ebook reader .txt] 📗

Book online «Blue Moon, Jessica Maynard [ebook reader .txt] 📗». Author Jessica Maynard

Here is the first look at blue moon

My father is driving me and my little sister to our mothers house. We havent seen our mother in 5 years. Her house is in this very weird and creepy town by the name of Moonlight Shores. "Why does mother have to love in this old creepy town?" asked my litter sister(her name is Hanna Fay and she is ten years old). She was staring mad at our father from the back seat.

"Becasue she was of course kicked out of her old town called Winter Shores and know she lives in this nice quiet town." said my dad moving his right hand off the stearing wheel and put it through his red hair. "I think it's fine" I said which of course was a lie but I saw a smile appeared on his face so I smiled back. My sister knew that I was lying but our dad does not which I know that it is very every wrong to lie to your parents but i didn't want him to be said. We cam up to her very big but very old cabin with brown windows and window frames, the color of the cabin is a dark red velvet color. I opend the car door when my dad stoped the car. "Well I like the color." I said with a kind smile, my dad looed at me and he game me a gentle smile back.

 I went to the back of the car and opend the trunk. The only things i packed was of course my cloathing, books, laptop, poster of James Lunar(he is a tall slim black man with dreamy brown eyes and he also has blond hair.)and my favorite shoulder bag.I grabed my laptop an shoulder bag while  my dad grabed my suitecase and my books. "Come on Hanna get your stuff or your grounded" said dad staring right at Hanna."Fine!" yelled Hanna grabing her stuff and rambed down the trunck of the car. "Hana stop making so much noise." said my dad getting mader and mader. "Please stop this Hanna please just listen to dad" I said just trying to make sure that Hanna and dad dont fight. "Hmhp" said Hanna running up the stairs  and runs into tge cabin. "She really needs to lurn how to listen to her father" said my dad holding open the door for me." Thank you dad" I said with a sweet smile and walked in.

"Wow it is so amazing in here." I said looking around. "Hi Lilly my dear it was a long tome since I seen you." said Luna ,y mother who was staning in the doorway of what looks like a Kitchen. " Hey mom, did you see Hanna?" I asked just to see if they did seen each other. "Yes, but she didn't seem to happy to see me." hearing my mother say taht made me upset, I was happy to see my mother I don't understand why Hanna wasn't. My dad came in an he set my books down near the very old bookshelf. "Can I put some books on to your bookshelf?" I asked my mother and she noded her head alowing me to put my books onto her bookshelf.

I walked to the stairs and i saw Hanna looking like she wanted to kill someone with the face exprection she had. "I said I didn.t want to come here I want to go back home." said Hanna fake crying, (I can tell if she is really crying and fake crying and right know her face is not red and her eyes arent dripping water down her face. "Please understand tat mom had to leave us gor a very good reason" I said hoping that Hanna would understand but just the looking she was giving me  is a very angry lool that she would never understand why mom left us. "I will never forgive her for leaving us no mater the reason was."

I sighed and walked paced her and went down the hall which had vey old pictures of people i never seen before. The halway was a dark red color like the outside of the cabin. I found a room that I really liked it was a ice blue room with white curtins and bed. In the corner of the room is a very old closet that was also white. 

Ch2 Boys will be boys

 this is just a little bit of ch2


  I woke up to my very annoying alarm clock that was already in my room. I moved my hand over the alarm clock to turn it off.(I set the alarm to go off at 5:00 so i can take a nice bath and eat something before school starts.

        I got off my bed and grabbed my pink T-shirt and a pair of my blue jeans, and then i walked into the bathroom (don’t worry i turned on the light) I set my clothes and I took my old clothes off and turned on the bathtub,(My mother does not have a shower just a bathtub and one bathroom.)

I finished my bath in just five minutes and i wrapped a   towel around me so I won’t get the floor soak and wet. I went in front of the mirror and blowed dried my hair. “Hurry up” said Hannah tapping on the bathroom door, I sighed and put on my clothes. I opened the bathroom door and walked past my sister back into my room so that i can grab my shoulderbag where I have a pen’s,notebook's, and pencils for my first day in my new school.

I went downstairs to see that my mom was making some waffles, I looked by the front door and I saw my dad


Publication Date: 12-15-2014

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