» Fantasy » M.A.G.I.C., Katherine Richardson [best ereader for pdf TXT] 📗

Book online «M.A.G.I.C., Katherine Richardson [best ereader for pdf TXT] 📗». Author Katherine Richardson

In a world long forgotten powers beyond compare ruled this earth. Magic flowed through the very core of the earth bringing with it those few who could control it. But those few who could actually wield it were fewer still. This power was and still is a very powerful source and very dangerous. Anyone who tried to wield this power was doomed to live a life of sadness and pain. This power could corrupt even the most powerful and the purest of heart and turn them evil. Those who can control the magic have been inbred and trained vigorously to withstand the pain that came with the use of this magic. A magic user was one with the earth and felt the pain that the earth felt. Most mages were males. Legends say that there was never a female mage because they were too weak and petite to handle the pain. Now a female mage has been born and is proving to possibly be stronger than most male mages.
Akia heaved a sigh as she rose to her feet her anger rising. Her anger formed a shield around her to protect her from the powers swirling in the air. She felt the magic of the earth rising to aid her but she fought that power with all of her being. She didn’t want that power to consume her like it always did when she used it. The urge grew more powerful as the man standing before her began to draw on his power. She took a deep breath and drew on the rising power. She didn’t say a word just raised her hand and pointed at her opponent before flicking her fingers. Fire erupted across the ground turning the sand into glass and spreading up across the guy’s legs. He let out a little squeak before ice rippled across the ground putting out her fire. She growled but it was more animalistic then human. She knew she should suppress the power before it got out of control. The problem was now that she had dipped into her reserve pool she couldn’t stop the flow of magic that flowed through her. She fought the beast telling herself that this was only training and that she should hold herself back but the mindless rage of the beast blotted out all of those thoughts. Rage fueled her and she knew this was what the trainers wanted. Suddenly darkness blotted my vision and I knew they were trying to but a sleeping spell on me to suppress my magic. They knew the stakes if they didn’t stop the beast quickly. I could easily kill people in the blink of an eye. I weakened my resolve and let the spell take me. The last thing I remember was my body falling toward the ground but I didn’t feel the contact with the hot sand beneath my bare feet.
I awoke my body weak and sore but I felt like myself again. I sat up and pushed my hair from my face with a groan as my body protested to the movement. I ignored my body knowing it was just the after effects of the spell. “Ah it is good to see you awake and back to normal Akia,” a quiet male voice said and she spun around and smiled at her mentor who was leaning on the wall. “I am sorry about the fire earlier but you know I can’t control those powers,” she said as she looked down at her hands in shame. “I know but it was my fault I shouldn’t have made you so mad back there,” he said as he pushed himself off the wall. He walked over to her a slight limp in both legs. “Damien you’re limping. I hurt you more than you put on,” Akia said as she rose to her feet her muscles stretching and groaning in pain. “Akia don’t worry about me I will be okay. The healers gave me some salve and said it should be healed in a few days. Your magic is strong and only the caster can heal these wounds. That would mean you have to tap into your magic and be close to the monster as you so call it,” he said as he sat down on the bed. Akia sank back down and closed her eyes taking a deep calming breath. “I will do it for you Damien,” she said as she looked at him. “I know you would but I don’t want you to hurt yourself,” Damien said as he placed a hand over hers to stop the shaking. “No I owe it to you after what I did,” she said as she withdrew her hand from under his. “You don’t owe me anything after how I treated you in the arena,” he said softly as he turned the full effect of his eyes on her. “No I will do it. It will help me learn to control the beast,” she said as she shifted so she was sitting on her feet and placed her hands on either side of his face. “Akia no,” Damien said but it was too late. He felt her draw the magic to her and let it flow through to heal his burns. First he felt the burning feeling leave them then a tingling feeling as they slowly healed. He had never been healed before since he had never received any damage in the ring.
The thing about Damien and Akia was that they had been best friends since they were able to walk and talk. They were inseparable and their parents even said that the two were to be married when they turn eighteen. That was before they found out that Damien was born a mage with a strong earth connection. Akia from then on grew up a solitary life by herself. She never made any more friends until they found out that she too was born a mage of great power. The first female mage to be born in recorded history. She didn’t have a strong single element connection she could control all elements: Fire, Air, Water, Earth, Ice, and spirit equally. No one in recorded history could control all the elements. But with those abilities came a heavy price to pay. When she used her powers a beast raised its head and tried and most of the time succeeded in taking control of her conscious mind. The only way that they could control her or to get her back under control was to put her to sleep.
After a few moments Damien realized that he had been recalling his childhood that he knew about Akia. That she had finished healing and that she was sound asleep with her head on his shoulder. He smiled down at her and stroked his hands through her long waist length rainbow colored hair. Her hair had been beautiful ebony black before her powers had been awakened. Now with her powers fully awakened her hair was streaked with red for fire, white for ice, blue for water, green for earth, purple for spirituality, and yellow for wind. He couldn’t help but smile at her as he shifted her gently and laid her out across the bed. He stood up and pulled her legs out from under her and pulled a small blanket over her small lithe body. How he had missed her and her unlimited love. He stroked her hair from her face and cupped her cheek in his hand. Her eyelids fluttered open and she smiled up at him. “Do you … feel better?” she asked weakly and she smiled at him. “A lot better,” he said softly as he leaned down and kissed her forehead before standing up straight and tall. “That’s … good,” she said weakly as she tried to sit up. “You need to rest. I will be back to check up on you later,” Damien said as he leaned down and kissed her forehead again before walking out of the door and closing it tightly behind him.
Damien stretched his arms above his head as he walked down the hall feeling more and more light and care-free then he had in years. It must have been feeling her magic flowing through him. It had been so heady that he had forgotten where he had been for a few moments. Now he was back in the real world and he knew what he would have to do. He would have to talk to the council and explain the situation and the fact that she could heal him without the beast taking over. The council had planned to see if she could heal no problem and it didn’t seem that the beast would or could take over her. Damien shook his head. He hated lying to her but the council could easily have him stripped of his power and killed. He would lose his life before he even got to propose to Akia when the time was right. He didn’t know how she felt on this whole situation but he loved her and would gladly die to protect her. The fire had been unexpected but he knew she was still learning. He hoped that with time and plenty of practice she would be able to take control of the beast that came with her magic. Damien heaved a sigh the thoughts killing his high he got from the magic. He heaved a sigh and closed his eyes continuing to walk down the familiar paths and halls of the


Publication Date: 08-24-2011

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