» Fantasy » The Pack Book 3, Coollps1234r5678 [interesting novels in english txt] 📗

Book online «The Pack Book 3, Coollps1234r5678 [interesting novels in english txt] 📗». Author Coollps1234r5678


Chapter 1

"I DON"T CARE!!! GRADMA CORIE! I DON'T!!!"Lulu yelled.

"But, you need to understand what had happened when I was your age. I am 71 now... but I still remeber, and also I am not crazy."Corie said.

"Still it is the summer and I don't want to learn any more history Grandma Corie. I been in school for a year and a half... I'm tired of learning!"Lulu said.

"Well I don't want to pop your own bubble so now leave me. You are not happy what I was going to tell you. Now go."Corie said.

Now Lulu was happyer but sorry also. Her Grandma been takeing good care of her and now she yells at her?! Lulu didn't care about any thing. All Lulu cares about is her.

Chapter 2

Lulu started to walk in the woods later on in that day. Soon she started to hear food steps in the leafs.

"Whos ther?"Lulu asked.

"I'm Zake and a vampire. I thnk you are cuter then blood."Zake said.

"Thanks, but let me see you. I want to see how you look like." Lulu said.

Soon Lulu saw a drop dead, husame man. Lulu thought that he could be her boy friend.

"What is your name girl?" Zake asked.


"Can you be my girl friend?"Zake asked.


Chapter 3

Lulu was so happy that she kissed Zake and ran all the way home.

Chapter 4

Lulu was gone, Zake went home.

"Father I found a girl werewolf. She told me how she only cares about herself. So she will be the one who will..."Zake did not get to finish his senctence.

"DON' SAY THE WORD!!! She could of follwed you here! And plus if she finds out... We all will be in trouble."Jonh or Zakes father said.

"Oh yea I forgot. Also, I need to act like I'm her B-friend (Boy Friend). YUCK! Why in the dead world of vampires will I date a WW (Werewolf)?"Zake asked and said.

"Because you can trap the WW with the sleep dust. And bring the WW to me so we can... you know have a party for the WW."John said.

"So when do you want me to got the WW, father?"Zake asked.

"Before the day with out the moon. Which is two weeks later."Jonh said.

"I will do it before then."Zake answered.

Chapter 5

It had passed one week before ZAke was ready to do it. Lulu got his letter to meet him back in the woods.

"Grandma Corie I am going to see my boy friens Zake!"Lulu Said.

"What is he?"Corie asked.

"Why should I tell you old rag?"Lulu asked.

"What did you call? And I am asking you to tell me because i want to keep you save."Corie said.

"A old rag and I WILL NOT TELL YOU!!!! You may just tell him that I can not see him or I hatew him now leave me alone!"

Lulu ran out of the house as fast as she could into the woods. Soon she found Zake when Lulu ran to Zake, Zake Pulled out the shot and gave it to he and soon Lulu fell into a great sleep.

Corie was looking out the window mad at the vampire and telling her self that it was not her it was Lulu. Corie said that because vampires know how and who to get for the... BLOOD OF THE WEREWOLF. If the werewolf was only caring about them self and was a black one also 16 they will be it.

Chapter 6

Soon, Lulu woke up soon saw vampiers all over the place dancind and claping also drinking blood.

"Where am I?"Lulu asked.
"You are at the Vampier Fast."said another were wolf.
"Who are you and why are here with me with like 1,000 other werewolves?"
"I am Sam and we are here because the vampier saw that we were it. Also we are here because every 50 years vampires need blood from werewolves, they can not take werewolves over or under 16 years old and they also need to be ungreatful."
"But I am grantful."
"No you are not you call your Grandma an old rag, never happy what you get, want everything to you self, and you just want to do what you want to do."
"How do you know that and why can't we escape with our werewolf powers and why are we in werewolf form?"
"Well when the vampire meets the werewolf the werewolf kisses them and it leaves a tape recordered and the lips and what it does it takes in what ever you say. We cannot use out powers bcause when the vampire give you a shot it kills your power and your human form."
"Oh. What are they going to do to us?"
"What they are going to do is drink our blood and eat our flesh."

But before Lulu could ask another question ZAck and Jonh went up to the stage and said

"welcome vamps! Let the feast being! We will start with the most selfish werewolves. If we call your werewolf's name you can do the honnor! MayMay!"

Soon a female vampier came and took here werewolf and then went to show the new vampires how to do it. Firs tthe vamp bit the werewolf and ate it. SOon alll the werewolves were dead.


(If you have any more things you want me to write about write it down on the last, last or next page.)


Publication Date: 05-08-2011

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