» Fantasy » Under Cover, K.M.Brown [year 2 reading books txt] 📗

Book online «Under Cover, K.M.Brown [year 2 reading books txt] 📗». Author K.M.Brown

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Chapter 1 Sweet Dreams

Black.Black all around everything.Grass like a ghost. luminous green.
Almost the same color of my eyes.The grass surrounded a house,not six steps
in-front of me.A shack really.Holes so abundant,that wind went right through
it.As if it wasn't there.Leaves were blown through the house.But where did
they come from??There are no trees here,but none the less the leaves blew on.
Sticking in my hair.I should get on the porch,to get out of these leaves.
One step.
The grasses ghostly glow grew brighter but the color dimmed.Like a
light bulb losing power.The wind blew faster,throwing my raven black hair
like a whip.Goosebumps broke out over my skin.
Another step.
The wind screams through the cracks in the house.It feels like a physical
force,actually trying to push me away from the creaky old house.I stood
my ground.The grass once again grew brighter,nearly hurting my eyes.
Yet again the grass's color diminished.Becoming a sickly greenish-yellow.
Maybe the wind was pushing away the grass's color, I thought silently to myself.
One step.
Leaves fly around my body in a cilender fashion.Blocking my view of the
house.I cover my head up immediantly ,for I can already feel the scratches they
mark me with.One comes through my arm's guard,and slices one long,thin,
alarmingly deep scratch,beginning around left eye and ending behind my ear.
I see through a gap in the leaves.The grass is actually a bright brown color,like
caramel,but it's ever ghostly glow has enhanced itself.I almost can't look at it.
The gaps gone.
I stubble forward.
Because with the strength it took not to stumble back from the wind,
now propelled me forward.There was no wind.The leaves crumple around
me. Becoming sickly little mounds in the dark brown grass that I only
get a glimpse of because my eyes start watering at the glow.It's like trying
to look at the sun.My heart now beats as fast a bird.It alarmingly loud. I'm afraid
it might burst.I can feel it bumping against my chest plate.Trying to free itself.
I can't see it ,but I feel the sooty ashes of the dead leaves crawl it's way up my
body.The whisperings have begone."Rachelle" "rachella" Some louder than the
others.they don't speak at the same time so it's hard to pick up what they are
saying.Easy to ignore.My heart increases it's speed at the sound of them.I
close my eyes. Hoping they will go away.Unlikely.The ashes have crawled
it's way on my chest, wrapping around my neck.It feels like a hand , gently
stroking my neck.As if trying to comfort me.I shake my head,Trying to
rid myself of it.The ashes make their way up my neck and to my nose.Down
they go.Filling my lungs with ash,and soot.I"m choking. I try to cough
them out.My mind going crazy,and then my vision starts going gray.
One step.
The wind hits hard.Like it's trying to blow me away.The whispers turn
to blood curdling screams.It's easy to understand them now,when they
talk at the same time. "GO BACK!!NOWWWW!!!!PLEASE
One step.
The winds gone.The screaming's gone.The grass is black where my
feet have been.Making a trail from where I came.The rest of it is gray.
There was no bright aura emitting from the grass now.The constantly bright
sky,is turning dark.Like a moonless night,where only the bravest stars dared
to show.There was nothing around ,but grass and this house.And that
screaming!I can't go back even if I wanted to.There is no where to go.
I turned toward the house.Warmth coursed through my body.I reached
my hand for the door knob.i felt my hair being push behind my ear,
and then the words whispered,"Close your eyes, little girl."
I turned the knob,and closed my eyes.

Chapter 2 Bordering Reality

And it seemed like hell itself came through the door.The sound
of blood-turning screams made me want to scratch out my ears.I heard twisted
metal,like fingernails on a chalk bored.Motion sickness overcame my body
like when a roller coaster goes in loops.I was being flipped over,and over
and over.Glass shattered and I felt it enter my body in random places.The sound
of fire burning through leather interior scares me.Heat warming my body,
when inside I feel so cold.The sound of leaves crunching under an enormous
weight,and burning to ashes,the feeling of soot,ashes,and smoke filling my
lungs.Me choking. Screams filled with agony.I was being flipped over
again,and trees came through the only unbroken window.Their sticky limbs
retracing the scratch on my face, making it deeper,wider in some spots.But
I did not scream,did not move.I clinched my teeth,and kept my eyes
closed.Who was screaming I don't know. Didn't want to know.Soon I
couldn't feel the warmth anymore,I didn't feel the glass in my skin,I
barely felt the water that pooled around me,could barely feel my studding
heart beat slowly.I still kept my eyes closed.Even though the screams
were gone, I felt things moving.I couldn't hear them ,but I felt them.I felt
like a car had landed on my chest. It was a pain to breath.
Footsteps approached me.I kept my eyes closed.It crouched down beside me.
I kept my eyes closed."Ohhh,god no." The whispering began again.There was
only one voice this time. " Rachelle." I kept my eyes closed.I felt something
on my arm,and realized it was a hand.From that hand emmented a sort of
warmth.I couldn't feel it on my skin,but more like on the inside.A spreading
warmth.I wanted to see who the hand belonged to.Where it came from,but I
couldn't open my eyes when I tried.The warmth was spreading from my
arm to my body.A slow tingly warm.It got warmer.Like going outside
the first day of summer in Mississippi.Warmer like being at the beach.Warmer
still.It was at the point of burning.Like staying in the sun to long.I started to
squirm. Trying to get away from the hand.Still it got hotter.Like turning the
shower knob all the way on hot and getting in.I rolled over and nearly
screamed as glass in my body dug deeper.I felt like I'd stuck my entire body
in a pot of frying grease. Dimly I was aware of little tinkling sounds around
me.I started thrashing.The pain was to much.I have to open my eyes.I was
being burned from the inside out.Slowly.Acid running through my veins.
I can't move anymore,and my throat felt like it was closed.I started crying.
What else am I supposed to do?
"OOHHH GOD!Please stop!Please don't cry.PLEASE!I'm only trying to help
you." Those words shocked my eyes open. Unclogged my throat.What I saw
scarred me almost to death.There was a man before me.A man covered in
blood.Most of it seemed to be his own,from the gashes and holes on his skin.
His own bright blue eyes opened very wide.Thick black eyelashes ,bright blond
hair,lightly tanned skin,built,but not grossly buff.That's not what I focused
on though.What I focused on was the blonde boys mouth.Not how sensuous
it was,but the two teeth that indented on his lower lip.I screamed once,and
blacked out.

Chapter 3 Aftermath

I woke up screaming.My head was pounding,and the scar on my
cheek burned tremendously. I barely remembered what I had dreamed.It was
about the wreck I'd had two years ago.It had been,and still is,the most
catastrophic wreck recorded in history.Doctors said,"The fact that you
lived at all,goes against everything we have learned.It's like you've broken
the laws of physics.Not to mention ,the only injury you received was that
on your cheek,and to your head." It'd taken the world's top three doctors
to make sure I survived,but they couldn't save my memory. I've forgotten
everything before the wreck,but my knowledge. I'd lost my family,didn't
really bother me much because I can't remember them period. Hoping to
jog my memory,a brain rehabilitation center put me through
twenty-thousand dollars of rehab for free,and some generous skin doctors
offered to help with the only scar from the acciendent. A swirling scar that
started from my left eye,and ended behind my ear.It hadn't worked,which
shocked my doctors."It's worked on everyone!"One nurse gasped.
Besides me,o well, both had been free. Most days I traced it with eye liner,
made for a wicked cool apperence. Before the wreck my clothes had been
goody-two-shoes,but that didn't look right with my face.How I didn't notice
this before,I don't know. Olive toned skin,egyption eyes that nearly glowed
emerald green,alotta people joked around that they glowed in the dark.A
very symmetrical face.My lips were very even.Full lower,full upper.Always
looked kinda puckered.Jet black hair that always done right.It could be
straight as a ruler,or in amazing curls.So those pretty pale pinks,the
baby blues,and wonderful periwinkle didn't work for me.More like
heavy eyeliner,not enough to look like a raccoon,random eyeshaddow,
bold eyelashes,anything red or red tinted for the lips,and my little eye
lingered scar.Match that with my awesome style,and you have Rachelle Cole.
Girl who lived against all odds.Girl who heartlessly didn't care about
the people she lost.The girl who declined living with her only remaining
family,aunt and uncle,because she didn't want to live with strangers.The girl
who still has nightmares about an accident she doesn't remember.The girl
who plays up an act with everyone.The girl who is still lost in her own act.

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