Β» Fantasy Β» Cherished, Shelly Gautreau [brene brown rising strong txt] πŸ“—

Book online Β«Cherished, Shelly Gautreau [brene brown rising strong txt] πŸ“—Β». Author Shelly Gautreau

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Muddy Situations

"I know sis, I know" Jean sighed into the phone. Her sister Kate had already called her twice already to make sure she was coming. Kate was Jean's little sister, although they didnt look anything alike. Kate had beautiful long straight blonde hair and sky blue eyes where Jean had long wavy red hair and emerald green eyes. Since Kate was the youngest she was of course their parents favorite able to do no wrong. Kate was their shining star always lighting up a room when she entered and she attended college where Jean turned down the opportunity to attend college to help their father in their parents store which she has done so for the past four years ever since their father had a slight heart attack. She was planning on going away for college but she over heard the doctors talking to her parents the day her father had his heart attack. The doctor warned that her father needed to slow down. Jean knew he wouldn't sell the family store, he was too proud and stubborn. Jean loved her father and made the decision that she would stay home and help her father although she told her parents it was because she just couldn't bare to leave home and was tired of school anyhow. She just didn 't want her parents to feel guilty and she knew her father would never except the help if he knew she over heard what the doctor said and wanted to stay for his benefit. Jean never even told Kate what she heard because Kate was very sensitive and Jean didn't think Kate could handle this kind of news so she kept it bundled up inside herself.

Three months after Jeans decision to stay home her boyfriend Jake of two years dumped her claiming long distance relationships didn't work and he was also kind enough to mention he was seeing someone he met in college. After hearing this Jean emersed herself in work. She was just starting to get over the fact of being dumped when her sister called her to tell her she was engaged and they were planning on getting married in just two months. Jean was happy for Kate until Kate brought her fiance home for dinner since mom insisted she bring him home for dinner to celebrate. When Kate showed up with her fiance Jean froze and stared at Jake her ex boyfriend which is now apparently her sisters fiance as they entered the house. Jean wanted to walk up to him and smash his face in but she refused the notion and instead she walked up to her sister and hugged her. Kate pulled back and looked at her sister..."I didn't know how to tell you..I..I was afraid you'd be angry". Jean forced a smile and replied blankly "Youre my sister how could I be mad? I only want you to be happy, and besides I never really loved Jake" Jean said as she looked over to Jake making sure he understood he didn't break her. She struggled to keep a smile on her face while inside she was full of hurt and anger and she knew it wasn't her imagination as Jake touched and kissed her sister while sneaking looks at her with a smug look on his face. She wanted to smash that look off his face for him but when she looked at her sister she was so happy that she couldn't ruin this for Kate.

While Jean was in the kitchen cleaning up Jake strolled in and snaked his arm around Jean's waist before she realized who even came in the kitchen. He pushed her into the sink cabinet with his body pinning her there as he whispered in her ear "now I can have you both.." Jean was horrified and tried to push him off her only managing to rub against his manhood making him moan in her neck "you always were easy and I know you wouldn't do anything to hurt your poor little sister" Jake murmured. He then tried leaning in to kiss her on her neck so Jean took a cup of water and splashed it in his face. "oops, I'm so sorry Jake it must of slipped" Jean mumbled thinking it would of been better smashing the glass on his head instead. Jake smirked, "oh come on Jean your soon going to be my sister in law, we should really get along". Jean slit her eyes and gave him a death stare then looked up to see Kate strolling in smiling then abruptly stopping in her tracks "Jake honey is everything alright?" Jean couldn't believe Kate would automatically worry more about Jake then her but then Kate always assumed Jean was invisible. "sure sweetie just scared Jean here and got a splash of water for it is all" Jake smoothly replied. Jean couldn't take anymore so she smiled and claimed she wasn't feeling well and headed up to her room. After she calmed down she headed back down stairs to find Kate left with Jake without saying goodbye. Her mother quick to defend Kate said Kate didn't want to disturb Jean since she wasn't feeling well. 

At the moment Jean was on a business trip trying to obtain new inventory to attact younger customers since business was slacking as of late. "I promise...I WILL be there!" Jean repeated in the phone. Kate was upset Jean had left not understanding why this trip couldn't wait and frustrated that her sister is taking longer than planned but Jean just had to get away! She had her reasons which didn't have anything to do with the business. "Look Kate, I'm on my way right now...ok?" there's a slight pause then "ok, I'll see you soon...bye" Jean sits the phone down takes a deep breath then grabs her bags and heads out. 

It had been raining for days. Jean hadn't given any thought to check the weather, now she wished she did. The main roads were closed forcing her to use the back roads which of course were just as flooded but added to that was the mud from the not so paved roads. She was at a stand still yet again and already wet and muddy from her last two episodes of getting stuck in the mud. She curses under her breath getting out once again and looking around for anything she can shove under the tires. Luckily since it was a back road there were plenty of branches here and there. She shoved the branches under her tires and gave it a little gas to no avail. She then sticks a leg out and tries rocking the car while applying the gas and turning the wheel but still no luck. She hits the steering wheel cursing yet again wondering to herself how she got into this predicament but knowing full well how. She just couldn't call her sister and admit she was right...she shouldn't of waited until the last minute to leave but then she couldn't stand being near that asshole Jake even though he was right about one thing....she couldn't hurt Kate. She knew she had to do something but she also knew Kate and Kate wouldn't listen. Kate always did what Kate wanted and never listened to reason so all Jean could do is stay away up unti the last moment. Jean rested her head on the steering wheel her head throbbing from the lack of sleep and struggling with the knowledge her sister is entering a shitty marriage. Jean finally decided to look for help since she was getting no where this way.





Dean was sitting in his parents cottage with his trusted companion a beautiful husky named Buck resting by his feet. He had just finished making himself something for lunch and was about to dive in when Buck raised up alerting him to a presence outside then sure enough there was a knock on the door so Dean reluctantly got up and opened the door. Standing before him was a red headed girl her hair was the color of rubies and it was plasterd to her head from the rain with ruby red strands stuck to her face. She looked up with emerald green eyes that looked full of fustration yet also determination. She just stood there for several minutes with her mouth slightly open just staring which Dean was accustomed to since one side of his face was covered with scars. "What do you want" he asks in a disgusted impatient voice.

Jean looked up, the guy that answered was huge! He had to be almost 7ft tall with dark brown almost black hair with saphire eyes. He was the most gorgeous man she had ever seen! Even the scars running down one side of his face did not take away the beauty of this man! She just stood there staring at him when he gruffly blurts out "What do you want?" which startles her into regaining her voice, "I..I...I was hoping you could call a tow truck for me, I got stuck in the mud" she forces out trying to regain herself. He just stands there staring at her as the rain is pelting down on her. Finally after waiting for awhlie she blurts out, "well?" She wasn't prepared for the firm "No" that he booms back at her. "Fine" she mumbles and she starts to walk off "MEN!" she spats out as she continues walking. "Wait!" he calls after her. Jean stops but doesn't turn around she wants to just keep going but she's tired and wet but she'd be damned if she has to deal with another asshole so she starts to walk again when she hears, "What are you doing out here?" he asks. Jean turns around to face him debating whether she should answer then she says, "I was trying to get through to Welchville". "What ever is in Welchville must be VERY important for you to risk this weather!" he booms then adds..."you wont find anyone else out here for miles and as for a tow truck...even if the phone lines and signals were working no tow truck would attempt these roads until the water level goes down."

 All of a sudden Jean felt cold and hopeless and the pounding in her head was getting worse. Her legs started to shake on their own accord. Next thing she was aware of is being swooped up in massive arms and being carried inside. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" she manages to scream. "I asked you several times if you were alright when you didn't answer I assumed there was a problem and took pity on you to being you out in this weather." He dryly states. "I...I...I" she stampers out yet unable to think straight. "I don't think I'm feeling too well" she then manages. Dean looks down at her he notices she's very cold and knows he needs to get her warm "do you have a change of clothes in your vehicle?" he asks her. "yes, yes I do

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