» Fantasy » THE CROWN AND THE FLAME, ROCHELLE PIETERSE [life changing books to read txt] 📗

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For Skyelar Thorksson, being the princess of Dragonstead, the smallest of five kingdoms, is not what she had in mind for herself instead all she wants is to experience life as a normal person.

With her raven black hair fluttering in the wind, she was standing in the courtyard like a true warrior, sword raised watching with amusement as Zayden comes to a halt a few feet away from her.

“Draw you sword. Or are you too worried I’ll bruise that pretty face of yours?” Skyelar asks in a playful tone.

Zayden smirks as he raises his practice sword, “Oh? So my face is pretty now?”

Skyelar rolled her eyes heavenward, “Typical, Zayden. You only hear what you want to hear.” Then it was her time to smirk. “Get ready for a beating.”

Zayden tilted his head, boasting, “You haven’t gotten the better of me in six years.” And with that he raised his sword. Skyelar saw that as opportunity and swung at Zayden hitting him in the side.

“Oof!!” was all he could mutter. Suddenly she started laughing so unexpectantly at him, as she stood grinning only a few feet away.

“You were saying?” she grinned.

“I’ll admit you’re getting stronger, but not strong enough to win.” Zayden lunged forward and ends up pressed against Skyelar, holding her with a grasp that lifted off the ground. Their faces only inches apart.

This will wipe the smile of his face, she decided then punched him.

“Urk! Hey… you fight dirty!” Zayden complained.

“What can I say? You taught me well,” she grinned back.

He smiled sheepishly, “So it’s a brawl, then?” Zayden dropped his sword and quickly grabs her arms, pinning her.

Smiling wholeheartedly and jested, “Nice try. But you’re still a step too slow…Princess.”

Skyelar twists out of his hold, while grunting through gritted teeth, “I’m just getting started.” She leaps forward tackling him to the ground.

Zayden whispered softly against her cheek, “Skyelar.” She was looking at him now as though for the first time and her heart skipped a beat. He was magnificent from head to toe or so she believed. Here she was laying on top of him, her hair covering his face like a frothy nimbus. His hair a shoulder length golden brown was spread out beneath his head like a halo. His green emerald eyes got her mesmerized like she’s under a witchy spell compelled to keep her immobilized not being able or wanting to move. Still through all this she could not begin to explain what she was feeling with her body pressed so closely against his. She could feel every muscle as it rippled without consent making her think she was about to lose her mind.

“Ahem” a loud voice coughed.

As if being pulled back to reality, Skyelar turned to see her bodyguard, Sir Luke hovering over them arms crossed over his chest. She sputtered something under her breath which none of the two heard, but Zayden groaned aloud, stating that he was not very happy about the intrusion.

On seeing Sir Luke’s expression on his flushed with rage face he sputtered “Sir Luke! I was just – “

Sir Luke cut him off firmly, “Leaving.” Zayden bowed to both with a heavy heart with thoughts of what ifs the entire trip back to the village for some supplies.

Sir Luke turned to Skyelar speaking more gently now, “My Lady, nobles from the four kingdoms will arrive shortly. The queen expects you to be there to greet them.”

Looking at Sir Luke clearly disappointed, she replied softly, “Of… of course.”


As Skyelar and Sir Luke was walking down the castle corridor there was a stoney silence between them. Carefully eyeing Sir Luke she tried to give an explanation for what he saw between her and Zayden.

“About what you saw back there,” she started softly to break the silence. “It was nothing.”

“Nothing?” Sir Luke enquired curiously. “It may not be my place to say it, but that boy loves you, Skyelar. More than anything in the five kingdom.”

“Sir Luke!” she gasped at his bluntness.

“I’m sorry, Skyelar, but my duty is to you and this kingdom,” he began awkwardly. He cleared his throat, declaring, “Zayden is a commoner. Worse, he is a child with no name, a son with no father, abandoned half-dead on the castle steps and covered in burns.”

Skyelar exhaled loudly, “He’s my friend.”

“He’s your faithful childhood friend, but childhood ends. Adults do as they must, royalty most of all,” he said with barely controlled patience.


They were entering the throne room and found her mother dressed in her finest gown, talking to Justin, the captain of the royal guard.

“You’ve increased security as I requested?” her mother was enquiring.

“Yes, of course, your Majesty. A dozen guards at each entrance, and a company of archers on every wall,” he stated.

Her mother turned to look at her and smiled, “It’s nice to see you indoors for once, my little butterfly.”

Skyelar just shrugged at her mother, jesting, “Where else would a butterfly thrive but indoor?”

Her mother smiled at her statement, “Funny. I trust you’ll be on your best behavior tonight. You just might meet you future husband.”

Justin was doubled over with laughter, “Skyelar, married? Now that, I’d like to see. There are beasts in the mountains you’d have an easier time taming.”

“Now, Skyelar. It’s time for you to get dressed! I had something special made,” the Queen inclined.

“I don’t suppose its armor like the kind Justin has, is it?” she scoffed.

Grinning so that her mouth touched her eyes she exclaimed, “Better. I had one of the finest dressmakers in the five kingdoms work for months on a silver and black gown unmatched in beauty… I can’t wait to see it on you, and I know our guests will be very impressed!

The glorious imprisonment of a Princess, she sighed inwardly. Can I just live a normal life? Filled with adventure? A romance by chance? My luck will never favor me so, why would I even start hoping, she thought. Skyelar went to her bed chamber and donned the dressed. Beautiful it was, black with silver lace adorning it. As she emerged from her room her mother was waiting for her eyes filled with unshed tears and grinning or was she smiling?

Skyelar made a slow turn, “So? What do you think?”

“Is this my daughter?” the queen questioned, pride glowing evidently on her face. “You’ve grown into such an elegant woman. I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

“Thank you, Mother,” Skyelar replied, hugging her mother fiercely.

The queen whispered in her ear, “And I’m sure the young men visiting today will be dumbstruck by the very sight of you.” She withdrew, keeping Skyelar at arm’s length, “I do wish your Aunt Clare was here to advise you. She was always the fashionable one…”

“She hasn’t returned yet?”

“You know my sister, Skyelar. Always being entertained by some dashing gentleman on a foolish adventure. The luxuries of not being Queen.”

Just then Avery, a castle servant approached.

“Your Majesty,” he started with a bow. “The nobles from the four kingdoms have arrived.”

“Already?” Skyelar blurted out.

“Come now, little butterfly.” Her mother linked her arm with hers, gesturing towards the throne room, “You just need to smile and look pretty. I’m the one who has to listen to old King Magnus drone on about his hunting conquests.”

“You think he’s going to tell the story of how he killed a boar with a rusted spoon?”

They reached the grand doors. “He always does. And I’m pretty sure the boar gets bigger and bigger each time. Come.” She said and winked, “Let’s go welcome our guests.”

Servants threw open the grand doors to the throne room. The kings and queens of the four neighboring kingdoms entering, each with a group of courtiers. Her mother takes her hand.

“Remember today, Skyelar. The alliance formed here may stand for a thousand years, even against our common enemy, the Iron Empire.”

“Congratulations Mother,” Skyelar said softly. “This alliance will be your greatest legacy.”

Her mother made a tsk-ing sound, “Nonsense. You are my greatest legacy.”

The first of the royals approached them. Avery cleared his throat to announce them… “May I present King Magnus Kilkern of Ravenshire… and his son and heir, Prince Anlon Kilkern.”

King Magnus bows and kisses her mother’s hand as Prince Anlon bows to her.

“Princess…” Prince Anlon was eyeing her and with a mischievous smile continued, “You’re a vision of loveliness. That dress will surely haunt my dreams for weeks to come.”

“You make me sound like a nightmare,” Skyelar proclaimed unmoved by his charms. Actually she found it quite annoying.

“Trust me, I’ll be looking forward to those dreams. Truly, you’re lovelier than the thousand statues of Ravenshire,” he said huskily.

With much annoyance she replied, “You should see me with a sword. Combats where I truly shine.”

Disbelieve clear on his face, “The peacemakers’ daughter is a warrior? I wouldn’t have believed it.”

“A woman should be able to defend herself, don’t you think?” Skyelar inquired, her eyes narrowed suspiciously.

“A woman of your position and grace should be guarded by a hundred armed men at all times, each sworn to defend her to his dying breath.” He stared at her in puzzlement. He bowed again and stepped aside with his father.

“May I present King Jameel Beaumont, ruler of Northumbria…” Avery spoke in a clear voice for all to hear.

“Queen Scathe.” King Jameel didn’t even bother for the proper greeting, he just stood there.

“And his son, Prince Andrew.” Announced Avery.

Prince Andrew strikes Avery, knocking him to the ground. With a disgusted look on his face he reeled, “bow when you announce us, boy!”

Outraged and without even a second thought Skyelar backhands Prince Andrew so fiercely that her ring cut the flesh of his cheek. Surprised and outraged himself Prince Andrew look at her with murder in his eyes.

“We still honor the old rules in this castle, and even sniveling Princes aren’t above them,” Skyelar responded calmly, rage burning deep within the pit of her stomach.

“How dare you!” came the outburst from Prince Andrew. “Is this the greeting we get from Dragonstead? I’ll see you burn for this, wench!”

Appearing to look embarrassed King Jameel held up his hand to stop a further outburst, “Hold your tongue, Andrew. This is Princess Skyelar.”

“I’m don’t know what’s gotten into my daughter,” the queen apologized. “Skyelar, apologize!”

“I will not,” Skyelar said sternly and turned head slightly to look away from the people she called Barbarians.

King Jameel looked amused, “No need, no need. I like to see a girl who will fight for her people.”

As the other Kings arrive, Skyelar spots a familiar face amongst the assembled crowd, watching from a distance. Her heart skipped a beat. Zayden was watching her, his eyes wandering down her dress.

I’m glad I decided to wear the dress, she thought delightfully.

Queen Scathe addressed the assembled crowd. The entire room fell silent almost instantly.

“For too long, we have fought amongst each other, squabbling over land while our shared enemy abroad grows stronger. Today, we change that. Today, the five kingdoms become one, a clenched fist that will stand strong against all threats. To seal the alliance, please raise a glass with me to a brighter future,” the queen lifts her glass. “For us all!”

The assembled royals cheers! Everyone raised their golden goblets and drank… everyone but King Jameel Beaumont and his son, Prince Andrew.

“Before my father died, burned alive by the Iron Empire, he told me one thing,” King Jameel was speaking now and one and all was gaping in surprise. “Our lands

Will never be safe from them until we are one. One kingdom. One king. There will be no alliance. There will be only my kingdom.”

As King Jameel spoke, Skyelar hears the clank of armor coming down the hall… then the screams of servants.

“How is this possible? The gates are sealed and the bridge is drawn.” The queen asked in disbelief.

“The secret passage into the castle…” Justin proclaimed.

“How? The only people who

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